Chapter 659 Lu Jing's Advice

Lu Jing stood in the office.

With a smile all over his face.

At this moment, he really felt that he was extremely smart.

Hang up the phone.

He opened the circle of friends.

But the next moment, Lu Jing's expression changed.

Because Sun Yinger replied in disbelief.

Why don't you believe it, why, why is it like this, he spent so much saliva and said so many good things just now, why is Sun Yinger so uncooperative.

Then Lu Jing hurriedly replied: Really, Aunt Sun, if you really don't believe me, then I can prove it to you. I can prove that I am more affectionate and better than Li Beichen.

But Sun Yinger replied: Hehe~

For a man who wants to be strong all his life, how can this matter be tolerated, it is absolutely absolutely unbearable!

Immediately, Lu Jing walked outside.

He didn't expect to see Lan Li just when he opened the door.

Seeing Lu Jing's anxious face, Lan Yi subconsciously asked, "Lu Jing, what's the matter? Why is your face so ugly? Did something happen?"

"Yes, something happened, and it's a big deal!"

Lan Ni was also obviously shocked by these words, and hurriedly said to Lu Jing: "What happened, your complexion is so bad, if something really happened, tell me, although I don't have much ability, but I will definitely try my best to help you! Take a step back, if I really can't help you with anything, I will be by your side and be your confidant."

This made Lu Jing stop.

Seeing Lu Jing stop, Lan Ni was overjoyed.

You must know that Lan Yi was still anxious about Lu Jing's bias towards Su Nian recently, but now the opportunity is presented to him, and he can just take advantage of this opportunity to let Lu Jing know who in this world cares about him the most.

Then I saw Lu Jing saying angrily: "Just now I left a message on Sun Yinger's WeChat circle of friends, saying that I am more affectionate and better than Li Beichen, but I didn't expect that Sun Yinger would actually laugh at me. What I don't like is being laughed at by others, I have to prove in front of them that I am better than Li Beichen."

Lan Ya: ...

That's it, that's it?
She really can't keep up with Lu Jing's brain circuit.

However, when she saw Lu Jing who was about to continue walking forward, she came back to her senses and quickly grabbed Lu Jing's hand: "Lu Jing, where do you want to go, you are going to find Su Nian and Sun Yinger ?"

Lu Jing: "Well, what's wrong?"

"Then can you take me there? Anyway, I've been brother and sister with Beichen for so many years, and now his wife has a child, if I don't go to congratulate, it's really a bit unreasonable."

Lan Ya is also very clear that going by himself now will definitely make him feel very uncomfortable.

But she just wanted to go.

But Lu Jing looked at Lan Ni with the eyes of a fool: "Ji'er, why are you so stupid, with the relationship between you and Su Nian, Li Beichen might really let you in, and if you impulsively attack Su Nian What should I do." When Lu Jing said this, his face was serious: "Anyway, if I were Su Nian, then I definitely wouldn't want to see you."

Lan Ya: ...

"Baby, you are just too simple, but fortunately you said this in front of me. If you said this in front of others, then maybe they might think you are an idiot."

 Lu Jing: Don't get in the way of me being beaten~
(End of this chapter)

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