Chapter 138 Wrist
But Tang Qinghuan's words did not provoke any reaction from the people in the room, and the servants stood aside in embarrassment, looking at the young lady's appearance, he did not intend to forgive Miss Tang Qinghuan.

However, how can a little person like her participate in the affairs of the masters?
"Wanrong, I didn't mean to force you. I admit that my father brought me here this time. I didn't ask you to admit my mistake in time. It was also because I was locked up at home and never had any freedom."

"Actually, I have suffered a lot during this time, Wan Rong, I know you are angry in your heart, so I will kneel here and let you vent your anger."

After saying that, Tang Qinghuan knelt down directly, but she was also bored with Lin Wanrong in her heart. Lin Wanrong did something wrong, and instead she wanted to apologize to the other party, making Tang Qinghuan only feel that the matter of status was really unfair.

Mother is right, there is a difference between concubine and concubine, and it is the same for Tang Guogong. He has a different attitude towards the eldest wife and the eldest son, and he and his mother seem to be discarded at will, as if they have never existed. important.

During the time spent with Lin Wanrong, Tang Qinghuan had also seen Master Lin's love for Lin Wanrong, and he could compare himself to Lin Wanrong, but all he got was these humiliations, and now he has to kneel down with his former friends!
Listening to the voices outside, Lin Wanrong's heart ached a little, as if Tang Qinghuan's words were sincere, but more of them were complaints, so why didn't she suffer?
If he did something wrong, even if his father didn't say anything, to Lin Wanrong, he already had no face to face others.

Tang Qinghuan knelt outside for a while, but Lin Wanrong still didn't respond. Tang Qinghuan felt the numbness in her legs, glanced at the standing servant, and fainted on the ground.

The servant was startled by Tang Qinghuan's sudden fainting, and quickly called out, "Miss Tang? What's wrong with you?"

Just as he was talking, the door creaked open.

Tang Qinghuan opened his eyes weakly, and Lin Wanrong's voice came from the door.

"You come in alone."

With a very soft voice, Tang Qinghuan stood up with the help of a servant, and entered the room alone. The room was pitch black, and all the windows outside were sealed by Lin Wanrong.

She had heard about Lin Wanrong locking herself in the house without seeing anyone, but she never thought it would be in such an environment, and she always felt a little divine.

Finally Tang Qinghuan's eyes adapted to the darkness, and he saw Lin Wanrong who was sitting upright on the bed not far away.

"Wanrong, I really apologize to you this time, I didn't expect this problem to happen."

"I didn't even think that our matter would be discovered. This matter is mainly in Lefengcheng. If he hadn't come forward to speak out, no one would know."

Thinking of this, Tang Qinghuan hated Le Jia even more from the bottom of his heart. Both Le Lanyi and Le Fangcheng followed Tang Zhengrong and fought against him together.

"You didn't expect? What you didn't expect was that you would be discovered, but isn't it normal for me to be discovered?"

"I spread the news, and you didn't take any action during it. If I said it without evidence, you can deny it."

"If everyone is not aware of the relationship between you and me, you will have these thoughts. You can't stand this kind of torture yourself before you say things. What is there to blame?"

This is where Lin Wanrong was really angry with Tang Qinghuan.

If a good friend hurt you unintentionally, how could it be like this now?
"Wanrong, I was really wrong. I didn't mean to frame you. I just thought that you were the person I trusted the most. I never thought that you would really help me. At that time, I was thinking that as long as my dance is good, Nothing will happen."

"Looking at it now, it's Tang Zhengrong's fault. She deliberately let us see her and Mr. Su return home together. How can we find out what happened at that time?"

Seeing Tang Qinghuan still not looking for problems from herself, Lin Wanrong shook her head.

It seemed that he also wanted to understand something in his heart.

"Tang Qinghuan, that's it for this time. I need to be quiet. If you have nothing else to do, go out."

Tang Qinghuan, who didn't think there would be anything at first, also became a little worried. Looking at the way Lin Wanrong answered her now, it seemed that she didn't plan to have any more contact with her.

She never thought of breaking contact with Lin Wanrong. After all, the Lin family is also a very reliable resource, which is why she had a good relationship with Lin Wanrong in the first place. It's such a pity.

Thinking of this, Tang Qinghuan said weakly: "Wanrong, can we still get along like before?"

"Can I still correct my mistakes and become your friend?"

"Really, as long as you need anything, I will help you. I will make a fool of myself at worst. I don't care about these."

These words seemed to have touched Lin Wanrong a little, Tang Qinghuan could only hear Lin Wanrong sighing.

"I said that we need to be quiet. We will be together if we can really get along in the future. Let's talk about the rest."

This is not like completely eradicating hope. Tang Qinghuan also understands Lin Wanrong's temperament better. Now Tang Qinghuan has not thought about it. It is not good to force her by herself. Although there are risks, the initiative is no longer on her side.

Tang Qinghuan who went out walked to the main hall.

Looking at Master Lin in the high position and Tang Guogong who looked angry.

"Master Lin, Wanrong and I have already apologized. The current situation may take some time for Wanrong. I really didn't expect to hurt Wanrong like this."

As she said that, Tang Qinghuan's face turned pale, as if she was distressed.

But what kind of person is Mr. Lin? I saw a lot of different people in the court, and people like Tang Qinghuan could be seen early in the morning as ambitious.

And the person who betrayed Lin Wanrong for the first time will definitely have a second or third time, but now it's just unbelievable that the crocodile tears.

"Since you know it in your heart, that's all."

"Tang Guogong, we adults should not forcibly intervene in children's affairs."

"That's the way it is this time."

Unexpectedly, Mr. Lin was open-minded and did not continue to pursue it. Tang Guogong hurriedly thanked him and took Yu Shi and Tang Qinghuan out. Yu Shi looked at Tang Guogong still looking sad, and seemed to be more worried than before, a little depressed.

"Master, both the daughter and the concubine have already made a mistake, what is the end?"

"Why is the current road going wrong?"

As she said that, Mrs. Yu realized that the direction of the carriage was not going towards Duke Tang's mansion, and she became inexplicably nervous.

Tang Qinghuan also felt that his father seemed to be very serious about this matter and observed silently.

"Now we are going to the palace."

(End of this chapter)

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