Chapter 805 Educating Children
When Mo Bao heard this, he sneered in his heart.

Saying this to a bad one year old.

Is his father a little bit crazy?

Immediately started crying.

Li Beichen:! ! !

How to say cry and cry.

The key is that now Su Nian is happy and excited, so when Mo Bao cried like this, Su Nian immediately looked over.

"Mo Bao, what's the matter?"

Li Beichen felt that he had to teach this stinky boy a lesson, and let him know that crying is not enough to compete for favor.

"It's nothing, it's just a child. What's the matter? Do you think I will do anything to him? Do you think I will beat the child?"

Su Nian was taken aback by these words, and then looked at Li Beichen.

Su Nian could see Li Beichen's love for Mo Bao. At the same time, she also felt that Li Beichen was not the kind of father who beat his children.

"Mo Bao has a little temper, it's okay, children are like this, don't worry about it, I know you love children, but you have to know that Mo Bao is a boy, if you raise Mo Bao too squeamish, isn't it a bit bad .”

After Su Nian heard this, she thought of Mo Bao's growth environment since he was born. Indeed, it seemed that everyone doted on him. Such a growth environment was not good for the child.

【Li Beichen is the father of the child, so he really wants to take good care of the child. 】

[In my previous life, I was exhausted from being both a father and a mother. In this life, since this father is still alive, of course I have to work for this father. Otherwise, there is no difference between being alive and dead. 】

[Also, when parents are educating their children, it is better not to interrupt, if it is really interrupting, then it may give the child a bad impression, Mo Bao is so smart, if Mo Bao feels that when his father educates him, As long as you find your mother, you can be disobedient. 】

"Okay, I'll continue talking to my sister." After saying this, Su Nian turned and left.

When Mo Bao saw his mother leaving, his eyes widened immediately.

Just go.

What is squeamishness.

He obviously only cried when he was cheating on his father, and didn't cry at all other times.

Hey Hey hey.

And Li Beichen subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he was really afraid that Su Nian would not let him take care of him, and felt that he would really abuse Mo Bao.

But when he thought of this, Li Beichen laughed, he felt that he was really overthinking, even if Su Nian loved the child, and no matter how much time he spent with Mo Bao, he was her husband.

As for now, the only thing to do is to find this little guy to settle accounts.

"Mo Bao, you are so smart. You have seen your mother's attitude. Your mother wants me to teach you and educate you well. You said how should I educate you, father."


For some reason, Mo Bao felt flustered when his father looked at him.

What else can Mo Bao do now, he is only less than one year old now.

He could only put on a sweet little face, leaning in front of his father.

"Now that you know how to laugh, do you know how to be afraid?"

Mo Bao: You wait for me to grow up.

Li Beichen immediately took the child into his arms: "Your mother is talking to your aunt here, we'd better go to the study, I'll teach you well, Mo Bao, you have to know that obedient children are what your mother likes the most."

Li Beichen walked very fast.

There was no chance for Mo Bao to speak at all!
(End of this chapter)

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