Chapter 31

Xia Hanyu glanced at him approvingly, "Now you know why I let Shi Heng go?"

It was easy to kill him, but what she wanted was the filth behind them.

Xia Ji couldn't help but pursed his lower lip, not knowing what to say for a while.

"I know I'm wrong."

"Your Highness already knew that they had the jade seal from the previous dynasty?"

Xia Hanyu shook her head, naturally she couldn't tell them that she knew it in her previous life, she just said: "That's not true, it was discovered by An San after seeing Shi Huarong take it out for use."

"If my guess is correct, Shi Huarong may not be from the Shi family, but from the previous dynasty, or even... the princess of the previous dynasty."

"The former dynasty has only been around for more than 100 years, and there is a high possibility of having a princess from the former dynasty."

Xia Ji's eyes were horrifying, "I'm going to arrest her now!"

Xia Hanyu glanced at him, "It's easy to catch her, but the trouble is the messy and complicated former regime behind her. If we move her now, it will startle the snake. I'm afraid it will be trouble."

"Today's Great Xia can no longer bear such troubles, and the common people even more so."

Xia Ji pursed his lips and remained silent, but his body was covered with biting cold, so cold that An San couldn't help shrinking his neck.

His Highness was supposed to live in a reckless manner, but now he frowns for a mere former princess... The murderous intent on Xia Ji's body can hardly be concealed.

Xia Hanyu put the jade seal back into the box and handed it to the dark third, "Let the second put it back first, and then exchange it out after the fake jade seal is ready."


Dark three retreated.

A Biezhuang in the suburbs.

"Chen Caisheng sees the princess."

"Lord Cai is exempt."

Shi Huarong put away the jade seal that proved his identity, stepped forward to help him up, and directly explained the purpose of coming.

"Lord Cai, I came to you today because I want to ask you for help."

"The princess is here for Shi Heng's affairs."

Shi Heng's matter was so serious that it had already become a joke in the streets and alleys, so Cai Sheng had naturally heard of it.

"Yes." Shi Huarong nodded, his anxiety was hard to hide, "I wonder if Mr. Cai has a way to save people."

Cai Sheng shook his head.

"Princess, you should know that Jin Yiwei works full-time for His Majesty. Even if the people who enter Beizhen Fusi are the family members of the chief assistant of the dynasty, they can't take a step without His Majesty's will. At this time, I can't help you."

"Master Cai, can't I intercede for my brother in front of His Majesty?"

Shi Huarong didn't expect that he would reject her without even thinking about it.

Cai Sheng still shook his head. If Shi Heng was imprisoned in other cells, he might still be able to think of a way, but now he offended the eldest princess, and the eldest princess is His Majesty's most beloved daughter, there is no possibility of intercession in this matter.

"Princess, you should know what is going on with this matter. The evidence is solid, and I really have no other choice."

"Even if I beg you, won't you?"

Shi Huarong suddenly knelt down in front of Cai Sheng, his expression changed greatly in fright.

"Princess, this is impossible. You are a king, how can you kneel down as a humble minister!" He wanted to help her up as he said.

Shi Huarong knelt there straight, "My elder brother was wronged in this matter, and he just wanted to save people at that time. I never thought that he would be wronged by that villain Xia Ji, and now he is in jail. My life and death are uncertain. Mr. Cai, I I came here to find you because I really had nowhere to go, please, help me!"

"This..." Cai Sheng was full of hesitation, but he couldn't bear to look at Guru Hua Rong's pleading eyes.

The second room of the master's mansion has made great contributions to adopting the princess, and Shi Heng is the princess's current elder brother with a great reputation. When the world returns to the princess in the future, he really needs someone close to him to help him.

"Does the princess have evidence?"


Shi Huarong hurriedly stood up, took out the evidence that Shi Heng had prepared before, and handed it over.

"I've had people investigate these two days. At this time, because of Xia Hanyu's frequent scolding and scolding, the groom forced him to do harm in order to vent his anger. Moreover, he had already recruited him, but Jin Yiwei No matter what, I don’t want to let people go.”

This evidence is the last way Shi Heng prepared for himself, but it will only be useful if Shi Huarong comes forward.

Cai Sheng took it, and his expression became more serious the more he looked at it.

"It's simply lawless!"

"Princess, don't worry. After I return, I will contact a few senior officials to send this evidence to His Majesty. Jin Yiwei will naturally have to let him go."

"Thank you, Mr. Cai, Hua Rong."

Cai Sheng is Yushicheng, he could have impeached hundreds of officials in the court, if he added several other adults together, she believed that his brother would come out soon.

Then the two said their goodbyes.

After they left, two Jinyiwei came out from the dark, looked at each other solemnly, one continued to follow Cai Sheng, and the other hurried back to Jinyiwei.

I really didn't expect that this master's mansion would be so bold that it would dare to adopt the orphans of the previous dynasty!
At this time, you must report to the adults immediately!
Thinking of this, the man quickened his pace, and soon returned to Jinyiwei.

It happened that Xia Ji came back from the palace, and he hurriedly reported what he heard and saw, but Xia Ji just sat there with a cold expression.

"Keep staring at them, I want to see who else they can contact to impeach me."

He is looking forward to it.

 I have tested the waters, so I simply ask for a recommendation ticket^_^

(End of this chapter)

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