The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 735 That World Is Really Cold and Lonely

Chapter 735 That World Is Really Cold and Lonely
"Why doesn't Mo Bao smile at me? I remember that Mo Bao liked to laugh very much in the past."

"Maybe it's because Mo Bao has never seen such a world before, and he was out of spirit at the banquet just now." Su Nian said with a smile.

Sun Yinger also remembered that Mo Bao had never experienced such a thing.

Li Beichen: "I'll go back with the calligraphy, you can talk here." After speaking, he left with the calligraphy in his arms.

The whole thing looks like a dad.

Mo Bao was not happy.

He wants to cherish these moments well.

Cherish the time when you dream about your mother.

He wanted to struggle, but he couldn't struggle.

Subconsciously opened his mouth to call "Mom"

But open your mouth.

"Whoa whoa whoa"


He is a baby now.

Li Beichen carried Mo Bao back to his room.

Then began pouring milk skillfully.

Mo Bao looked at the figure of the man.

Although I still have some doubts in my heart, I want to know what is going on in this world, why it is like this, whether it is rebirth, or traveling to a parallel world, but seeing this figure in front of me at this moment, I can't help but feel the origin.

After Li Beichen tested the water temperature, he held Mo Bao in his arms again: "You brat, I feed you and change your diaper every day, and it's been a long time since I hugged you, and you started to play tricks on me, you Now, Dad, I won’t shave tomorrow, but I will pierce you with my beard.”

Mo Bao looked at the man.

It turned out that this was Dad.

Although it was a scaring word, it made people feel soft-hearted.

From the memory of Mobao.

Neither has a father.

Although he knew very well what his father who died early was, but sometimes he still looked forward to what it would be like if he had a father like other children.

Now... it feels really good.

But when I saw the bottle close to my mouth.

He was slightly embarrassed.

After all, he is still an adult soul.

Doing such a childish thing... is really a bit...

Seeing Mo Bao's refusal to eat, Li Beichen's face suddenly changed.

Since he has been taking care of Mo Bao since he was born, Li Beichen knows Mo Bao's temperament well, and in order to take good care of Mo Bao, he consults a lot of information every day.

So I know that children who don't eat are probably uncomfortable.

And Mo Bao also completely watched the process of the face changing of the father in front of him.

He could feel that his short-lived father in this world really cared about his son.

Well, he reluctantly wronged himself.

Start breastfeeding.

He was about to call the family doctor, so that Li Beichen, who came over, could see his son obediently breastfeeding.

I couldn't help laughing.

"Why do I feel that there is something wrong with you brat today? First you won't let me hug you, and then you won't breastfeed obediently. You started to play against your father just after your first full moon, you brat." Li Beichen said with a smile.

The nursing Mo Bao snorted coldly.

Short-lived father, asking for so much.

"But if you want to make a fuss, you can make a fuss. If you have a temper, you can have a temper. If you are healthy, you are good." When Li Beichen said this, he patted Mo Bao on the back lightly.

Mo Bao was patted in this way.

Soon the eyelids became heavier and heavier.

When Mo Bao realized this, he wanted to support his spirit vigorously.

Thinking about being able to stay in this world for a little longer.

Longer, longer.

He really didn't want to go back to the world where there were no parents, no grandpa, only him.

That world is really cold and lonely.

(End of this chapter)

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