The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 766 Lu Jing: Er, our relationship is far from abandoned

Chapter 766 Lu Jing: Er, our relationship is far from abandoned
After seeing Lan Ni's face clearly, Lu Jing quickly helped him up: "Yi'er, what's wrong with you, why are you here at this time, you're squatting here, it's so dark, our eyes can't be better Impossible to see you."

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

And Zhou Qi next to him was also a little lucky at this time.

Fortunately, this woman has fallen out with her own president now. If it had been in the past, according to Li Beichen's care for Lan Ni, he would definitely be dead.

Fortunately, fortunately.

Lan Ni now really feels pain all over her body. After hearing this, her eyes filled with tears: "Did you really not do it on purpose? Do you know? When I was kicked to the ground just now , what was my first reaction."

"What?" Lu Jing asked subconsciously.

Lan Ya didn't answer right away, but seemed to be preparing for a lot of courage.

Lu Jing didn't say anything, and waited patiently by the side.

After about 3 minutes, Lan Ni finally spoke: "I thought you abandoned me and didn't want me anymore, I thought."

But unexpectedly, when Lu Jing heard this, he shook his head, and said with a serious face: "Er, you—you can't say that, the word abandonment is wrong for us, after all, the word abandonment is generally Use a stable intimate relationship, and we don't seem to have any intimate relationship."

Lan Ya: ...

Zhou Qi next to him: ...

As a man, Zhou Qi felt that Lu Jing was very straight.

If I were Lan Ni, I would definitely not agree to this Lu Jing.

If Lu Jing knew what Zhou Qi was thinking at this time, he would definitely smile with disdain.

He said this obviously to remind Lan Ni, to remind her to establish a relationship with himself, and only by establishing a relationship can there be...

Hehe, that's right, Lu Jing is so smart and witty.

After hearing this, Lan Ya didn't know what to say.

This... Why did Lu Jing suddenly sharpen his mouth.

She remembered that Lu Jing was not like this before.

It was a little embarrassing for a while.

But at this moment, Lan Ni realized that Lu Jing's face was bruised and swollen.

"Lu Jing, what's wrong with your face, what's wrong with your face, who hit you, aren't you with Su Nian and the others today? Could it be Su Nian..." When Lan Ni said this, I was instantly happy.

It would be great if Su Nian and the others really attacked Lu Jing.

She didn't believe that Lu Jing still couldn't see Su Nian's true colors.

At this moment, Zhou Qi's voice sounded: "Miss Lan, don't talk nonsense. I called this. What does it have to do with my wife?"

This voice... Lan Ni's heart skipped a beat.

She turned her head silently.

Then I saw Zhou Qi.

"Zhou Qi, why are you here?" Lan Ni's face was slightly embarrassed.

Zhou Qi spread his hands helplessly: "I've been here all the time, but Miss Lan, your eyes can't hold a small person like me, and you can't see me at all."

After hearing this, Lan Yi quickly explained: "Zhou Qi, no, no, I definitely didn't think so, I just just now..."

Lan Ni knows better than anyone else that this Zhou Qi has a temperament of vengeance. She has seen this guy take revenge on someone who offended him, and he is very ruthless.

She was not afraid of Li Beichen before, but now...

(End of this chapter)

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