Chapter 806 Can't You Do This?
at night
Su Nian came out of the bathroom humming a song.

While sitting in front of the dressing table for nursing.

The man walked up behind her.

When Su Nian was about to say something.

She felt a sudden weight on her neck.

As soon as Su Nian looked down, she saw a rose necklace around her neck.

The red diamonds make the whole necklace look sparkling.

"I like roses so much, how about I give you a rose that never fades."

When Su Nian heard this, he immediately understood what this man meant: "How old are you, and you still care about Mo Bao, aren't you afraid of being laughed at if it spreads?"

"I gave something to my beloved woman, how could I be laughed at, obviously I should be praised, praised me as a husband for being so good to my wife."

"You may not believe it if you say it. Before I fell in love with you, I actually didn't have a so-called goal in life. I always go to work in the company when I should inherit the company, and take responsibility when I should take responsibility, but now I have A goal, a very important goal."

When hearing this, Su Nian couldn't help being a little curious: "What target."

"I want to be a model husband." When Li Beichen said this, he held Su Nian in his arms: "You know, I never cared about these false names before, but now I realize that I was too self-righteous before, and I still need some false names. "

Su Nian laughed when she heard this.

【Why is this man so good at talking. 】

【He's really getting better at speaking. 】

Li Beichen hugged Su Nian.

How could a little brat who hasn't fully learned to speak be my opponent.

Talk a lot every minute.

But when Su Nian saw the smile of the rose that Mo Bao gave him, he couldn't help being a little envious.

Li Beichen raised his head and looked at Su Nian in the mirror.

Although Su Nian in the mirror is also smiling now, why does he think it is not as good-looking as the smile when he saw Mo Bao take out the rose just now.

"What's wrong?" Su Nian also noticed Li Beichen's abnormality.

Li Beichen came back to his senses, and kissed Su Nian on the cheek: "I'm struggling with one thing."


"I'm wondering whether I should obey my own will, press you hard on my body, and tell you viciously, I am your husband, and I am the most important person in your life, so you can't be so nice to Mo Bao .”

These words directly made Su Nian laugh.

【Hahaha, the hero in the overbearing novel is like this】

[There are often brain-dead authors who write about the hero’s love for the heroine in this way]

"But I can't do it, I can't be vicious, even if I pretend, I can't do it, I can't be in bad mood for you, I really can't do it."

These words made Su Nian startled for a moment, then he raised his head to look at the person in the mirror.

And Li Beichen also felt that Su Nian's gaze had also looked over.

The novels he read before to understand the novels were not in vain.

So he has more ability to coax his wife, which is also a very normal thing, after all, who has not improved.

"Can you tell me, is there any other way to make you see me and make you feel that the number one place in your heart should be me, not Mo Bao."

If you don't know this voice, then you may think that Li Beichen has suffered some serious grievances.

Ahem, and the smile in Li Beichen's eyes made Su Nian feel nothing but wanting to laugh.

He rubbed her cheek slightly: "Well, can't you even do this?"

(End of this chapter)

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