Chapter 777 Sun Yinger's Murderous Eyes

"Just like you, only a blind woman can fall in love with you." Sun Yinger gritted her teeth when she said this.

Although Sun Yinger knew very well that as the person in charge of this company, she had a lot of things to deal with.

But Sun Yinger still wanted to feel that she had to scold this guy bloody before dealing with other things.

This guy is really amazing.

If she were Lan Ya, she wouldn't have taken a fancy to this guy.

Even if you are blind, you won't look at this guy.

Lu Jing was really wronged. He also has eight-pack abs and exercises regularly. What's going on today? Why can't even a weak woman like Er be hugged.

Is he so weak?

At this moment, Lu Jing suddenly had a bold idea.

Immediately walked in front of Sun Yinger.

Sun Yinger, who was full of anger, was stunned when she saw the man approaching.

And suddenly have a bad feeling.

"What do you want to do."

After Sun Yinger finished speaking, Lu Jing acted.

Lu Jing reached out and hugged Sun Yinger horizontally.

Su Nian, who was being hugged by Li Beichen, felt his heart tighten when he saw this.

What if Lu Jing fell Sun Yinger?


Not only did Lu Jing not fall Sun Yinger, but it was very easy to hold her, and he could even turn around in circles.

"Hahaha, let me just say that I'm not a weak chicken. My young master has eight-pack abs. How could a standard perfect figure be a weak chicken?"

Lu Jing is very happy now.

But someone is upset.

after all……

Su Nian beside him suddenly realized.

[Oh~ Is there a setting in this world where only the male protagonist can hug the female protagonist? 】

[This setting... is really not an ordinary brain-dead... The author probably couldn't think of such a setting without having a cerebral thrombosis for ten years. 】

Li Beichen: ...

He also thinks this setting is a bit ridiculous.

"Put me down!" Sun Yinger said through gritted teeth.

When Lu Jing heard this, he shuddered subconsciously, and immediately put him down.

Seeing her sister like this, Su Nian felt that she was full of anger.

Lu Jing also realized that Sun Yinger was a little too angry at the moment, so much so that it was a little too much...

He swallowed silently, wanting to say something to ease the current atmosphere.

But when Lu Jing spoke, he saw Sun Yinger take out her phone, as if she was checking something.

Seeing such behavior, Lu Jing asked curiously, "Aunt Sun, what are you doing?"

"I'm checking the criminal law on my mobile phone."

Lu Jing: ...

"I'm restraining my thoughts of killing you. After all, I'm still so young. If I kill you now, then my great youth will be over. No, I can't let this happen! And because of you, I'm so miserable It's not worth spending your life in prison." Sun Yinger could almost say that she was gritting her teeth.

After hearing this, Lu Jing silently stepped back a few steps, keeping his body away from Sun Yinger.

But when he saw Sun Yinger like this, he couldn't help but said: "Actually...if the relationship is in place, might not have to go to jail..."

After Lu Jing finished speaking, Sun Yinger looked directly at him.

Su Nian next to him: ...

There was murderous intent in his eyes.

Even Lu Jing felt that Sun Yinger's eyes were glowing red at this moment.

That kind of TV series, the kind of red eyes in the movie.

 I also feel that I wrote it crookedly, Lu Jing wrote it like a little wife, tsk tsk tsk, the picture is so beautiful

(End of this chapter)

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