Chapter 137 Love

Mr. Lin has seen Tang Qinghuan's appearance more than once. In the past, he was treated with charity, but now he really has no eyes to look at the woman in front of him. Such thoughts are also vicious.

No matter who is being entrapped, the situation this time is already certain. It is about what the Holy One knows. Master Lin generally understands something, and I really don't know how many people will know what happened this time. Thinking of this, I hate Tang Qinghuan even more in my heart. Because of the other party, Lin Wanrong's reputation might be ruined in the future!

Seeing Tang Qinghuan now, he was naturally upset.

Tang Guogong looked at Mr. Lin still looking puzzled, and he could understand it in his heart.

"Tang Qinghuan's actions this time were indeed excessive. I never thought that the sisters in the same mansion would insist on doing such harm and even involve your daughter. It really made me feel ashamed."

"Master Lin, I have no way to teach girls."

As long as things appeared in Tang Guogong's mind back and forth, he would never forget them, and every time he thought about them, he would get angry.

Seeing Tang Qinghuan's apology to Mr. Lin and the other party's unwillingness to forgive, Tang Guogong understood again, and first wanted to say a few words for this disappointing Tang Qinghuan.

"Tang Guogong, don't say too much."

"Tang Qinghuan has come to my residence many times, and I have watched her grow up, but I only have a general understanding of this child's original behavior. Looking at it now, it's a good disguise."

Hearing what Master Lin said, Tang Guogong also nodded.

"Master Lin, my daughter has already apologized, what are you doing so unforgiving?"

"Besides, both Lin Wanrong and Tang Qinghuan don't like Tang Zhengrong. If there is a problem, then Lin Wanrong has no problem?"

Tang Qinghuan's apology to the Lin family was sincere. Yu could see Tang Qinghuan's grievances now. Listening to Master Lin's words, she always felt that the other party was too harsh.

"That's enough, I didn't talk about you."

"Good boy, look what you've been taught?"

"If you can't learn to shut up, get out of my Duke Tang's mansion now!"

Tang Guogong originally brought the two of them to apologize. Who would have thought that the Yu family would start acting like a monster again. With the support of his mother, Tang Qinghuan looked at his father and Master Lin's evaluation of him. live red.

And Mrs Yu didn't expect Tang Guogong to be so ruthless, and she didn't dare to say anything about letting herself leave Tang Guogong's mansion. She is already Tang Guogong's concubine, if she goes out, no one will want her!

"Although Tang Guogong has intentions, Tang Qinghuan's mother obviously hasn't woken up."

Listening to Mrs. Yu's words will only make Mr. Lin angry. Originally, this matter was not on Lin Wanrong's mind.

After the incident, Master Lin did not find Lin Wanrong, and Su Yuzhen's words after sending it also made Master Lin understand how to deal with the matter, and Yu's statement was exactly as Su Yuzhen expected. I didn't really realize what I did wrong at the beginning, so what's the sincerity of apologizing?

What's more, Lin Wanrong is still her daughter.

It's hard to believe the words of mother and daughter.

"I didn't mean to make things difficult on purpose, it's just that Lin Wanrong's side is very excited right now."

"Even if you really want to apologize, you should also tell her that as for the reputation of my Lin family, it is still better than Tang Guogong, and I will not be aggressive."

What you said really added fuel to the flames, even Tang Qinghuan couldn't help but clenched his fists. Originally, his father cared about these words very much. It is really unkind for Mr. Lin to still sprinkle salt on this wound.

"I also hope Master Lin can give my daughter a chance to talk to Wanrong. My daughter still cherishes the friendship with Wanrong."

After finishing speaking, Tang Qinghuan kowtowed several times, and Master Lin also let go.

"Forget it, it's all children playing around, and I don't want to participate too much."

"However, Tang Qinghuan, you have to learn a lesson from this incident. Now between me and Tang Guogong, it is the elders who have feelings for both of you and will be children. It won't be long before you should take responsibility for your words and deeds."

Hearing Master Lin's words, Tang Qinghuan naturally quickly took the words: "What Master Lin said is that I have been reflecting on myself during this period of time. Now I can ask the Lord to give me a chance to reunite with Wanrong. I am grateful to the Lord."

Looking at Tang Qinghuan's appearance, Tang Guogong seemed to be sincere, so he didn't say much.

"Master Lin, these are some gifts I brought to express my apology. Although they are not many, please accept them."

Seeing this, Mr. Lin did not continue to pursue the matter. Seeing that the situation was fine, Mrs. Yu could only keep silent.

Watching the servants take Tang Qinghuan to see Lin Wanrong, they just stayed here.

Mr. Lin was also helpless and said to Tang Guogong: "Although I am also angry in my heart, I don't have any thoughts when I see that the Duke is in this state. Now it is just a matter of resolving the conflict between the children."

In the dark house, Lin Wanrong huddled in a corner of the bed.

Since the banquet, the scene at that time has always been in her heart, as if many people were looking at her, and Lin Wanrong didn't think that the message about Tang Zhengrong should have been Tang Zhengrong's nightmare. Now it's me.

Also, what Tang Zhengrong said when he came here, Lin Wanrong had already fallen into hatred for Tang Qinghuan, and her past friendship was the reason for her struggling, but it was difficult to overcome this hurdle in her heart.

"Miss Lin, Miss Tang Qinghuan has come to see you."

The servant knocked on the door cautiously, which made Tang Qinghuan a little impatient: "What are you doing so carefully? I'm not a tiger. Could it be that I will eat your lady?"

The familiar voice came to Lin Wanrong's ears from outside the house, and for a moment the blood surged up.

It's Tang Qinghuan
"No, Miss Tang Qinghuan, Miss Lin doesn't want to see anyone now, we are all following Master Lin's orders."

I didn't expect it to be so troublesome, what about Lin Wanrong?Tang Qinghuan also didn't expect that the current Lin Wanrong was as good as she made a fool of herself in front of everyone?On the contrary, he hid himself, and he looked righteous on weekdays, and he didn't look like a timid person.

But helplessly, it was she who came to apologize now, and now that Mr. Lin is aware of the situation at that time, Lin Wanrong must have some emotions towards herself.

Thinking of this, Tang Qinghuan didn't take an overly radical attitude.

"Wanrong, I know you don't want to see me now, but we have been friends for a long time, and I have paid a lot for this matter. I didn't expect you to really do it at that time. I am very grateful to you, but I I also regret it."

"I regret pulling you in because of my own selfishness, can you let me see you?"

Tang Qinghuan who spoke was crying, as if he had been greatly wronged.

(End of this chapter)

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