The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 804 I feel that some things should be cultivated from an early age

Chapter 804 I feel that some things should be cultivated from an early age

"Beichen, look, look at how powerful our calligraphy is. Now I really think that our calligraphy can be said to be the smartest child in the world." Every mother will be very happy to see that her child is a little bit outstanding happy.

And Mobao is so good.

Li Beichen echoed with a smile: "Yes, how could our children not be outstanding."

These words made Mo Bao snort arrogantly.

That's right, his calligraphy is so powerful and excellent.

"I walked over with him in my arms, but I didn't realize that he was holding a rose in his hand. This little guy is really good."

The more Mo Bao listened to this, the happier he was.

As a father, he failed in planting flowers and bought flowers to make up the number. Why can't he take credit for his own son.

As a child, how could he be so narrow-minded.

Su Nian teased the child with the flower: "Mo Bao, can you tell mom why you chose this flower? Is it because this flower is the most beautiful? Then, Mo Bao, can you tell mom why this flower is the most beautiful?" pretty."


"Anyway, Mom thinks this flower is the most beautiful. It may be the most beautiful flower Mom has ever received. Mo Bao is so good. He actually gave Mom the most beautiful flower. Mom is really happy now."

Originally, this was a casual word to coax a child.

The purpose is to stimulate children's desire to speak more, so that Mo Bao can learn more words.

But this made Li Beichen behind him couldn't help laughing bitterly.

He looked at the rose in his hand.

Such a big rose, no matter how I feel, it can't compare to Mo Bao's rose.

But what can I do, I can only follow behind their mother and son with a wry smile.

And tonight, the smile was on Su Nian's face the whole night.

It didn't mean to stop at all.

Not only that, Su Nian also posted on Moments.

All kinds of drying.

Can't wait for the whole world to know the excellence of Mobao.

Seeing his mother's happy face, Mo Bao couldn't help thinking about his previous life.

The previous life was in his memory.

Mom always has a lot of work.

And she always learns how to deal with it in the study, and if she encounters something she can't do, she will always ask her grandpa cautiously.

There is simply no time for such leisurely things.

He also knew how many people expected her to make mistakes at that time, and how difficult her situation was under such circumstances.

When thinking of this, Mo Bao looked at his father sitting beside him.

Well, it seems that this father is indeed useful, at least this father can take over the mess of the company.

Thinking of this, Mo Bao crawled towards Li Beichen with a smile on his face, and then sweetly called "Dad"

Li Beichen reached out and took the calligraphy into his arms: "You little thing, how old are you? Just play tricks on me. I don't even know when you hid the roses."

Mo Bao blinked his eyes.

And Li Beichen looked at the woman next to him who was on the phone.

Then he lowered his voice and said to the little guy in front of him: "Mo Bao, I know you are very smart, have you forgotten how Dad took care of you after you were born, how Dad bathed you and played with you? Bite the moon in the sky, as long as you say it, Dad may get it for you. Seeing that Dad cares about you so much, don't rob Mom from Dad, okay?"

Originally, Li Beichen thought that the calligraphy was so small that there was no need to say these things.

But seeing Mo Bao's operation, he felt that some things should be cultivated from an early age.

(End of this chapter)

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