Chapter 532
No matter how stupid Lan Yi was, she understood that Lu's father was mocking her.

"Dad, how can you talk like that."

"Then tell me, how should I speak to her? Should I kneel down and speak to her? Lu Jing, this Miss Sun and Miss Su are elders whom you recognize, and no one forces you to recognize them, so you You choose it yourself, so you have to listen carefully, this is your own choice." After saying this, Lu's father turned his head and looked at Sun Yinger: "Anyway, I will leave this guy to you, Miss Sun, you Even if you beat this stinky boy to death, it's fine, but at worst, I'll work harder with his mother and make another one."

Sun Yinger is really dumbfounded now.

And every word of Lu's father's words seemed to hit Lan Ni in the face.

It hurt Lan Ni directly.

After that, Father Lu talked here for a long time, and stayed for a long time.

But during the whole process, Lan Ni didn't speak any more.

Or Lu's father didn't give her a chance to speak.

After Lu's father finished speaking, Lan Ni said, "Miss Sun, do you find it interesting that you provoke my relationship with Uncle Lu?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't provoke, and Lu Jing gave Su Nian the birthday present he gave his father last month, which made his father very angry."

This made the angry Lan Ni a little stunned.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

After all, Lu Jing did something wrong...

"Why don't you speak, Lan Yi? Didn't you say that I provoked you? Then you have the opportunity to provoke Uncle Lu."

Lan Yi never thought that this Lu Jing would steal his father's gift and give it to others.

Such a thing is really like what Lu Jing can do.

Sun Yinger walked up to Lu Jing: "Lu Jing, do you really think it's my fault? Did I ask you to steal something and give it to Niannian?"

Lu Jing felt a little embarrassed now.

"Lan Ni, this is also the reason why Uncle Lu asked me to discipline him. Do you have anything to say now?"

Randy wanted to say something.

But the current situation can make Lan Ni say something.

She has no position at all.

There was nothing to say at all.

Lan Ya looked at Lu Jing.

Su Nian has snatched Li Beichen away, so Lu Jing is going to leave too.

Lan Ya wanted to say something, but really had no position to say anything.

Lan Yi could only look at Lu Jing: "Lu Jing, didn't you engage in such a big battle to choose a gift for Su Nian? Why did you end up like this?" When she said this, Lan Ni There was inevitably a bit of resentment in Ni's voice.

"Ji'er, what do you mean? Are you talking about me?" Lu Jing was also a little incredulous when he heard Lan Ni's words: "Ji'er, you have never talked to me like this, you have always been very gentle Yes, what's wrong with you, is it because I'm not Huo Linyuan that you treat me like this?"

Lan Ya: ...

Only at this time did Lan Ya realize that he seemed to have said something wrong.

But this can't be blamed on Lan Ni.

His own tossing things.

Lan Ya wanted to explain a few words.

But Lu Jing yelled directly: "Okay, I understand that no matter what I do, in your eyes, I am wrong. If this is the case, then I will leave." After saying this, Lu Jing walked outside angrily.

But before Lu Jing reached the door, he heard Sun Yinger's slow tone: "If you are a man, just admit that you are ashamed. If you beat around the bush and want to run away, are you still a man?"

Lu Jing: Damn, why is this Sun Yinger so smart, she can see through my clever methods? ? ?

(Author: The witty Young Master Lu really lives up to his reputation.)
(End of this chapter)

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