Chapter 18 Xia Ji, It's Really You!
At Tongfu Inn, Xia Ji was going to arrange for someone to go to the three bosses to pick up the things that should be taken according to Xia Hanyu's orders. Feng Jia suddenly rushed out at an extremely fast speed.

Horror flashed across Xia Ji's eyes, and his whole heart was about to burst with fear. In the next second, he jumped directly from the window and rushed towards the rampaging carriage at the fastest speed.

"Your Highness!"

Xia Hanyu pulled Fu Ling, and the two of them finally got out of the carriage, holding on to the edge of the carriage.

"Fu Ling, I will say jump later, and you will jump down with me. If you are afraid, just close your eyes."

"Yeah." Fu Ling's face was pale, but she nodded vigorously, "I believe in the princess, I will definitely protect the princess!"

Jump from here, as long as the princess is on top of her, nothing will happen!
"not good!"

On the attic not far away, Shi Heng's expression changed suddenly, and he jumped down from the attic and rushed towards the carriage, but there was someone faster than him on the other side.



Xia Hanyu's cool voice sounded.

Fu Ling closed her eyes, jumped up together with Xia Hanyu, and stretched out her arms to hug Xia Hanyu, but before she could, she fell heavily to the ground, rolled several times, and slammed into the shelf next to it. The goods on the shelf scattered all over the place.

Xia Hanyu originally thought that she would fall to the ground, but she only felt surrounded by a warm embrace. The other party desperately protected her head. After they rolled on the ground for a few times, they were still tightly protected by him in his arms. There was a muffled grunt from the other party.

She still failed!

Xia Hanyu's heart suddenly filled with despair, she bit her lip tightly, a strong smell of rust filled her mouth, she didn't even want to open her eyes to face everything at this moment!
"Your Highness! Are you all right?"

Xia Ji rang out with a terrified voice, the fear in his eyes hadn't dissipated, and he stared at her intently.

Hearing the familiar voice, Xia Hanyu's heart trembled, she turned her head slightly, and spoke in a hoarse voice.

"Xia...Xia Ji?"

"Your Highness, don't be afraid, the minister is here."

After saying that, Xia Hanyu slowly opened his eyes, and met his trembling eyes, and the sockets of his eyes suddenly turned red.

"Xia Ji, it's really you!"

She really hit it off!

Xia Hanyu's hands were tightly gripping his clothes, tears fell down unconsciously, and she looked at him weeping with joy.

Looking at the blood on her lips, Xia Ji felt a sudden dull pain in his heart, thinking that she was frightened by everything just now, hesitated for a while, and patted her back carefully with one hand, with a feeling of depression. at a loss.

"'s all right, Your Highness, it's all right now."

This was the first time he saw Her Royal Highness the princess in such a mess.

Xia Ji's thin lips were pursed tightly, his gaze became as cold as a blade, and the aura around him gradually became gloomy and frightening, but he was afraid that Xia Hanyu would try his best to control himself.

He carefully lifted Xia Hanyu up and checked her body up and down.

"Your Highness, are you injured?"

Xia Hanyu shook her head slightly, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "I'm fine, Xia Ji, thank you."

As soon as the words fell, he raised his eyes and met Shi Heng's eyes full of unwillingness in disbelief, and suddenly sneered.

"Xia Ji listens to the order!"

Xia Ji knelt down on one knee, and said in a respectful and submissive voice, "The minister is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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