Chapter 23 Her Good Brother
Bai Zhi's eyes widened, and she pointed there with a trembling finger, "Fu Ling, is this how she usually treats the prince?"

Beating the prince is a serious crime against the nine clans!
Seeing her frightened appearance, Fu Ling chuckled. "Baizhi, you don't have to worry. This is the right granted by His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess. Even if His Majesty sees it, he won't say anything."

Anyway, as long as the eldest princess is around, nothing will happen.

Bai Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt that the rumors were not completely false.

Her Royal Highness the eldest princess is indeed so blessed that even the crown prince dares to be "beaten" at will.

Fu Ling suddenly said: "Actually, the eldest princess also wanted to let Ban Xia get out of her depression."

Bai Zhi was puzzled, and Fu Ling didn't hide what happened in the palace from her at that time. Anyway, she would have to know sooner or later. If she said it from someone else, she might be misunderstood.

Bai Zhi was a little silent after hearing this, feeling distressed; she never imagined that such a terrible thing would have happened at that time, if it weren't for Her Royal Highness the eldest princess, maybe she would never see her elder sister again in this life.

But the crown prince is the crown prince after all, even if he really killed her sister, people like them are not qualified to take revenge on him, so His Highness...

A sense of gratitude suddenly rose in Bai Zhi's heart, and this was also Xia Hanyu's goal.

If she wants Bai Zhi to be used by her, she needs to get Ban Xia's loyalty first, and clear all the resentment in her heart.

So her good brother... Don't blame my sister for taking advantage of it, because it's so easy.


Bai Zhi walked towards her sister step by step.

She hadn't seen her for many years, and she still couldn't see her face clearly, but she knew that that was the person she had been looking for all these years.

Xia Chengyun reluctantly took the hoe, and went down angrily with the hoe, but was thrown into the mud by the man and the hoe, and ate a mouthful of the smelly mud.

"Ah bah bah bah~ vomit~"

He was so disgusted that his whole body was not well. He choked his neck and vomited for a long time, almost vomited out the jaundice, but he couldn't wash away the smell of manure in his mouth.

Damn Xia Hanyu, he definitely wouldn't just let it go!
He must complain to his father, so that she can also taste what he has tasted!
While Xia Chengyun was disgusted, he cut Xia Hanyu into pieces countless times in his heart. He never thought that she was his own sister. Although she did this out of selfishness, it was for his own good.

Ban Xia: "..."

The manager also forgot about the pain in his leg, and looked at him speechlessly.

"What are you looking at, don't bring water to Bengong!"

The steward rushed to pour water for him to rinse his mouth.

After rinsing his mouth countless times, he always felt that there was still a taste in his mouth. Xia Chengyun stayed still and pointed at the tenant beside him.

"You, and you! You come to work for me. If you do well, I will give each of you a certain amount of gold."

When he said this, several tenants looked at each other in blank dismay, turned their heads and went directly to a place farther away, the disgust was obvious.

How could a person as good as the eldest princess have such a worthless younger brother!
Xia Chengyun: "..."

Ban Xia looked at him with an extremely indifferent expression, "My lord, I advise you to study hard, otherwise if His Highness finds out, you may be punished to stay here longer, you shouldn't want to do this."

Xia Chengyun stared at her viciously, "You wait, I won't let you go!"

Ban Xia was not afraid of his intimidation, and said calmly: "Your Highness, you don't need to care, this is what a servant girl should do."

As soon as the words fell, before Xia Chengyun could say anything, Ban Xia heard Fu Ling's voice behind him.

"Ban Xia!"

She turned around with a raised arc, "Fu Ling, why are you back? Does Your Highness have any orders?"

"His Highness ordered me to bring someone to find you."

When he spoke, he came in front of her.

Ban Xia followed Fu Ling's eyes and looked at Bai Zhi beside her, for some reason, her heart skipped a beat.

Bai Zhi's eye sockets had gradually turned red, and she looked at her excitedly.

"Sister, I'm Ah Zhi."


Ban Xia looked at her and froze there for a while, but the memories related to Bai Zhi and her parents that were blurred in her mind due to the high fever gradually began to become clear.

The next second, the two sisters hugged each other tightly, crying so hard that they couldn't help themselves.

Sometimes only one glance is needed between relatives, and there is no need to say much.


Xia Hanyu had just returned to the palace when he saw Eunuch Bai trotting in his direction.

"Little Highness, are you okay, are you injured? The old slave was so scared that he almost passed out when he heard that His Highness had an accident outside the palace in the palace!"

After Xia Hanyu got off the sedan chair, Bai Lai checked him up and down, and he was relieved.

"Don't worry, Eunuch Bai, I'm fine, and that girl Fu Ling is fine."

"That's good. Your Majesty is really worried because you sent so many imperial physicians out at once."

Xia Hanyu knew that this time she would indeed scare her father, "I was planning to come back and report my father's safety."

"Bai Gonggong, you came to me in such a hurry, it should be more than this matter."

"Is Master Shi entering the palace? Or is the imperial concubine making trouble?"

"Your Highness, you have guessed everything." Eunuch Bai thought that His Highness was smart, and she guessed everything before he even said it.

"They are all in His Majesty's Qianqing Palace right now."

"Originally, His Majesty heard that you were in danger and was about to leave the palace, but he was stopped halfway along the road."

"Really." Xia Hanyu laughed, and the corners of her mouth were joyful, "Since they are already waiting there, let's go."

"Go and meet them."

She wanted to see how they could intercede.


In the Qianqing palace, the emperor was annoyed by the imperial concubine crying, his brows were tightly frowned, but his eyes were always looking out, unable to conceal his worry.

Fortunately, after a while, Xia Hanyu finally appeared.


The emperor strode forward, pressed her shoulders and checked her up and down, "Is Yu'er injured?"

Xia Hanyu shook her head with a smile, "Father, don't worry, my daughter is dead, but I still have to thank Xia Ji, if he hadn't saved me, my daughter would always be injured."

The emperor patted her on the shoulder comfortingly.

"It's fine, it's fine; don't worry, Yu'er, I will reward Xia Ji well."

The moment he heard about her accident, the emperor's mind went blank and he fell down first.

Xia Hanyu comforted him, and her eyes fell on the other two present, greeting with innocent expressions.

"My lord, the imperial concubine, you are here too."

Shi Yan turned around and saluted Xia Hanyu.

"The old minister sees the princess."

"Master, no courtesy."

Xia Hanyu returned the gift with an indifferent expression, just looking at him like this.

"Master Shi is standing here with the imperial concubine right now, but to intercede for Shi Heng?"

(End of this chapter)

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