The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 175 Distortion of Human Nature or Moral Loss

Chapter 175 Distortion of Human Nature or Moral Loss

The reason why Li Beichen let this guy talk nonsense in front of him for so long was because of this idea.

He felt like wanting to change.

The so-called hero Huo Linyuan must be dealt with.

But if he confronts Huo Linyuan directly, he will definitely be unlucky, and this can play Lu Jing, a person who is more licking than he set.

"In fact, the reason why I am so calm is that I want Lan Ni to understand the true face of that guy, and then find a chance to make a move. In this way, I can hit a hit and make Lan Ni completely give up on that guy. If the guy gives up, then I believe, everything will be fine."

God knows how disgusted Li Beichen felt when he said the word "伈'er".

But from Lu Jing's expression, he could tell that his disgust was worth it.

Very worthwhile.

Lu Jing looked at Li Beichen.

He said, why is Li Beichen so quiet this time, he even seems to be a different person, and doesn't care about Lan Ni.

It turns out that the scheming is so deep.

It's a pity, it's a pity that this Li Beichen couldn't control his mouth, and actually said his plan: "Li Beichen, K'er is like this, and if you are still like this, you are not afraid that something will happen to K'er? You are really too much, You are not good enough for me!"

After Lu Jing said this, he walked outside angrily.

After Lu Jing left, Li Beichen felt much cleaner.

This made Li Beichen think of that woman who loves to think wildly.

Compared with this Lu Jing.

That woman is not too noisy.

In the following time, Li Beichen always checked the time frequently and looked out of the French windows.

When it's night.

Li Beichen came to the old house again.

This time Su Nian didn't sleep, but sat on the bed obediently.

"Does it still hurt today?"

Su Nian shook her head.

In fact, Su Nian felt that this guy was just talking casually, but he did not expect that he would actually come.

"Have you washed your feet?" Li Beichen sat on the bed and asked naturally.

Su Nian felt a flock of crows flying above her head.

[Damn, what did this guy's mouth eat, it stinks so much. 】

He took out the medicine and unwrapped the bandage like yesterday.

"Why didn't you answer, didn't you wash it? Didn't you keep saying that you loved me? Didn't you even give me this little respect? Isn't it justified?"

What else could Su Nian do, he could only smile and say, "Bei Chen, what did you say, of course it's washed."

【┭┮﹏┭┮, whether it is the lack of human nature or the loss of morality, I still have to admit whether I have washed my feet. 】

"Really?" Li Beichen continued to provoke.

【What do you mean by licking the dog? Do you want me to swear to God that I really washed my feet? 】

【No, this guy may really do such a thing. 】

[This guy might as well not come here. I sprained my foot, and I feel uncomfortable. This dead licking dog adds fuel to the fire. It's really disgusting. 】

Su Nian didn't want to entangle with this guy here about whether to wash her feet or not, she was afraid that she would lose her mind if she got angry.

This guy purposely stinked his feet to make him sick.

"Bei Chen, I haven't been by your side these days, have you thought about me?" Su Nian quickly changed the topic.

Li Beichen looked at the woman when he heard this.

He knew that Su Nian said this because he didn't want to make fun of her.

But he couldn't look away at the moment.

Seeing Su Nian pretending to be hurt, he said, "No, it should be said, are you used to it? I know I'm asking for shame, but I still want to ask."

(End of this chapter)

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