Chapter 645 Habits are slowly formed~
Although there is a saying that one pregnancy is stupid for three years.

But Su Nian was just one month pregnant.

And as for being stupid so quickly.

"You're running circles with me again!"

Li Beichen picked him up again and carried him back to the bed: "Go around, tell me how I go around with you, and what good is it good for me to go around with you here. And the old man is still eyeing you, wanting to take care of you, if I If you are really playing tricks on you, if you sue the old man a little bit, then I will be forced to leave you. .”

Recently, the old man often complained when he took over the company.

Just like a child.

However, Li Beichen could feel that the old man's complaint was just a joke.

It's not like in his previous life...after he died...he was forced to stand up...with a sad look on his face.

"But I'm not used to it~" After all, Su Nian is an adult.

And from the time Su Nian remembered, she knew that no matter what happened, at any time, the only person she could rely on was herself.

Now like this...

Su Nian is really weird sometimes.

It's so weird, I can't really describe it.

"Habits are formed slowly." Li Beichen paused when he said this: "It's like my habit of kissing you every day. If I don't kiss you now, I will really feel uncomfortable."

Su Nian looked at Li Beichen.

At this moment, he spoke in a coaxing tone.

Su Nian felt that Li Beichen would definitely be a good father.

"Okay, okay, I finally understand, I'm not your opponent at all, I can't beat you no matter what." Su Nian couldn't help muttering.

These words made Li Beichen's lips twitch slightly.

Then she hugged Su Nian and returned to the bed: "Now I wake up, what do you want to do? Do you want to go for a walk, or watch a movie, or just stay in the bedroom like this."

Su Nian is too lazy to move now: "Just stay here, I don't want to move."

"Okay." Li Beichen kissed her forehead and hugged her.

At this moment, Li Beichen could clearly feel the dependence of the woman in his arms on him.

It can be said that she is more and more dependent on herself these days.

But Li Beichen couldn't be happy.

If she is like this after being reborn.

So what was she thinking in her previous life?

In her previous life, she had to endure physical discomfort and face dangerous situations.

When he thought of this, Li Beichen hugged the person in his arms tightly: "What do you want to eat tonight, I'll ask the chef to make it for you."

"I don't know, I've been wanting to sleep lately."

[Mobao in this life seems to be more obedient than in the previous life.The calligraphy in my previous life started to make me uncomfortable at this time, but in this life I just feel sleepy. 】

[In my previous life, I felt uncomfortable when I got a pregnancy test. I still remember it very clearly. At that time, I really didn’t want to eat, but I didn’t have the strength to eat. When the people on the board saw that I was not energetic, they rushed I feel that I am a bully, so I force myself to eat. 】

[It may be that there are not so many things in this life. I just need to raise my baby quietly at home every day, and I don’t need to do anything else. 】

[It may also be that the calligraphy in this life is more caring. 】

At this moment, Su Nian couldn't help but yawned again.

In fact, Su Nian was panicked.

After all, the reaction in this life is different from the reaction in the previous life, but it has come to this point, regardless of whether the killing in the stomach is Mo Bao or not.

All her children.

They are all children connected with her own blood, and it is impossible for her to let anything happen to her children.

 My aunt is here~ I can’t write anymore~ My head is blurred
(End of this chapter)

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