The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 776 Is Lu Jing set up as a domineering president?

Chapter 776 Is Lu Jing set up as a domineering president?

Lu Jing didn't expect it to be so heavy.

Unexpectedly, the princess hug was unsuccessful.

"What, you just pretend that the scene just now didn't happen, nothing happened, you didn't see anything."

Then try again.


Su Nian was a little puzzled when she saw this picture.

Is the setting of this guy really a domineering president?
Does the author have any misunderstandings about the domineering president?

What was in the author's mind? He actually thought that a domineering president would look like this.

Su Nian didn't know what Lan Ni was thinking now, but she really couldn't stand it anymore, and then coughed lightly: "Well, you just give up, after all, you are like this, don't you I'm not afraid of throwing Lanya out of the way."

"Auntie, what do you mean by that? Do you look down on me? You must know that I am a man. The accident just now was an accident. I will definitely prove myself."

When Su Nian heard this, he just hehehe.

But at this moment, she was suddenly hugged from behind.

When Su Nian came back to his senses, he found that he had been hugged by Li Beichen.

"Are you all right, how are you?"

Li Beichen rushed over as soon as he heard the news.

At the same time, I thought a lot in my mind.

When Su Nian first started the company, Li Beichen had considered safety issues, so when he asked Zhou Qi to find a place, the first consideration was safety.

"It's okay, it's okay." Li Beichen didn't forget to comfort him when he spoke.

This made Lu Jing on the side a little embarrassed.

Depend on!Even if it's a slap in the face, it needs to be like this.

Lu Jing tried again, but...

Su Nian saw Lu Jing's appearance of almost suffocating his shit again, so he couldn't help but say, "Lu Jing, you'd better give up, don't waste time like this."

Sure enough, after Su Nian finished speaking, Lu Jing fell down again.

Just at this time, Sun Yinger came back.

see this scene.

"What happened again, Lu Jing, what are you messing with?"

"What can I toss, what do you mean by that..."

When they were arguing, Li Beichen strode away with Su Nian in his arms.

"Actually, I'm fine, really fine." Su Nian couldn't help but say.

After Su Nian finished speaking

It was obvious that Li Beichen was hugging her harder.

But the more Li Beichen looked like this, Su Nian felt a little weird.

"You look like I'm a child, shouldn't you hug me and shake me gently, just like coaxing Mo Bao?"

Originally, Su Nian was just talking casually.

Unexpectedly, after saying this, Li Beichen really shook it gently: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here."

【Hahaha, this guy really treats me like a child. 】

[I am not a child. 】

Just when Su Nian was complaining.

Sun Yinger and the others also came out.

... To be precise, it was Sun Yinger who came out with Lan Ni in her arms, and Lu Jing followed behind with a bad face.

Su Nian really didn't know what to say.

At this moment, Sun Yinger is broken.

She never dreamed that she would hug her former rival in love one day.

When Lan Yi put it down and was sure that Su Nian was safe, she directly cursed at Lu Jing: "Lu Jing, can you have one aspect, just one aspect that is useful, a little bit."

Lu Jing is really aggrieved now.

He didn't expect that he would be such a weak chicken.

(End of this chapter)

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