The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 787 Lu Jing is getting more and more stupid

Chapter 787 Lu Jing is getting more and more stupid
Lu Jing's face suddenly became ugly.

One must know that Lu Jing's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but now his face is so ugly, so can Lu Jing's face still be seen now?

"Do you still want to rely on us?" Su Nian looked at with casual eyes.

Lu Jing quickly shook his head: "I was wrong, I was really wrong, how could I be so bold, and still rely on you, auntie, really wrong, auntie, please give me another chance, okay?"

Su Nian didn't say anything, just looked at him indifferently.

But Su Nian's eyes made Lu Jing even more flustered.


"Okay, it's good to know you're wrong, just speak normally, don't be like this, are you trying your best to get Lanya? Can Lanya like you? Can you show a little manliness? .”

Lu Jing straightened up when he heard this.

"What we women want is very simple, that is, we want a man to rely on. You don't have any masculinity, how can people feel that you can rely on. Go out and think about it."

Seeing Su Nian's serious look, Lu Jing could only leave in despair.

And Sun Yinger smiled when she saw Lu Jing's back.

"Go ahead and read, I'll go and have a look at Lu Jing. After all, although Lu Jing wants to rely on us and fish in troubled waters, he can't hurt us, and he can't be too cruel. It is our virtue to love the weak. "

That's right, as soon as Lu Jing came in, she guessed what Lu Jing meant.

There is no other way, as long as you get in touch with Lu Jing, you don't need to guess what Lu Jing is thinking.

Lu Jing almost wrote his thoughts on his face.

And Lu Jing who was driven out was like a puppy driven out by his master.

He didn't know why, why he didn't have the ability to coax women, if he had a little bit of ability, then it wouldn't be like this.

But now Lu Jing really doesn't know what to do, he has done so much, Lan Ni didn't even come to him.

Now Lu Jing really regrets it a bit. If he had known this was the case, then he would have gone all out and ruthless at the beginning, then he might not have been like this.

Maybe they can embrace the beauty now.

But who made Su Nian and Sun Yinger so interesting.

"Are you scolding me and Niannian in your heart?" At this moment, Sun Yinger suddenly called out.

"Crap, do I have the guts?" Lu Jing couldn't help muttering.

After muttering, Lu Jing raised his head directly, and when he saw Sun Yinger, he immediately stood up straight: "Really, really not, I really don't have the guts, and Aunt Sun, you appeared so suddenly."

"Do you know? It's scary for you to appear so suddenly and speak in my ear. If you really scare me out of something, what should I do?"

Sun Yinger: "Do you want to rely on me again?"

"How can it be said that I depend on you? I'm clearly talking about serious things. Aunt Sun, it's okay for you to talk to me now, but if you talk to others and make others angry, it will definitely cause trouble for you, Aunt Sun." , I think Aunt Sun, you definitely don't want to be that kind of troublesome person."

Sun Yinger looked at this chattering man.

Recently, this guy doesn't know where he learned the methods of a domineering president, and he wants to get Lan Ya. does Sun Yinger feel?

If it's really about idol dramas, Lu Jing might be the idiot in the entire idol drama.

When this idea came up, why did Sun Yinger feel more and more similar, really super similar.

(End of this chapter)

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