The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 533 Come, come, hit my nephew in the face

Chapter 533 Come, come, hit my nephew in the face
Lu Jing also had no choice.

The man wishes to lose face in front of the woman he loves.

He wanted to slip away while talking.

Now that Sun Yinger has exposed him, it would be embarrassing to stay, so Lu Jing used his clever brain to weigh the pros and cons briefly before continuing to run away.

Leaving the two women in place.

Sun Yinger felt that Su Nian had something to say.

Even if Lan Yi was blind, he wouldn't fall in love with Lu Jing.

"Sun Yinger, Lu Jing is my most valued friend. I really don't want others to take him away from me."

"Am I blind? I'll take Lu Jing away." Sun Yinger's eyes were full of disgust: "If you like Lu Jing, then you will marry him right now, and you will become Mrs. Lu, and don't worry, no one can stop you looking at you."

Lan Ya: ...

"If you marry, then I will get entangled with Lu Jing. I have made a moral mistake, and then I can be criticized by everyone, so if you have the ability, marry Lu Jing, and I will be criticized by everyone when the time comes."

"You have the ability to marry."

Lan Ni was speechless.

Sun Yinger sneered directly, then turned and left.

Seeing her former rival in love deflated, how could Sun Yinger be in a bad mood.

Just humming and walking forward.

But she didn't expect that Sun Yinger hadn't completely left the Lu family.

Lu Jing who was "angry" just now jumped out of nowhere.

Sun Yinger was really taken aback by being rushed out like this.

Before Sun Yinger could react, Lu Jing grabbed her hand, and said affectionately: "Auntie, my good auntie, teach me how you want to teach me in the future, if I have a little If you disagree, then you will directly make me suffer a terrible death."

Sun Yinger: ...

Soon Sun Yinger understood why this guy was like this.

"You were eavesdropping on my conversation with Lan Ni just now."

Land nodded.

What resentment and displeasure does he still have now?

Hehe, Lu Jing thinks it's so exciting to Lan Li.

Maybe Lan Ni would directly agree to marry him.

The return of the beautiful woman is just around the corner: "Auntie, I was wrong just now, I shouldn't want face, what kind of face do you want for a junior like you, what kind of thought do I have in front of the elders. Come on, aunt, I was angry with you just now, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, come on, come on, hit my nephew in the face."

Sun Yinger: ...

Lu Jing not only said that, but also grabbed Sun Yinger's hand and greeted him on his face.

"How can you be so cheap." Sun Yinger said through gritted teeth.

But Lu Jing didn't feel anything at all: "It's not cheap, it's respect for the elders."

Now Sun Yinger regrets it, really regrets it.

Regret should not follow curiously.

It was also for this reason that Lu Jing was even more attached to Sun Yinger.

It really annoyed Sun Yinger to death.

There is no other way, Sun Yinger can only hide here with Su Nian.

After all, in a sense, Su Nian is Lu Jing's serious aunt.

And Sun Yinger pulled Su Nian to vomit bitterness directly: "Nian Nian, I really regret it now, why couldn't I think about it a few days ago, my brain really went wrong, why did I think of that idea, why I want to sue Lu Jing for being black. What's wrong with my brain, I'm really a little suspicious now, whether I spent too much time with Lu Jing, and then my brain was infected by Lu Jing."

Sun Yinger's state directly made Su Nian laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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