Chapter 530 Lu Jing's Gift

Lu Jing sighed deeply: "I am such a real person. There is no way. There are not many honest people like me in this world."

"If I remember correctly, you also gave your old man a statue last month, and it's still the same size. Besides, why is the bottom half of the statue wearing a suit?" Sun Yinger's casual voice came at this moment.

This made Lu Jing's face change.

At this time, Sun Yinger has already walked in front of the sculpture: "You, this thing, it feels a bit like it. At the same time, your father can take out his gift and let you give it to others. You can do such a worthless thing. Your old man doesn't seem to be able to do it, so..."

Su Nian's eyes lit up immediately.

Lu Jing couldn't have stolen this thing from his father.

The corners of Sun Yinger's mouth curled up slightly, saying bad things about her, hum.

Immediately took out the phone: "I think the birthday gift is very important, if I remember it wrong, then it will be a waste of your heart for Nian Nian, so I think it's good to verify it."

Lu Jing went straight up and grabbed Sun Yinger's hand, and said with a blunt smile: "Ancestor, you are really my ancestor, don't do this, I beg you, if you don't poke my tire, then I will do what you ask me to do in the future, and I promise that I will be honest in the future."

Sun Yinger gave him a bright smile.

Push him away directly: "Nian Nian, it's your birthday, someone cheated on you with his father's birthday present, what should you do?"

Sun Yinger gave Su Nian a look.

Let Su Nian understand.

It's time to give Lu Jing a good knock.

Sun Yinger: "It's such a big birthday thing to fool you, then rounding up is bad intentions, and if it's rounding up again, then it's provocation, oops, provoking you on your birthday, Nian Nian, you have to be careful, if this guy is calculating what should we do."

Su Nian cooperated and changed the expression on his face to anger: "Hehe, Lu Jing, you are really capable now, you actually plotted against me on my birthday, since you are so excessive, then don't blame me You are welcome."

Lu Jing: ...

Although he admits that his brain is not good.

But the word rounding cannot be used here.

Regardless of him, at this time, he had to behave as he should, and immediately put on an extremely pious look: "Auntie, my good auntie, I admit that although this thing came from a wrong way, but what does it mean? , this can show that in my heart, you are more important than my dad. I can give so much, so I really treat you well."

Sun Yinger's voice sounded again: "Then if Niannian and your father fall into the river at the same time, who do you save?"

"Of course save my dear aunt." Lu Jing said subconsciously.

But just after Lu Jing finished speaking, Sun Yinger's voice sounded again: "Uncle Lu, did you hear that? Lu Jing said it himself, I didn't force him."

Lu Jing: ...

Lu Jing looked back at Sun Yinger.

Before he had time to say anything, he heard his old man's furious voice: "Stinky boy, you are getting bolder now, you see I won't deal with you properly."

Lu Jing: "Why do you have my dad's phone number!!!"

Sun Yinger said calmly: "There are only so few people in this city, and this circle is only so big. I wonder if it is difficult?"

 It’s just 3 updates today, it’s not that I’m lazy, it’s because I still haven’t got the chapter about my driving, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so annoying.

  I will compensate everyone by [-] tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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