After the eldest princess was reborn, she was forced to bind the power system

Chapter 20 At that moment, he had the intention to kill

Chapter 20 At that moment, he had the intention to kill

Xia Ji never thought that one day he would be able to compare with Master Heng in His Highness's heart, and even speak for Shi Heng when he wronged him.

Thinking of this, the dark fire in his dark eyes became hotter again.

"take away."

Xia Ji gave an order, and the Jin Yiwei who came behind grabbed Shi Heng's shoulders from left to right.

Shi Huarong never imagined that one day Xia Hanyu would allow Jin Yiwei to attack Shi Heng, so he hurried forward and reached out to grab Xia Hanyu's hand, but she dodged it.

Her face froze.

"Ayu, how could my brother go in a place like Fusi in Beizhen! You are not afraid..." She glanced at Xia Ji carefully, and then whispered: "You know that Xia Ji likes to look for his brother on weekdays Trouble, if you let your brother fall into his hands, you will have to peel off your skin if you don’t die! At that time, you will not be the one who will feel distressed.”

"Why should I feel distressed?" Xia Hanyu looked at her, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, "Aren't you the one who should feel distressed?"

For some reason, looking at Xia Hanyu in front of him, Shi Huarong always felt uneasy, forced a smile on his face, and stepped forward to quickly hold her hand to show his closeness.

"Ayu, you are used to making fun of me. Shi Heng is my elder brother. If something happens to him, I will feel sorry for him, but you are my future sister-in-law..."

Before she finished speaking, Xia Hanyu interrupted her coldly.

"Shi Huarong, you should be talking nonsense here too."

"Although I used to appreciate Master Shi somewhat, I have never crossed the line. In the past, you asked me for the objects sent from the palace to your master's residence. Now you speak of such destruction in public. The words of Bengong's reputation show that you have never regarded Bengong as your friend, so there is no friendship between Bengong and you."

Saying that, Xia Hanyu pushed her hand away, took the handkerchief from Fuling's hand, wiped the place she had pulled, and took two steps back.

Shi Huarong was hit hard immediately.

"Ayu, you misunderstood, I didn't..."

Xia Hanyu reminded her in a cold voice: "There is a difference between superiority and inferiority. Miss Shi should respectfully call me Your Highness, or the Eldest Princess."

"Also, if we see Bengong again in the future, I hope Miss Shi will not forget the proper etiquette, otherwise it will only make outsiders think of your master's upbringing."

Shi Huarong's expression was startled, he took a step back unsteadily, his face turned pale, and he saluted tremblingly.

"Hua Rong sees Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess."

Xia Hanyu looked at her indifferently, before speaking for a while, "Get up."

Then he turned around, never wanting to part her eyes again.

She noticed it!
Shi Huarong looked at Xia Hanyu's back, and felt that the surrounding air was being sucked dry, and it became more and more difficult to breathe.

Her nails were tightly dug into her palms, the smell of blood filled the tip of her nose, but she couldn't feel any pain at all, her heart was filled with unwillingness and hatred that almost overwhelmed others

Why!Obviously she is also a princess, but now she has to stand here and be insulted by her!
If the ancestors of the Xia family hadn't breached Shangjing and seized the throne that belonged to her ancestors, she should be the one who stands tall now!

She closed her eyes angrily and opened them again.

Xia Hanyu, sooner or later, I will let you kneel in front of me and bear all the humiliation I have endured!
But the most important thing now is Shi Heng.

Shi Huarong looked at Shi Heng worriedly, turned around and ran in another direction.

She is going to find her father to find a way, and she must not let her brother fall into Jin Yiwei's hands. The longer he stays inside, the more dangerous he will be.

As soon as she thought of him being tortured by Xia Ji inside, her already pale face suddenly became a little paler.

Shi Heng was taken down by Jin Yiwei, but Xia Ji didn't go back. He walked in Xia Hanyu's direction and stopped not far behind her.

At this time, she was squatting on the ground coaxing a child. The child was almost hit by a carriage just now and was rescued by a kind person, but he still suffered a lot of scratches.

Xia Hanyu held the wound medicine from the imperial physician in his hand and applied it to him gently.

"Just bear with it, and it won't hurt soon."

There were still teardrops on the child's face, plus he was twitching after being frightened just now, and there were still teardrops on his face from crying just now.

The gentle scene in front of him reminded him unconsciously of the year when he was first sent to the palace.

At that time, because the family could not afford to support so many children, as the second child in the family, he was bought by his parents and sent to the palace as a young eunuch. He was listening to the children who were about his age in the house There was a scream, and I ran out to hide in the rockery and shivered in fear.

I don't know how long it took.

"Huh? Are you, little eunuch, hiding here and being lazy?"

An immature and delicate voice rang in his ears, and when he turned around, he saw a girl doll carved in pink and jade looking at him curiously.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes, "Who are you?"

Then he heard her say: "My mother calls me Yu'er, and you can call me that too."

A small figure crawled in from the outside, and the expensive palace skirt was scratched several times.

He quickly reached out to pull her.

"Thank you." She thanked her charmingly, and then sat down beside him.

"Little eunuch, why are you hiding here?"

"I'm not a eunuch yet."

His ears were red, and he lowered his head and whispered.


"Because I was afraid of pain and ran away."

He told her what he had just experienced, and she nodded her head half understanding, "Then don't you want to be a little eunuch?"

He shook his head and nodded again.

"My father sold me here to be a eunuch." The choice has never belonged to people like him.

"It's okay, I'm a princess. If you don't want to, I'll ask my father to let you be a guard, so that you can stay in the palace in the future. If I'm bored, I can ask you to come to the rockery to play again."

He nodded.

They stayed in the rockery for a long time, until the sky became dark. Waves of people came outside, and they shouted anxiously for His Highness, and then he was brought back to Kunning Palace by her.

There, he ate the most delicious food in the world and met the most gentle woman in the world.

He saw his little princess acting like a spoiled child to the majestic man. She said she would take him as a bodyguard and let him protect her. smile.

Because he knew that he no longer needed to be a eunuch.

Later, he was sent to a training base by a white-faced and beardless person. It was a place for training the royal guards. It was very bitter and the jungle was prey to the strong. She was the only reason for him to persevere, because he promised Yes, I will be her bodyguard in the future.

I don't know how many years later, he walked out of the base with the best results, was named Xia Ji, became a thousand households of Jinyiwei, and became the sharpest knife in the hands of His Majesty.

But when he saw her again, there was another person beside her. She smiled at him so beautifully, and that smile once belonged to him alone!
At that moment, he had killing intent.

(End of this chapter)

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