Chapter 2 Xia Ji
"This pimple is called a potato? What is it used for? And the skin scraper is also very weird. It is obviously similar to a dagger, but it is different in the middle."

It was the first time Xia Hanyu saw such a weird crop. He slid a hand on a piece of fabric and scratched it to the bottom with a tear, his eyes were surprised.

This scraper is really sharp!

The voice from the system next to my ears is still cold: "Potatoes are a kind of food from overseas. They can be eaten steamed, boiled, fried, or baked. They feel very full and can produce several thousand catties per mu. It can be planted twice, and it will mature in three to five months; as the name suggests, the peeling knife is used to scrape the skin of potatoes."

"A few thousand catties!"

Hearing this, Xia Hanyu's eyes lit up a little.

If it is true that this strange thing can produce several thousand catties per mu, and it has a short maturity period, and it does not look easy to break, then it can be sent to the border towns in a few months to be used as food for the soldiers.

Xia Hanyu did not forget that after March the barbarians aggressively attacked the border city of Daxia. Because of Wang Hongde's death, the morale of the army was slackened, and the morale of the soldiers was low due to the lack of food and grass, and they were directly captured three cities in a row.

The barbarians looted wantonly, murdered and set fire, and the people wailed...

In the last life, these things were far away from Xia Hanyu, but now they are different.

Since she is the eldest princess of Da Xia, she must make this title a little bit more solid!
"Come on."

"Your Highness." Fu Ling pushed the door open and walked in, and saw a pile of lumps in front of Xia Hanyu.

"Ah, where did this come from? The slaves will be cleaned immediately."

"No, you arrange a few people to pack this pile of things. I'm going to visit the Huangzhuang outside the palace."

The system said that now is the season to plant this soil bump. If you plant it now, you will have a good harvest in three months. She wants to watch this thing planted with her own eyes.


Although Fu Ling didn't understand the reason, in her heart, whatever Xia Hanyu did was right.

After a while, the princess drove out of the palace gate again.

Ganquan Palace.

"Your Majesty, the eldest princess just left the palace again, and seems to be going to a farm outside the palace."


The beauty on the couch opened her eyes, and the corners of her mouth curled up in a charming arc.

"Go and tell Ah Heng the news."

"Yes."'The maid retreated.

Shi Qingyun raised her soft catkin slightly, and the maid at the side hurriedly reached out to help her up.

"Ziyun, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty, do you mean that the Eldest Princess suddenly pleaded for Wang Hongde?"

"Xia Hanyu is not such a kind-hearted person." A stern look flashed in Shi Qingyun's eyes, "Go and find out who has approached her recently."

There are not many people in this world who can persuade Xia Hanyu to go out, but it is not impossible.


Ziyun blessed herself, turned around and went to investigate.

Xia Hanyu's car drove out of the palace gate, with her arms propped on the window, staring at the scenery outside in a daze, street vendors hawking and children playing.

If this can be done in every place in Great Xia, is it a powerful country as the system says?
At this time, a figure appeared in front of Xia Hanyu, dressed in black, kneeling on one knee.

The dark third, the royal secret guard, is responsible for protecting the safety of the emperor. She has been by Xia Hanyu's side to protect her since she was born. In her previous life, because of her stupidity, she actually told Shi Heng the fate of the secret guard, and finally let them all die. in his hands.

If not, how could they have lost so miserably!
A sternness flashed across Xia Hanyu's eyes.

"Your Highness, the imperial concubine already knows that you are going to Huangzhuang, but they don't know what you are going to do."

"Zuo just means that I have come across something new and interesting, and it's fine." After all, in their eyes, she is just a stupid princess who doesn't do business and only knows how to eat, drink and have fun.

"Do you know who sent the message?"

An San said respectfully: "It's a young eunuch who cleans in His Highness's palace. The reason is that he once stole one of His Highness's ornaments to sell money for his father's medical treatment, and was bumped into by the people in the imperial concubine's palace."

"Is it."

The corner of Xia Hanyu's mouth raised into a smile, "So, let's find a reason to deal with it."

"Yes." An San nodded.

"Your Highness, do you need to clean the tail at the back?"

"Tail?" Xia Hanyu glanced back.

"It's Young Master Shi Heng. Concubine Shi Gui asked him to inform him of His Highness's whereabouts."


Xia Hanyu sneered.

It seemed that her pleading for Wang Hongde made them anxious.

"Let's deal with it together, let him learn a good lesson, just don't kill him."

She has more important things to deal with now, and she has no time to deal with him.


Ansan was taken aback, then quickly disappeared into the carriage.

The carriage soon arrived at Huangzhuang. Xia Hanyu taught all the potato seeds and two-thirds of the potatoes to the people in the village to let them plant them according to the method given by the system. After watching for a while, he couldn't stand it and left.

After the car drove for a while, Xia Hanyu opened the curtain.

"Fuling, first go to Beizhen Fusi."



Beizhen Fusi, Imperial Prison.

Dark and bloody, everyone in the world knows that this is a place where once you enter, you can never get out alive.


The sound of sizzling barbecue sandwiched the burnt smell of barbecue.

"Tell me, who ordered you to testify against Wang Hongde, let alone, I don't mind using all the instruments of torture on you!"

"Bah! Thief!"

The man spit directly on the face of Jin Yiwei who was tortured, "Xia Ji, you are violent, perverted, devoid of conscience, you do all kinds of evil, you will be punished sooner or later!"

"Presumptuous! I think you won't cry until you see the coffin."

Yu Xiao wiped the mouth nurse on his face, slapped the man on the face, picked up the red-hot iron and pressed it on the place he had just slapped, and screams resounded through the prison.

"Xia Ji, I curse you to die badly. Anyone you care about will die badly. Their corpses will be exposed in the wilderness and eaten by wild dogs!"


A sharp dagger plunged into his heart.

"How dare you curse her!"

Xia Ji's eyes were red, and he stared fiercely at the man who was staring at him.

The Jinyi guards on the side took a step back in fright. It was the first time they saw the lord doing such a big job, and they couldn't hide the murderous intent all over their bodies.

After a while, Yu Xiao cautiously stepped forward to remind him, "My lord, he is out of breath."

Xia Ji withdrew his dagger, took out a piece of silk and wiped it slowly and methodically.

"Let him sign it, next one."

As soon as the words fell, Jin Yiwei immediately grabbed the other party's hand with the written note and drew on it, then dragged him down, and handed the written note to Xia Ji.

Yu Xiao hesitated for a moment, and said, "My lord, will we get the evidence in this way and be denied by those literati who claim to be clean?"

Although in the past there were prisoners who could not stand the torture and died directly, but this is the first time that they have been solved directly like today.

"They'll take it."

As long as the eldest princess wants to keep someone alive, even if that person is in hell, he will drag him back to her!
But this time, the eldest princess wanted to keep Wang Hongde alive, so even if he was really guilty, he would clear him up for him!

(End of this chapter)

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