
Inside the hotel.

All the guests were brightly dressed and exchanged glasses.

After all, the Li family hadn't held such a banquet for a long time, and no one in the city would give face.

In addition to the posture of the Li family today, no one knows that Li Beichen's posture of smiling for the Bomei, if he doesn't give Li Beichen face and disappoint Li Beichen, then maybe he will not have a good life.

Still, people couldn't help but talk.

"This Su Nian is really capable. I didn't expect that she was able to take the position of Madam Li."

"Hey, Su Nian is backed by the old man of the Li family anyway, so it's normal for her to sit firmly, but it's amazing that she can win back Li Beichen's heart in the hands of that Lan Ni. After all, who doesn't know the way women outside seduce men I don't know how many."

Women have a lot of gossip desires.

Even these rich and noble ladies can't control their desire to gossip.

At this time, a noble lady couldn't help but said: "You said, should we find a time to go to Su Nian to learn scriptures, and know how she deals with these women outside who can't get on the sweet water."

"Go, go, do you have a chance to talk to Su Nian? After all, where is his identity, you say this as if he is talking to you."

These words successfully aroused laughter from the surrounding people.

But at this moment, the door of the banquet hall opened.

Everyone stopped talking and looked towards the door subconsciously.

They didn't expect that when they saw 1, it was Su Nian who came in holding Li Jianhong's hand, and Li Beichen followed behind, like a foil.

This let everyone know Su Nian's status.

On an occasion like today, Li Beichen really wanted to hold Su Nian's hand and make his debut.

But unexpectedly, the old man appeared just before he came out, and pushed him away very forcefully.

Not only that, but also very convincingly said: "In the past years, Nian Nian spent my birthday with me. Is it a bit too much for you to take my place this year, and you have formed a habit in previous years. If it changes this year, then definitely It will make the guests not used to it."

When Li Beichen heard this, he couldn't help but say, "Dad, are you looking forward to a good relationship between our husband and wife, or a bad relationship between our husband and wife?"

"What do you mean, I am good to Niannian because I value this person, you say this as if I value you, and you know that you are anxious now, what did you do all those years ago, who You were blind all those years ago, so who can you blame for this?"

Then... Li Beichen lost the qualification to lead Su Nian into the arena.

Li Beichen had no other choice but to obediently become a tool for lifting his wife's skirt.

Seeing the father and son like this, Su Nian didn't say anything, but tried to keep smiling.

When he walked in holding the old man's wrist, the old man used the two of them to be able to hear the voice and talked to Su Nian: "Nian Nian, I know that your relationship is strong now, but this man is still too much for them , you have to be a little threatening."

Of course, the old man did this, and there is a very simple idea,

——Very simply, he didn't want Li Beichen, his son, to have an easy time.

At this time, Su Nian could do nothing but show a cute smile.

But she still took a sneak look at Li Beichen when the old man was not paying attention.

The eyes of the two were able to meet briefly.

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