Chapter 21

Returning to his thoughts, Xia Ji squatted down beside Xia Hanyu and took the medicine in her hand.

"Your Highness, it will be good if you come."

After squatting for a long time, Xia Hanyu's legs were indeed a little numb, so she handed them to him.

The child was drugged gently by the beautiful big sister, and suddenly changed into a face of ice cubes, wearing the flying fish costume his mother has always used to scare the child, thinking that his mother said that if he behaved badly, he would be arrested and locked up by Jin Yiwei , I was so frightened that I cried.

Xia Ji: "..." black face.

The child cried even harder, with snot and tears all over his face.

Xia Hanyu burst out laughing, shrugging her shoulders, her smile was bright and joyful.

"Xia Ji, you really don't please children at all."

The child's mother's expression was a little awkward, and she hurriedly said: "My lord, my child is afraid of being born, if not, I'll do it myself."

Xia Ji handed her the trauma medicine with a blank expression before replying to what Xia Hanyu had just said.

"Jin Yiwei doesn't need children to like it." Besides, he doesn't care about her joy.

But Xia Ji knows in her heart that the person she likes is someone like Shi Heng who is full of knowledge; even if she despises him now, there will always be others.

Thinking of this, his heart seemed to be stirred by a sharp object, and after the pain passed, only numbness remained.

Xia Hanyu didn't know what he was thinking at this time, and slowly stood up, but because she had been squatting for a long time, she staggered suddenly when she got up, and before she fell, she was grabbed by a pair of big hands.

"Your Highness forgive me."

Xia Ji quickly let go of Xia Hanyu, and immediately pleaded guilty. He had long been accustomed to using indifference and alienation to cover up his inner madness and heat.

Seeing this, Fu Ling on the side hurried forward to support Xia Hanyu.

"Your Highness, take a rest, it will be fine for the servants to come over these things."

Xia Hanyu smiled slightly, but when she turned her head, she saw a familiar face.

She was surprised.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, she actually found her.

She had seen her twice in her previous life, so she recognized her at a glance.

Seeing that she had been looking in one direction, Fu Ling immediately looked over, and saw a beautiful figure busying around beside the imperial doctor.

"Your Highness, that girl saved the child just now."

The other party seemed to feel Xia Hanyu's gaze, turned around and looked at her, walked towards them, and saluted her respectfully.

"Bai Zhi, the daughter of the people, has met the Eldest Princess Wan An."

"Miss Bai Zhi is free." Xia Hanyu stretched out her hand to offer a gesture of courtesy, "I should thank you, and if the child dies because of me, I will feel uneasy."

Bai Zhi didn't expect Xia Hanyu to be different from the rumors.

She is polite, kind, and even cares about the lives of their people, which can be seen from the fact that she sent people to find the imperial doctor to heal the people as soon as she was safe.

In this world, nobles have always treated common people like dogs, killing them at will.

The eldest princess is so high up that she is really different from them.

Bai Zhi suddenly had a thought in her heart.

"Your Highness, the girl has something to ask." She suddenly knelt down.

Xia Hanyu naturally knew her purpose, and looked at her with a smile, "You helped me, so I should pay you back, just say what you want."

Bai Zhi knew that she had made the right bet, and hurriedly said: "Minnv has an older sister who was lost since she was a child, and she is now in the palace. Minnv hopes that His Highness can help Minnv find her. As long as she can be found, His Highness Let the girls do whatever they want."

She was still thinking about how to enter the palace to find her younger sister, but she never thought that everything was so coincidental.

"I don't know what your sister's name is?"

"His Royal Highness, her name is Banxia."

(End of this chapter)

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