Chapter 644

Su Nian enters early pregnancy symptoms

— sleepy.

And whenever Su Nian was sleepy, Li Beichen would hug her and coax her to sleep.

When Su Nian falls asleep, he will watch over him every step of the way.

Wait for her to wake up.

When Su Nian fell asleep, Li Beichen was not idle either.

Just next to him, he crammed up all kinds of pregnancy knowledge.

Although Li Beichen knew very well that he was cramming for knowledge at this time, it was actually cramming.

There's no way, who would have thought that brat Mo Bao would come so soon.

Didn't give him any time to prepare.

It may be that Li Beichen was too serious and didn't realize that the little girl next to him woke up at some point.

Su Nian looked at the man next to him who was seriously reading a book.

From time to time, I still take notes in the book with a pen.

[When you are pregnant, there is a big difference between having a husband and not having a husband. 】

Li Beichen, who was taking notes, stopped his movements.

[I remember that in my previous life, I was not so leisurely. There were always endless things to do in my previous life. I could only take the time to ask the doctor what I should pay attention to. 】

[By the way, is it because I had a miserable life in my previous life, so I have to start over? 】

Li Beichen frowned slightly.

Since the last time he had a dream, he hadn't had a dream for many days.

He's kind of looking forward to it now.

Looking forward to being able to dream, but also afraid of falling asleep.

Li Beichen took a deep breath, then adjusted his state, put down the book in his hand, and looked at her with a smile on his face: "Are you awake?"

Su Nian yawned: "Yeah."

"Hungry? Would you like something to eat?"

Su Nian shook her head.

"Then I'll take you to wash up."

After saying this, Li Beichen picked him up and walked towards the bathroom.

From the past few days, every day Su Nian was carried to the bathroom by Li Beichen, where she took care of her to wash up.

Of course Su Nian is not used to it: "Beichen, you really don't need to do this. I can really rely on myself now. If you really want to take care of me, then you can wait until the third trimester to take care of me."

"You don't understand this. By eight months, your body will sink in a few months, and you won't be able to avoid any mistakes. If I don't hug you from now on, step by step, by that time, if I hug you suddenly You, what should I do if something goes wrong, so I need to practice slowly now, your weight is increasing every month, so I will slowly become proficient in holding you."

"You have to know that you are energetic now, but it does not mean that you will still be energetic in the later stages of pregnancy."

Su Nian was also stunned when he heard this.

How do you say this?

It does seem to be no problem.

The logic is normal.

"It's all said in the book that you will have edema and cramps during the late pregnancy. Think about it, you will feel uncomfortable at that time, but your husband and I are useless. How good your mood can be."

This reminded Su Nian that she was really uncomfortable in the third trimester of her previous life.

"So, I can only wrong you a little bit, my darling, and wrong you to practice with me."

Su Nian recovered and looked at Li Beichen's face: "Why do I feel like you're fooling me?"


Li Beichen wrung out the towel, and gently wiped her face and hands: "What can I do to fool you now, you have my child in your belly now, and is there anything wrong with what I said?"

After wiping it clean, Li Beichen gently kissed Su Nian on the cheek: "It's not so much that I'm still fooling you, it's better to say that you are getting less and less patient with me now, but I just want you to accompany me to practice. If you want something, you just push and block like this."

(End of this chapter)

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