After the eldest princess was reborn, she was forced to bind the power system

Chapter 24 The host wakes up, daytime is not suitable for dreaming

Chapter 24 The host wakes up, daytime is not suitable for dreaming
"Yes." Shi Yan's unsmiling face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, "Shi Heng has been a kind-hearted person since he was a child, and I believe that he will not hurt Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess."

"Since that's the case, why bother to plead for mercy?"

Xia Hanyu moved to the side and sat down, tilting his chin lightly, "Master Shi must be clear that Jin Yiwei always only looks at evidence and not people when investigating cases. Since Shi Heng has never done it, why did Master Shi come here?"


Shi Yan was taken aback for a moment, but fell silent for a moment, and then said again after a while: "It's the minister who lost his composure, and I got a little anxious just because the little girl said that His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess was furious."

At this moment, he must also be sober. Naturally, he could think of the loopholes in Shi Huarong's words, and his face suddenly darkened a little.

Shi Yan is a pure minister, and his eyes are full of people's livelihood in the court, society, and people. In the last life, after knowing that Shi Heng and the second room of Shi's family conspired to rebel, he was so angry that he died in front of her father and emperor. If it wasn't for lack of ability, Xia Hanyu would even He felt that he could kill those two people on the spot with a single sword, and drag them to hell together.


"It doesn't matter, Mr. Master is also eager to love his son, I don't care about it." Xia Hanyu looked at Shi Qingyun with a smile, "Is there anything else you want to say, the imperial concubine?"

Shi Qingyun gritted her teeth, "Since the princess said she would be fair, I naturally have nothing to say; it's just..."

"I hope that Her Highness the Princess can do what she says."

"That's natural." The curvature of Xia Hanyu's mouth is called a gentle twist, "After all, the imperial concubine also knows that this princess has always admired Master Shiheng very much. If the incident at this time is not too serious, and it is under the watchful eyes of everyone. How could Gong let Xia Ji take him away, I really feel helpless."

She couldn't help sighing again, "Maybe Tong Xia, the concubine, doesn't know that those people failed to murder the palace, but they killed many innocent people. I heard that some of them were directly trampled by horses. Legs, people are half dead, and the imperial physicians haven't returned to the palace yet."

"It's so serious!"

Shi Yan was furious immediately, "But why did Hua Rong tell me that only a few people were slightly injured?"

Xia Hanyu: "I guess Miss Shi only sees her elder brother in her eyes. After all, the relationship between them is so good. If they weren't brothers and sisters, I would have thought they were husband and wife."

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing, as if thinking of something.

"Master, don't get me wrong, I was just joking just now."

Shi Yan didn't say much, but his face became more serious.

Seeing her brother's expression, Shi Qingyun's heart skipped a beat, "Your Highness, this joke is not funny, please don't say any more, so as not to ruin your reputation."

"Since you have done it, why are you afraid of people talking about it?"

Xia Hanyu smiled sweetly, her beautiful eyebrows turned, and Shi Qingyun twisted her handkerchief angrily.

Shi Qingyun wanted to say something, but the emperor's face darkened.

"Okay, concubine, you can step back."

"Yes, the concubine is resigning." Shi Qingyun was so frightened that she immediately silenced, glanced at her brother, and hurriedly resigned.

After she left, the emperor looked at Xia Hanyu with a smile on his face, and said, "Since it's a misunderstanding, then this matter will end here, and Xia Ji will investigate everything."

"Yanqing, what do you think?"

Shi Yan immediately knelt down: "I obey the order."

The emperor was satisfied.

"Your Majesty, since the matter is over, I will take my leave first."

The emperor nodded, Shi Yan turned around and wanted to leave, but was stopped by Xia Hanyu.

"Master, please stay."

"Is there anything else your Highness wants?"

Xia Hanyu raised his hand slightly: "Come here, bring the things up."

Soon a little eunuch presented an object in front of Shi Yan.

"Are these... hoes? They are so smooth and sharp!"

Daxia's hoes are relatively blunt, and the craftsmanship is naturally inferior to the objects brought out by the system.

At this time, Shi Yan's eyes were shining brightly, and he couldn't put it down holding those hoes, observing carefully.

"Your Majesty, does this object seem to be iron or not?"

The emperor also noticed it, and subconsciously looked at Xia Hanyu: "Yu'er, do you know what kind of material this is?"

"It's steel, a thing that never rusts."

This is what the system told her.

"Father, one of the components of steel is iron. It's a pity that although my daughter got this, she didn't get the method of refining it. When my daughter meets that person in the future, she will definitely buy the method back."

The emperor nodded, "That's it, Yu'er has worked hard."

His daughter has secrets, but so what, as long as it is good for the court and the people, he will support her unconditionally, whether as an emperor or as a father!

Xia Hanyu shook her head, "My daughter is not working hard."

She looked at Shi Yan who was eager to stick to the set of hoes, her eyes flickered slightly.

"Master, I heard that your son-in-law likes to study some weird farm tools and crops. Why don't you give this set of farm tools to him and see if he can make something comparable to it."

If he could research out steel, then she might be able to do one less task and get better seeds that can yield several thousand catties earlier.

As soon as the thought fell, the system's mechanical sound sounded: "The host wakes up, daytime is not suitable for dreaming."

Xia Hanyu: "..." Heh.

"What do Master Master think?"

"This..." Shi Yan never thought that Xia Hanyu would be willing to hand over such an important thing to his legitimate son.

"Your Highness, I'm afraid that the minister's son-in-law will not be able to take on such a great job!"

Xia Hanyu shook her head and said, "I believe that he will not disappoint me."

"Master, maybe you have never understood this son."

Shi Huaiyi has been smart since he was a child, but because he didn't want to take the imperial examination, he liked to hang out with some tenants all day long, helping them improve their farm tools and grain seeds, so Shi Yan felt that he was not doing his job properly, and his expectations for him turned into disappointment. In the end, he will turn his attention to the concubine Shi Heng.

Xia Hanyu used to think the same way until later.

In the last life, about a year after the present, he actually researched a good breed with an average yield of more than 400 catties per mu and a maximum of [-] catties. Unfortunately, under Shi Huarong's calculations, Shi Heng took away this good reputation.

It was also from then on that she had doubts about Shi Heng's character.

Hearing that she valued Shi Huaiyi so much, Shi Yan couldn't help being startled.

"His Royal Highness, on behalf of my ministers."

After what happened just now, Shi Yan felt that maybe it was time for him to look at the children in his family again.

I thought Hua Rong was innocent and intelligent, but she would lie to him, if not for the kindness of the eldest princess and His Majesty, the whole family of the teacher would be implicated in this; and his bastard, really has nothing to do with this matter?

The eldest princess had always valued him before, but now she broke with him, watching Xia Ji bring people into Jinyiwei, which made him think more.

Looking at the back of him leaving with those hoes, the smile on Xia Hanyu's mouth faded a bit, and the cold star in his pupils passed away.

She wanted to see what kind of expression he would have when he came out of Jinyiwei and saw that the elder brother whom she had always looked down upon had won her father's attention again.

Thinking about it, it will be very...beautiful!

(End of this chapter)

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