The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 660 Good Guy, Logic Is Not So Powerful

These words really almost made Lan Ni gasp.

"Lu Jing, why do you say that. Do you know? I will be very sad if you say that."

Lu Jing fell silent, and his brows furrowed.

Lan Ni, who was already a little aggrieved today, felt even more aggrieved seeing Lu Jing like this.

After seeing Sun Yinger's video, she went to ask Huo Linyuan.

But Huo Linyuan gave her a blank stare and kicked her out.

This really made Lan Ya couldn't help thinking... If... Back then...

At this time, Lu Jing's voice sounded again: "I tried to be tactful before, but you didn't understand and didn't take my words to heart, and you ended up with an accident when you went out and made a joke. I There is no other way~"

"Baby, just like what I said just now, it's fine if you are ashamed in front of me, I only have you in my heart, no matter how embarrassing you are in front of me, then I won't feel anything, but you outsider It’s okay to be ashamed in front of you, what do you mean by being so uncomfortable, don’t I have the right to say this in your heart?”

These words really stopped Lan Ni.

Sun Yinger! ! ! ! ! ! !
take care of? ? ?

Seriously want to kill.

These few words really made Sun Yinger's premonition even stronger.

After Lan Ni finished speaking, Lu Jing immediately beamed with joy: "I was the one who was scared to death, I knew you didn't think so, how can my Ni'er be such a fussy person. Okay, I'm going to hurry now Go find Su Nian and Sun Yinger, and I will leave first."

Prove it with actions.

He, a man who will be strong all his life, must prove himself!

"I don't... think so. With our relationship, of course you can say whatever you want."

Sun Yinger: ... What's wrong with this guy's brain?
"So in the next period of time, I will stay by your side and prove it with actions."

"Aunt Sun, I know that no matter how much I say, you won't be able to believe me, so I decided that from today onwards, I will prove to you that I am also a perfect man, and even better than Li Beichen. "

The cold tone made people feel a little cold all over.

After Lu Jing finished speaking, he strode away.

"It's like the way a boyfriend takes care of his girlfriend. I have to prove that I am better than Li Beichen. I am better than Li Beichen. I am the best man in the world. There is no one like that."

When Lu Jing came in front of Sun Yinger, she suddenly felt a little ominous.

At this moment, Li Beichen's sullen voice sounded: "Young Master Lu's goal is great, I really admire it, but I'm not an idiot either, how could I let such a thing happen."

"I will take care of you, more caring and better than Li Beichen taking care of Su Nian."

Now Sun Yinger really wanted to kill the man in front of her.

Lu Jing turned around.

Just watch Li Beichen unbutton his cuffs and walk towards him.

"You, you, what are you doing! Don't mess around,"

"There is no harm if there is no comparison. If you really do this, then my wife may think that I did not do well, so I will be in a bad mood. You must know that my wife is pregnant. If you are in a bad mood, then It may affect my children, and if it affects my children now, it will be a lifetime thing."

Lu Jing: ...Good guy, this logic is really not so powerful~

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