Chapter 791

"We dislike you, we clearly dislike you, and you are very happy to be with me, right? It's not uncomfortable."

Lu Jing nodded when he heard this: "You are right, although you two despise me, it is indeed very happy to be by your side, but if you don't let Zhou Qi hit me, then It's the best." At this point, Lu Jing touched his face with his hands: "Look at my face, my handsome face."

Sun Yinger looked at Lu Jing recovering... She now thinks that this guy's emo is pretty good.

"Okay, I promise you, I can dislike you less in the future, and at the same time, I can tell Nian Nian to make her dislike you less." But Sun Yinger reluctantly said this.

After saying this, he got up and planned to walk outside.

Seeing Sun Yinger leaving, Lu Jing hurried to catch up: "Let's be less disgusted, why just a little, why not more, Aunt Sun, don't be so stingy, okay?"

But Sun Yinger didn't intend to stop.

But when he walked to the door, he saw Lan Ya coming in head-on.

Sun Yinger was very calm.

But Lan Ya's face immediately changed.

"Aunt Sun, did you hear me? Just a little more, just a little more. After all, I was beaten like this by Zhou Qi. As my aunt, you can't feel sorry for me a little bit. One point, if you don't agree to me, then I will really show you."

Lan Ya listened to these words.

Sun Yinger, what did she say to Lu Jing again.

She finally thought of this way: "Miss Sun, what did you say to Lu Jing?"

When Lan Ya said this, he almost printed the words "what did you say to provoke our relationship" directly on his forehead.

"What did I say, Lan Ya, what do you think I said to him?"

Lan Yi looked directly at Lu Jing, and looked at him earnestly: "Lu Jing, our relationship for so many years is here, I can say that anyone in this world can lie to you, but I alone can't , Yang Jing is really a good girl, I have known her for so many years, and I know her well."

"You know what I want, but you use others to prevaricate me." When Lu Jing said this, he sneered: "What Aunt Sun said just now makes sense. She and Aunt also despise me, but they But it's better to dislike it openly than to dislike it in your heart."

"No, I didn't..."

"Whether you have it or not, our relationship ends here. I'm serious this time. After all, they all dislike me. Why don't I choose someone who clearly dislikes me."

This time Lu Jing was really angry.

He can accept that Lan Ya doesn't love him, can accept the fact that he is a spare tire, and even licks dogs, but he really can't accept that Lan Ya casually gives himself to others in order to get rid of himself.

He really didn't know what he was in Lan Na's eyes, was he a toy?then what!
After saying this, he directly took Sun Yinger's hand and walked forward.

You must know that introducing Yang Jing to Lu Jing was a way she had thought about for a long time. She thought that this would change everything, but she didn't expect this to happen, so she hurried forward: "Lu Jing, I really don't dislike you. I know, you have always been the most important person in my heart, and it's only because I have Lin Yuan in my heart that I can't hold others."

But this time, no matter what Lan Ya said, Lu Jing didn't intend to stop.

(End of this chapter)

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