Chapter 3
"North Town Fusi."

Xia Hanyu looked at the domineering four characters on the door plaque, and recognized that they should be her grandfather's characters.

She lifted her skirt and walked up, but was stopped by someone.

"Stop! Who?"

"Presumptuous!" Fu Ling hurriedly took out the token and handed it in front of them, "This is Her Royal Highness, you dare to stop her!"

"I'm humble and blind, please forgive me, Your Highness."

Xia Hanyu asked them, "Where's Xia Ji?"

"My lord should be in the interrogation room at this time."

"Take me to the palace."

"This...Your Highness, the prison is bloody, I'm afraid it's inappropriate."

How dare they take her to a place like Imperial Prison, not to mention that the one in front of him is His Majesty's most beloved Princess Zhen Guo, if he is scared inside, his life will be lost.

"My words are useless to you here."

Xia Hanyu smiled but wasn't smiling.

"Hmm~" the voice dragged slightly.

"I don't dare, I will immediately bring His Highness in!"

This is someone who even their commanders dare to beat, how dare they offend him.

In the cell, a Jinyi guard ran up to Xia Ji and whispered something in Xia Ji's ear.

Xia Ji casually threw the instrument of torture into the hands of the people beside him, turned around and ran out, walking hastily and anxiously.

"I see Your Highness."

"Well, get up."

Xia Ji stood up, Xia Hanyu waved to him, he walked over and stood still about one meter away from her.

"What are you doing standing so far away! Are you afraid that I will eat you?"

Xia Hanyu frowned slightly and glared at him.

"If your Highness wants to, I... will not hesitate to do so."

Xia Hanyu: "...Come here, I just want to see the wound on your face."

Xia Ji hesitated for a while, took two steps forward, "Yes."

"Bend down a little bit, I can't see clearly." The voice was cold, as if charming.

In the next second, the slightly cool fingertips landed on the scabbed wound, Xia Ji felt as if his heart was about to jump out of his chest, the roots of his ears were red, and he was as cute as a big wolfdog, his eyes were focused on watching looking at her.

"The palace secret medicine is still useful, it looks like it won't leave scars." So she was relieved.

Xia Hanyu didn't notice that the two of them were getting a little close at this moment, and their breathing seemed to be intertwined.

The Adam's apple rolled, and Xia Ji didn't even dare to breathe hard, for fear of shocking her, as if there was something in his heart that he had nowhere to vent.

Fortunately, Xia Hanyu quickly withdrew his hand, and he also took a step back subconsciously, pulling a certain distance between the two of them.

Even so, he still felt that he had just insulted her.

Xia Hanyu didn't seem to realize it.

"Xia Ji, what clues have you found in Wang Hongde's case?"

Xia Ji knelt down on one knee, "Don't worry, Your Highness, I will definitely give His Highness a satisfactory answer."

"I naturally believe in you, no matter what time, I will believe in you."

Because no matter in the last life or now, he has never betrayed her!

"So Xia Ji, don't let this palace disappoint you."

"Sir, never give up!"

Xia Ji's heart was shaken, he looked up at the sun that was close at hand, and bowed his head to offer his loyalty.

Xia Hanyu's arc rose with satisfaction.

"Actually, I came to you today because I want to give you something."

As he spoke, he took out something from his waist and handed it to him.

"There are clues about Wang Hongde's case here. Let's get rid of the few people in it as soon as possible. It's a bit of an eyesore." After all, the system doesn't give her much time.

As for those former courtiers, there is no need to stay.

"The minister obeys the order."

Xia Ji took it with both hands.

"In this way, I won't disturb Master Xia's investigation."

Xia Hanyu raised her hand, but before Fu Ling could reach out, she was snatched away by Xia Ji in front.

"I will send you off to Your Highness."

Xia Hanyu raised his eyebrow slightly, "That's fine."

It wasn't until Xia Hanyu's car drove away that Xia Ji opened the information she gave, his eyes narrowed.

He understood what His Highness meant.


The car drove slowly towards the palace.

After a whole day of work, Xia Hanyu felt a little drowsy, but when the car was about to reach the gate of the palace, someone killed him.

"Sir, see Your Highness."

Fu Ling turned off the car and drove off, blessing him.

"It turned out to be Young Master Shi Heng. It's just that His Highness is busy today, and now he is tired and fell asleep. I'm afraid I won't be able to see Master Shi Heng today. Why don't you come and see him at another time?"

Shi Heng bows his hands, the gentleman is modest and gentle as jade.

"What are you busy with today, Your Highness?"

"I think, this is not something you should ask more about."

Although Fu Ling didn't know why her master was acting abnormal today, and she had asked the hidden guard to deal with it before, she could tell that His Highness's attitude towards Master Shi Heng had changed.

And His Highness's attitude is her attitude. If His Highness likes someone, then she likes him. If His Highness doesn't like someone, it must be that the other party has done something wrong to His Highness and His Highness knows it. It is not worth her money. I look good.

What's more, if it was normal, His Highness would come down by himself.

Shi Heng's warm face changed, his eyebrows twitched slightly, and he cupped his hands again.

"So, it's my fault. I won't disturb His Highness's rest, I'll talk about it another day."

Fu Ling nodded, turned around and returned to the car.

"Get off."

Shi Heng watched Che Jia disappearing in front of him little by little. For some reason, he always felt uneasy, as if something was no longer under his control.


"Your Highness, are you awake?"

Fu Ling turned around and saw that Xia Hanyu had opened her eyes.

Xia Hanyu looked at her with a smile on her lips, "Fu Ling, you did a good job."

She really doesn't want to see Shi Heng's hypocritical face now.

It's not the right time to deal with him, but sooner or later, she will let them die without a place to bury them!
Violence flashed across Xia Hanyu's eyes.

Fu Ling shook her head, "Although I don't know why Your Highness hates Mr. Shi Heng, His Highness is always right, and he must have done something that wronged His Highness."

"My Poria is really smart, Your Highness rewards you with snacks."

Xia Hanyu pushed the plate of Fu Ling's favorite dim sum in front of her.

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Fu Ling was immediately happy, and carefully wrapped up the dessert.

"I'll keep it and eat slowly."

Xia Hanyu knew that she wanted to keep it and eat with other little sisters.

"So, you can pack the other things too."


Xia Hanyu looked at the lively Poria in front of her, and her emotions just now were blown away a little, revealing a smile.

"Fu Ling, from now on, you just need to remember that the brothers and sisters from Shi's family are my enemies, the ones who will never die, understand?"

"Fu Ling understands."

So, they really did something to offend His Highness!

Fu Ling was annoyed, she just felt that she should have given Shi Heng a worse look just now!

After driving back to the palace, Xia Hanyu quickly returned to her bedroom, but before she could sit down, the little eunuch outside hurried in and fell to the ground with a plop.

"Your Highness, His Highness the Crown Prince has caused trouble again, so go and have a look."

Xia Hanyu turned around and sneered.

"I almost forgot, there is still such a thing in the palace waiting for me to clean it up!"

(End of this chapter)

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