The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 767 He Must Let Lan Ni Know That Lu Jing Is The Man She Can't Get

Chapter 767 He Must Let Lan Ni Know That Lu Jing Is The Man She Can't Get

"Because my wife thinks that Young Master Lu has started to grow his brain today, so she wanted me to loosen the soil for Young Master Lu. What's the matter, Miss Lan, do you have any opinions?"

When Lan Ni heard this, she clenched her hands subconsciously.

To know Mrs. Li's position, it used to be within her reach.

Man, it's such a bitch.

Seeing things that belonged to her being taken away by others, even if she didn't like that thing at all, she didn't even want it at all.

And at this time, Zhou Qi's voice sounded again: "By the way, Miss Lan, you used to have the opportunity to be my wife. It's really a pity. After all, as a man, I feel that my boss Li He is a good man who is one in a million, why don't you like him?"

"Is it because I'm a man, our aesthetics, our understanding are different?" Zhou Qi shook his head while saying this.

That's right, Zhou Qi just sprinkled salt on Lan Ni's wound.

No way, there may be no one in this world who can refuse to add insult to injury.

Although it is indeed a bit immoral, but sometimes, if you completely abandon morality, you will have a very happy life.

very happy.

Anyway, Zhou Qi can be sure that Li Beichen will definitely not look back.

Lan Yu's face became more and more ugly: "Zhou Qi, what do you mean by saying this? Did Bei Chen ask you to come and say this in front of me? Bei Chen..."

"Why did President Li ask me to come in front of you and say this?" Zhou Qi interrupted Lan Ni again without hesitation: "Do you mean that President Li asked me to come in front of you and say this to arouse Your attention, making you jealous for him, or something.

But, you never cared about my boss Li, if my boss Li really did this, wouldn't it be a joke? "

These words really made Lan Ni speechless.

"Okay, Young Master Lu, I've sent you here. I've almost finished what I need to say, so I'll go first." Zhou Qi turned around and left after saying this.

And Lu Jing waved goodbye very enthusiastically: "Okay, we agreed before, when I find a suitable time, I will treat you to dinner, you can definitely come, you must give me face, if you don't give me In terms of saving face, then..."

"Young Master Lu, what are you talking about? What kind of person are you, what kind of person am I? If you don't go to treat me, isn't there something wrong with my brain? Don't worry, I will definitely go." When Zhou Qi said this, he waved his hand.

Lu Jing smiled when he saw it.

During the whole process, it was as if Lan Li beside him didn't exist.

Also really embarrassing.

However, Lan Li still felt that he had to do something.

One must know that the reason why she came here was all because Huo Linyuan found out that Lu Jing did the most recent things.

God knows how she felt when she heard the news.

Why, why is this happening.

"Lu Jing" Lan Ni called out.

In fact, Lu Jing has been waiting for Lan Ya to shout.

After all, now he has to put on airs and let this Lan Ni understand that he, Lu Jing, is also a man she can't get.

Lu Jing turned back expressionlessly: "What's the matter, Lan Yi."

During this period of time, he made up for a lot of idol dramas overnight, just to imitate the domineering president in TV.

(End of this chapter)

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