The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 529 The Simple and Unpretentious Lu Jing

Chapter 529 The Simple and Unpretentious Lu Jing
Li Beichen picked up his coffee cup and took a sip.

He felt that he needed to discuss this issue with Su Nian in private.

Well, that's right, it's just a good discussion.

At this time, Lu Jing's voice sounded: "Hahaha, my good aunt, you have accepted Miss Sun's gift, and you will accept my gift next time. I can guarantee that next time I will give you a gift, It will definitely blind your eyes and make you unforgettable forever."

Lu Jing's words successfully attracted everyone.

It turns out.

This Lu Jing is really... not talking nonsense...

Why do you say so.

It was because Lu Jing sent a sculpture with a scale of one to one.

And it's golden.

Really flashy enough.

Su Nian couldn't help asking: "Don't tell me, this is made of real gold?"

Lu Jing nodded quickly: "My good aunt, you are really smart, you can tell at a glance, this is made of pure gold, and it is made one-to-one according to your physical characteristics. Let me explain to you why I gave this Things, because I think that people have good fortune and misfortune. In case you have something, you can sell this thing directly. In this case, it can save your life at such a critical time. How about it, I am very witty .”

Su Nian: ...

This one is really witty.

But got her this for a birthday present.

Su Nian: Hehe.

She is now a little glad that she didn't open Lu Jing's gift yesterday.

If it was really demolished yesterday, she felt that her good mood for the day would definitely be gone!
At this moment, Lu Jing suddenly looked at Sun Yinger: "Su Nian, if you are not satisfied, then you can't blame me, Miss Sun helped me choose."

Sun Yinger:! ! !

Lu Jing turned into an aggrieved look just like a Sichuan opera changing his face: "I spent a lot of effort trying to find something good for you, so I specially asked Ms. Sun to give me advice. Who knows Ms. Sun But she didn't take my words to heart at all, no matter how I choose, Miss Sun still feels bad, there is no other way, I can only find another way."

Sun Yinger didn't expect that this guy would start to provoke her and Su Nian after his success.

Ha ha.

Sun Yinger looked at Lu Jing with an increasingly gentle expression.

This made Lu Jing a little hairy.

But after Lu Jing thought about it, he didn't talk nonsense, this Sun Yinger was just torturing herself.

He made things difficult for himself on purpose, he didn't want him to give Su Nian something nice, and he even hoped that he would lose face.

But who is Lu Jing?

Notoriously smart.

Just send some directly.

This can also make him appear innocent and unaffected.

Just when Lu Jing was stunned, Su Nian's voice sounded: "Is this pure gold?"

"Pure gold, absolutely pure gold. If you don't believe me, you can bite."

Su Nian was not polite, and just bit her mouth.

Well, it's pure gold.

"Young Master Lu, your taste is really outstanding. If Lan Ni didn't like you, it must be Lan Ni's loss. You are really pure and unpretentious."

[I have always felt that the author of this novel has some brain problems. Now it seems that the author of this novel is still somewhat logical. 】

[After all, with Lu Jing's virtue, even if Lan Ni is blind, he would never fall in love with this guy. 】

[Describing this guy as a straight man is an insult.This guy is purely mentally ill. 】

(End of this chapter)

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