Chapter 17 Violent Dog VS Owner
"Be careful, Your Highness!"

Fu Ling rushed forward to protect her, grabbed both sides of the carriage with both hands, and protected Xia Hanyu tightly with her body.

Xia Hanyu grabbed the seat vigorously with one hand, and the other hand stabilized Fu Ling so that she would not be thrown out by the carriage.

Her face was dark, and a memory quickly flooded her mind.

In the last life, Qiqiao Festival.It was still such a chaotic scene, the horse suddenly became irritable, and Fu Ling was protecting her wholeheartedly, everything was so familiar, so disgusting.

That time, at the moment when she was almost desperate, the carriage stopped, and Shi Heng opened the curtain and stood there looking at himself in a panic. At that moment, the halo fell on him, and in her eyes, he descended like a god. It was also at that time that she became infatuated with Shi Heng from admiration and joy. No matter what he said, she would believe it unconditionally, even if she heard that she had a physical relationship because Shi Heng saved her, she would force him to marry her Rumors still don't care!
But all of this is nothing but his conspiracy!
In the last life, after he got everything he wanted, the most smug and disgusting smile in the world appeared on that face that was always gentle and gentle. He told himself that in order to gain his unconditional trust, he bribed the groom of the princess mansion to let him He deliberately pricked the horse with a thin needle at a certain point, and then jumped off the carriage, at which time he could save her heroically.

What's more, he let people spread all the rumors among the common people, because only in this way, he can appear in front of everyone with the best posture, step by step, and take over her Xia family's country!

Those innocent people and loyal ministers who died innocently were nothing more than mere ants in his eyes, just like her, they were all stepping stones for him to ascend to the throne!

She was really stupid in her last life, she really foolishly believed in his "one piece of sincerity", believed that the rumors in his mouth were limited to wise men, and even believed in everything he could show in front of her!
A look of cruelty flashed across Xia Hanyu's eyes, and his eye sockets turned red.

"System, I don't want to be saved by him, and I don't want to accomplish his plot. Maybe you can save me? If not, I'd rather jump off the carriage and lose my limbs than live in such a humiliating way! Powerful country system, if I am controlled by him under your nose, how can we talk about strong country!"

And if she is rescued by him today, if she wants to attack him later, Wan Min will poke her spine and scold her for being ungrateful and ruthless!

Xia Hanyu never cared about fame, but now she needs it!
The system was silent for two seconds, and then said: "The system mall has been opened, and the host can exchange points for items at will."

The text in the mall is written in words that Xia Hanyu can understand, and it shows that she has two hundred points.

She has now completed two tasks in total, that is, one task is worth [-] points.

Xia Hanyu saw the protective cover at a glance, one protective cover was twenty points, she exchanged two in her heart, and felt as if there was an extra layer of protective film on her body.

She grabbed Fu Ling's hand, "Fu Ling, let's jump down later, trust me, we will be fine."

Fu Ling nodded, "I believe the princess."

Even if the princess told her to die, she would not hesitate, because her life originally belonged to the princess!
The two walked out in the bumps.

In the distance, Shi Heng watched with cold eyes the horses running around frantically, knocking down countless stalls, and even the common people, complaining and wailing everywhere.

"Brother, can this really make Xia Hanyu fall in love with you completely?"

Shi Huarong was standing beside Shi Heng, the handsome man and the beautiful woman looked like a perfect match, but it was a pity that the jealousy on the woman's face ruined the scene.

She questioned him, "Brother, you are really not afraid of her finding out anything? Don't forget, there is Xia Ji by her side."

If it is said that Shi Heng is the most scrupulous person, then only Xia Ji, the most loyal eagle dog minion of the royal family, if he targets him, even if he does not die, he will have to bite off a piece of flesh.

But he knows one of his secrets.

When a vicious dog falls in love with its master, as long as it controls her master, the vicious dog can only bark helplessly and have nothing to fear.

(End of this chapter)

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