Chapter 520

At this time, Lan Ni's weak voice sounded: "Bei Chen."

The simple two words made Li Beichen's expression suddenly change.

After all, today is Su Nian's birthday.

An unlucky person like Lan Ni made Li Beichen's anger burst out immediately.

The dream from last night.

Su Nian was almost killed in the delivery room.

If Li Beichen's guess is correct, it must have been written by a woman named Lan Ni.

"My wife is the protagonist today. If you have anything to say, please tell my wife." Li Beichen said coldly.

And Li Beichen spoke loudly.

It immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Su Nian's face was a little unhappy.

[When I don't exist?Just hook up with my man directly. 】

Li Beichen was a little upset at first, and wanted to call the servant to get this Lan Yi out.

But he was successfully pleased by Su Nian's "my man".

It seems that what he said before is still useful.

Su Nian has never been a generous person. She felt that since Li Beichen was eaten by her, it belonged to her. She didn't want to wear a cuckold, so she walked up to Li Beichen again immediately: "Yes, Miss Lan, why are you here?" Just tell me what you want. After all, today is my birthday. If you want to talk to Bei Chen, then you can wait for Bei Chen's birthday. You and Bei Chen have such a good relationship, you can't put me and Bei Chen together. His birthday was mixed up."

"I didn't." Lan Ni said weakly.

Su Nian felt that she might be a vicious female supporting role for a long time, and she really wanted to bully Lan Ni when she saw Lan Ni like this.

And Li Beichen laughed when he saw Su Nian's aggressive posture, and then pulled her into his arms, and then kissed her face: "You stay here with my sister, and see what gift my sister gives you, I will go and see." Is there anything else you should pay attention to after watching the banquet tonight?"

Su Nian nodded obediently.

Such a well-behaved Su Nian made Li Beichen suddenly not want to leave.

Or rather, want to take her away.

But when Li Beichen walked a few steps, Lan Ni's voice sounded: "Beichen, today is also my birthday, have you forgotten? You once said that you would spend every birthday with me."

Li Beichen stopped in his tracks: "Do you want me to abandon my wife and celebrate another woman's birthday? Miss Lan, aren't you afraid of being laughed at if this word spreads?"

After Li Beichen finished speaking, a servant came to Lan Ni immediately.

Without saying a word, he grabbed Lan Ni's arm.

Drag people away.

But during the dragging away, Lan Ni's eyes were all on Li Beichen.

She hoped that Li Beichen could take a look.

Can really take a look.

But Su Nian is not happy, since Lan Ni doesn't want her to celebrate her birthday happily, then of course she has to return it: "Miss Lan, today is my birthday, there are many people staring at this place, all of them are famous People, but fortunately, you don't have to worry, anyway, you are destined not to belong to our class, so even if I throw you out, it doesn't seem to matter."

Lan Ya's expression suddenly changed.

Of course she knew the scale of the birthday party tonight.

It can be said that all the famous people in the city will come, and they will also pay attention to Su Nian's movements.

If I were thrown out on this day...

Then it's over...

Lan Ya subconsciously wanted to struggle.

But of course Li Beichen would not give her a chance to struggle.

 Hey, the art I wrote yesterday was deleted, I feel uncomfortable, you know too much about this review.

(End of this chapter)

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