Chapter 788

The word silly, white and sweet has always been used to describe women.

It is now used to describe Lu Jing.

It's really a bit inconsistent.

Being stared at by Sun Yinger, Lu Jing felt a little nervous for no reason: "Aunt Sun, you look at me like that."

"We understand what you mean. Don't you just know that Huo Linyuan reopened a clothing company and that he wants to deal with us? You came here just to fish in troubled waters. In fact, you can really say it clearly."

Lu Jing paused: "But Aunt Sun, if I say it directly, it won't appear that I think you are stupid."

Sun Ying:? ? ?
"Are you sure you will be used by me? I know you can see it, but I think the procedures that should be followed should be followed, which will benefit both of us."

After Sun Yinger heard this, the way she looked at Lu Jing changed.

Is it an illusion or something.

She actually thought this guy was a little witty.

This made Sun Yinger couldn't help but close her eyes, and then opened her eyes to look again.

Make sure you don't get dizzy.

But when Lu Jing saw her like this, he immediately lost his composure: "What do you mean, why do you look at me like this? I'm really smart, but sometimes I don't show it."

Sun Yinger: ...

It is said that wealth should not be exposed, so there is no reason why IQ should not be exposed!

This logic... really awesome.

"However, let's open the skylight and speak honestly. You also know what I want. If this is the case, then Aunt Sun and Auntie are really considering cooperating with me. I won't be disobedient." When Lu Jing said this, he raised his palms as a sign of assurance.

Sun Yinger smiled when she saw him like this.

It's okay to agree. With Lu Jing's brain, it's impossible to calculate even if he wants to.

So Sun Yinger nodded.

After seeing Sun Yinger nodding, Lu Jing was so happy that he was about to fly up: "That's great, it's really beautiful. I didn't expect Aunt Sun to be so good. You are really my real aunt." Saying this When she was in bed, she reached out subconsciously, as if she wanted to hug Sun Yinger.

But Sun Yinger saw him like this and immediately stopped him: "Don't, don't touch your hands. If you have anything to say, you can say it well. If you really don't want to say it, then I don't mind letting Zhou Qi do it again." teach you."

When he heard this, Lu Jing immediately withdrew his hand and stood obediently.

At this moment, Lu Jing's cell phone rang.

Lu Jing took out his mobile phone, and when he saw the name on the phone, his eyes lit up: "Ji'er, Ji'er finally called me, look, Aunt Sun, Ji'er called me, can she bear it?" I can't do it anymore, so I have to bow to me, if this is the case, then can I embrace the beautiful woman?"

Sun Yinger saw Lu Jing so excited.

She is really envious of Lan Ya now.

I envy her that there is such a person who loves her, even though Lu Jing's mind is not particularly good, but... His love is sincere.

Lu Jing sorted out his emotions and cleared his throat.

The purpose of doing this is to make his voice louder and colder, so that he can appear more ruthless on the phone.

After answering the call, Lu Jing frowned after hearing the words on the other side of the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Jing looked at Sun Yinger anxiously: "Auntie Sun, Ni'er asked me to go over, saying that she had something very important to ask me, so I'll go first."

After saying this, he left directly, and there was no time for Sun Yinger to respond.

(End of this chapter)

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