Chapter 794 Think About What Love Is

When Su Nian woke up.

She looked up at the man.

Look at the man's face.

She thought that when he was in love, his voice was full of love.

Get her a little obsessed.

But after getting out of lust, Su Nian thought of what Li Beichen said at that time, and at the same time was curious about what love is.

She remembered that there was a line in the Hong Kong version of Journey to the West that was

——Ask what love is in the world, and teach life and death.

Does love really have that kind of magic?

So is Li Beichen's love real?

Su Nian thought of Li Beichen's eyes when he said love every time, that burning eyes could not be ignored.

But what is love.

But when he realized it, Su Nian wanted to laugh a little.

After all, the most important thing in a novel about Mary Su is love, and I am actually thinking about what love is in such a novel about Mary Su, isn’t this ridiculous enough?
It's even a complete waste of so-called time.

When thinking of this, Su Nian couldn't help but yawned.

Rubbed against Li Beichen's chest.

Then he closed his eyes again.

When she closed her eyes, the eyelashes of the man holding her trembled slightly.

That's right, he heard all of Su Nian's thinking just now.

She began to think about what love is.

Regarding this, Li Beichen knew it was a good sign, but he still felt a little uncomfortable.

In fact, he has always known that Su Nian only regards himself as her husband.

Those lingering, those loving, just because he is her husband.

Even... If her husband was someone else, she would be like this.

Li Beichen knew very well that he thought this way, and he was just making himself uncomfortable.


But he couldn't restrain his greed.

I want her to be able to love herself.

Just like that, Li Beichen hugged Su Nian.

until the alarm clock goes off.

Only then did Li Beichen come back to his senses.

He subconsciously wanted to reach out and turn off the alarm clock.

But before he could turn it off, the little woman in his arms had already moved.

She stretched.

"Don't set an alarm clock in the future." Li Beichen kissed the corner of her lips: "I'll just wake you up."

But when Su Nian heard this, he glared fiercely: "Will you wake me up if you wake me up? At the beginning, you also said similar things, but I wake up at ten o'clock every time I wake up." Well, I didn't go that morning at all, and fortunately I didn't have any important things to do, if I had any important things to do, it would be delayed."

Li Beichen touched his nose when he heard this, feeling a little guilty.

"You just started going to the company during that time. I don't think you have taken over many important things, so I didn't call you."

Su Nian, who was getting up, stopped when she heard this, and then looked at Li Beichen with unfriendly eyes: "What do you mean by that, do you think women should take care of their children at home and not go out to work, that's why it's like this. "

Li Beichen quickly shook his head: "I don't know what other men think, but it's impossible for me to think so, even for me, I hope you can go to work instead of raising children at home, after all, if you get along with Mo Bao It's been too long, and he's getting heavier and heavier in your heart, so my status is getting worse and worse, so I'd better go to work."

Su Nian was stunned when he heard this.

She really didn't expect Li Beichen to have such an idea.

(End of this chapter)

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