The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 795 Mo Bao: Why did I expect this in my previous life

Chapter 795 Mo Bao: Why did I expect this in my previous life
"Do you even eat your son's vinegar?"

But I didn't expect that Li Beichen shook his head very seriously: "It's not that he is jealous of his son, but a matter of principle. After all, legally speaking, my spouse should be in front of his child."

Although Li Beichen was very clear in his heart.

Compared with Mo Bao, I have less time to get along with him for the rest of my life.

So what, I have personally taken care of Mo Bao in my life.

He will always rely more on himself.

Just when Li Beichen thought of this, there was a knock on the door.

The small voice sounds like Mo Bao's.

This made him want to say more sweet words to confuse this little woman's heart.

Su Nian went to open the door.

"Good morning Mobao."

But Mo Bao didn't mean to talk to Su Nian, but went directly towards Li Beichen.

Li Beichen came back to his senses, and raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw Mo Bao coming towards him.

It seems that this son has no vaginal discharge.

I didn't accompany him all night last night, so I couldn't wait to come to find myself this morning.

Li Beichen got out of bed immediately, planning to hug Mo Bao.

But before he touched Mo Bao, he was directly hit on the head by a toy.

Su Nian was a little puzzled at first, wondering why Mo Bao went after his father today.

Happy to see this picture.

"It seems that our calligraphy is angry."

Mo Bao immediately turned to look at his mother, his little face was full of grievances: "Mom~ Mom hug~"

These words really melted Su Nian's heart.

Hug it immediately.

"Mom, no, Dad~"

Su Nian laughed when she heard this: "What do you mean, you don't want to play with Dad?"

Mo Bao nodded.

Mo Bao can understand his father, after all, he was a man in his previous life.

But being a father has benefits, so it's not too much for his son to get some benefits.

For example, today's mother belongs to herself!
Go to work with mom.

Well, Mo Bao thinks it's fair.

"Okay, don't be with Dad, but with Mom, don't be angry, Mo Bao is the most obedient, don't be angry."

Mo Bao hugged her tightly, not letting go.

He just wanted his mother to know how angry he was.

And what else could Li Beichen do, he could only walk to the two of them with a smile: "Mo Bao, come and give me a hug from Dad."

Mo Bao didn't want to talk to him.

Anyway, he didn't want to follow this father today.

Before, he really wanted to enjoy the paternal love that he didn't have in his previous life, but!After enjoying it for so long, it is almost enough, he needs to enjoy maternal love!

"Father knows that you are unhappy, but Mo Bao, you have to know that you have grown up now, and you are still a boy, and a boy should be strong."

Su Nian: ...


Mo Bao really wanted to slap this guy flying if he could.

Is this the father he was looking forward to in his previous life?
Mo Bao really regretted it now.

I regret why I expected this product in my previous life.

What does it mean to be a boy, what does it mean to be strong, when I wanted to hear myself call him "Dad" before, I used all kinds of coaxing, but now that I succeed, I just turn my face and deny him.

Really angry.

Now Mo Bao doesn't talk too much, but Su Nian does.

Su Nian cast a reproachful glance at Li Beichen: "How can you say that as a father? He is less than one year old, and you were not like this a few days ago."

But Li Beichen said very confidently: "A man should be able to bend and stretch, and our calligraphy is much smarter than ordinary children."

(End of this chapter)

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