Chapter 807

What if I say I can't do it. "

Li Beichen bowed his head and kissed her on the cheek: "If you can't do it, you can't do it."

His kisses haven't stopped yet.

The more this happened, the more Su Nian couldn't help laughing.

And the man picked her up directly: "If I remember correctly, it is very important for you to take care of yourself at night. If you don't take care of yourself, then you may not have much energy tomorrow, and you may even feel uncomfortable. Since this is the case If so, then I will help you."

This voice really made Su Nian feel the danger.

"No, really no, I think..."

"Why don't you use it? Before, you had to do a lot of work every day, baby. This kind of thing requires persistence every day. If you don't persist, then you might slack off. If you really slack off because of such a trivial matter , then what you did before will be in vain, as your husband, how could I agree to such a thing to happen! It is absolutely impossible to let such a thing happen!"


the next morning.

Su Nian and Li Beichen successfully made headlines.

News reports above.

A well-known entrepreneur appeared on the street holding a rose to pick up his wife from get off work.

Li Beichen held a rose in one hand and a child in the other.

There is romance and warmth.

That woman doesn't like handsome, romantic and rich men.

As soon as this news came out, it really seemed to blind a lot of netizens.

【Ahhh, there are such good men in this world. 】

[Why, why don't you let me meet such a man, God, if you don't let me meet such a man, I can understand, it's my unworthiness, but why do you let me know that there are still such men in this world? nice man, you know what?The more you let me know, the more uncomfortable it will be in my heart. 】

[Is the gap between people so big? 】

[I'm really sad, why didn't I meet such a good man? If I were to meet such a man, then God really told me to do anything. 】

[Okay, upstairs, you are so uncomfortable, let me tell you something nice, to make you feel better, you know that this man liked a woman named Lan Na before, that woman named Lan Na, It can really be said to be licking.

But Lan Ya doesn't like him at all. Now I really want to know what Lan Ya will do if he sees this picture. 】

[Upstairs, you can really talk. If you can talk, then you can talk more. 】

But there are also people who disagree.

[Aren’t you a bit too much? Lan Ni didn’t feel anything about Li Beichen at the beginning. No matter how good this person is, it’s useless. You people only focus on money and nothing else at all. Don’t you know the world? Is there anything else on it? 】

People on the Internet are constantly noisy.

Although I don't know what Lan Ni is thinking now, Mo Bao's mood is very bad, super bad.

The reason why Mo Bao felt so uncomfortable was because there was no such thing as him in the news report.

Most of them are his father, and there is no shadow of him as a son at all.


Why didn't he have any so-called cards at all when he was clearly at the scene.

Even if it's because I'm a child, it can't be like this.

(End of this chapter)

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