The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 734 Mo Bao: Didn't he die before I was born?

Chapter 734 Mo Bao: Didn't he die before I was born?
"Sorry." Li Beichen said without changing his face.

Li Jianhong also knew that it was a joke. Su Nian had just given birth, and his body was not yet fully recovered: "Nian Nian, take the child to rest, I am here."

After Li Jianhong finished speaking.

Li Beichen immediately took Su Nian away.

Not polite to the old man at all.

Mo Bao really didn't know what to say at this moment.

Dad, mom, and grandpa are all there.

This dream is really beautiful.

If possible, then Mo Bao really didn't want to wake up.

"Okay, you must be tired after holding Mo Bao for so long, you give him to me." Li Beichen stretched out his hand towards Mo Bao.

"It's not particularly tiring. Anyway, it's not far away, so we'll go back."

"Give it to me. I haven't hugged Mobao tonight. As a father, I miss Mobao too."

And Mo Bao, who thought it was a dream, felt that he finally dreamed of his mother. Of course, he hoped to stay in his mother's arms for a while, even though he had never dreamed of his short-lived father, so he held on tightly. Su Nian.

Seeing Mo Bao's resistance, Li Beichen smiled and said, "Look, you still don't let me hug you. I haven't hugged you for a long time. This guy won't kiss me anymore. So, you still let me hug you." Bar."

After holding Mo Bao from Su Nian's hand, he directly slapped Mo Bao's little butt lightly: "You brat, your father and I haven't hugged you for a long time, just like you."

calligraphy! ! ! ! !

Why does it hurt.

If I am dreaming, why does it hurt.

What the hell is going on with this.

Why does it hurt.

What exactly is going on.

Mo Bao looked around with his eyes in Li Beichen's arms.

It's so real all around.

This dream is really too real.

At this moment, a bold idea suddenly appeared in Mo Bao's heart.

—Is this not a dream?
Ever since Mo Bao knew that the world they lived in was a novel and they were just characters in the novel, in order to find a way to change his fate, he read a lot of books and knew the routines of many novels.

If this is not a dream.

—then what would it be.

—Is it rebirth?

When this idea appeared in Mo Bao's heart.

My heart skipped a beat.

You must know that ever since Mo Bao knew from Su Nian that the world they lived in was a novel, he began to study the routines of various novels, wanting to know the routines of various novels.

Among them is the Rebirth Text.

But it's not right either.

If he was reborn, then why is his short-lived father here.

He didn't die long before he was born.

"Are you done?"

Sun Yinger walked towards them.

"Dad is busy with the things ahead, we come here to be lazy." Su Nian said with a smile.

"If you're lazy, you're lazy. Anyway, the most important thing about this banquet is to let the world know that Mo Bao was born, and how smart and good." Sun Yinger walked up to Li Beichen with a smile, and then bent slightly , holding Mo Bao's hand and gently shaking it: "Mo Bao, Mo Bao."

And Mo Bao was also very depressed looking at the strange woman in front of him.

Judging from the way this woman talked to her mother, they seemed to be familiar with each other.

But Mo Bao had never seen such a friend by his mother's side.

What happened to me, is this world a dream?or reality?
(End of this chapter)

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