Chapter 790

Originally, Sun Yinger thought she would sit for a while.

Lu Jing could confide in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Lu Jing remained silent for so long this time.

Even Sun Yinger was sleepy.

She yawned, feeling that there was no way to waste time here.

"What happened to you, tell me. If you don't tell me, how can I comfort you? If you really don't want my comfort, I will leave, and I won't be here with you." You're wasting your time."

But Lu Jing still didn't respond.

There was no way, Sun Yinger stood up, looking like she wanted to walk outside.

But when Sun Yinger took a few steps, Lu Jing's voice finally sounded: "Lan Ni wants to introduce a girlfriend to me."

These words made Sun Yinger turn her head and look at Lu Jing in disbelief.

What does Lu Jing mean by this? What does it mean to introduce him to a girlfriend?

But on second thought.

After introducing Lu Jing to his girlfriend, he won't pester her anymore.

If Sun Yinger's guess is correct, the girlfriend that Lan Ni introduced to Lu Jing should be a woman Lan Ni knows, and it can even be said that she is a woman under his control.

"She also wants you to be happy and wants you to be happy." Sun Yinger couldn't help being relieved seeing Lu Jing like this.

"Happy and happy, I've acted so bluntly, I don't believe it, she can't see my heart." After saying this, Lu Jing picked up the bottle and took a sip of wine: "I really do Crazy in love, but can't help but be humiliated by her."

Humiliation, this made Sun Yinger a little curious.

How could this introduction of a girlfriend involve humiliation?

Just when Sun Yinger was puzzled, Lu Jing's voice sounded again: "She actually introduced her best friend Yang Jing to me. Don't I know what Yang Jing and her father did? Let's not say that Yang Jing and I have nothing. Maybe, even if I was really blind and fell in love with Yang Jing, three generations of political censors, my child might not be able to take the civil service exam."

Sun Yinger: ...

She found that she really couldn't keep up with Lu Jing's thinking.

How did it get involved in the examination of the public?

Not to mention anything else, it is Lu Jing's child, who is not the future heir of the Lu family, is it useful?
"What, there are no fragrant grass anywhere in the world." Sun Yinger thought about it, but could only think of this sentence to comfort Lu Jing.

"I know you despise me for being stupid, despise me for being stupid, and don't like me very much, but why do you treat me like this, why?"

Seeing Lu Jing like this, Sun Yinger was a little moved, um, just a little bit, a little bit.

Then he cleared his throat: "Well, if you... I mean if... If you are a little more reliable in normal times, then I don't have to dislike you."

When Lu Jing heard this, the expression on his face suddenly turned into grievance: "Why do you call it reliable, why am I not reliable, Aunt Sun, you can't say that."

After hearing this, Sun Yinger didn't speak, just sneered a few times, and just looked at him like this.

This expression made Lu Jing even more aggrieved: "Is there no one in this world who doesn't dislike me? I'm just unreliable occasionally, but I'm really reliable a lot of the time."

Sun Yinger smiled politely.

"Okay, I promise you."

Sun Yinger couldn't help it at last, and burst out laughing directly: "You actually asked a good question. There is no one who dislikes you in this world. How do you look at it? We dislike you, but just casually talk about it." If you really dislike you in your heart, then it is not dislike, but disgust."

(End of this chapter)

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