Chapter 32 Kill

That Jin Yiwei turned and retreated, Xia Ji got up slowly, muttering a name at the corner of his mouth.

"Cai Sheng."

Cai Sheng, the No. 6 Jinshi in the top ranking list six years ago, was appointed by His Majesty to serve in the Yushitai because of his straightforward temperament and he did not want his colleagues to pretend to be snakes. Now he is the Yushi Cheng.

Such a person is actually a rebellious party from the previous dynasty!

Xia Ji couldn't help but feel a little heavy in his heart.

How many people like this are there in the court today?How many things have they done in secret?No wonder His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess made such an arrangement in order to find out these people in the dark.

He was anxious before.

And Cai Sheng has also returned to the mansion at this time, although he has agreed to intercede for Shi Heng, but he is conflicted in his heart.

Today, His Majesty has the kindness to know him, so he put himself in Yushitai because of his trust, but he also promised his father that the only master in this life is the princess... But if he helps the princess this time, he will I'm sorry Your Majesty!

No matter how he chooses, he will be a courtier in vain!

Now it is really a dilemma, he even hopes that Shi Huarong will never look for him.

It's a pity... With a plop, he suddenly knelt down towards the palace, and his knee landed on the bluestone ground, making a heavy sound.

He has made a choice.

After the second watch, a figure walked out of Cai's mansion, and then entered a mansion, after a long time, two more people went in, and did not leave until the third watch.

Jin Yiwei quickly reported the matter to Xia Ji, Xia Ji's complexion was like ink, and a deep and terrifying laugh came out of his throat, which made Jin Yiwei standing in front of him shudder.

Except for that time in the cell, he had never seen an adult so angry.

In the palace, Xia Hanyu was fast asleep, but unexpectedly there was a sound in her ear, she suddenly opened her eyes and sat up.


"it's me."

Xia Ji stood in front of the bed and spoke out.

Xia Hanyu breathed a sigh of relief, her voice still hoarse from just waking up.

"Xia Ji, it's you." She really scared her just now.


Xia Ji's voice was very soft, but somehow tinged with embarrassment.

Xia Hanyu sat up, raised her head and saw his outline clearly under the moonlight, "But is there any clue about that?"

"Yes." He nodded, with a melodious and low voice, "Today, Shi Huarong went out to find Cai Sheng, Yushi Cheng, and asked him to find a way to pass the evidence to His Majesty. The impeachment minister had evidence but deliberately refused to let Shi Heng leave the prison. one thing."

"Later, Cai Sheng went to Tang Wu, a doctor from the household department, Zhang Wei, a member of the official department, and Chang Wen, the left servant from the military department. Presumably, they will intercede for Shi Heng at the court tomorrow morning."

Xia Ji's eyes kept looking at Xia Hanyu, and he didn't take a step away from the beginning to the end.

"good very good!"

Xia Hanyu laughed back angrily, and sneered, "The Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Households, and the Yushi Cheng actually have their people, and there are even more than these few, and these are all pure ministers in the eyes of the emperor. Even loyal ministers!"

After so many years, how many people have they arranged!
No wonder it was so easy for them to seize the great Xia country in the last life. Nearly half of the civil and military forces in the Manchu Dynasty must be their people!

Why on earth!Her grandfather, father and the others have worked so hard for so many years to give the people of today a good life, and to clean up the devastated country and the people who were left behind by the stupid previous dynasty. It's finally getting better However, they took advantage of natural disasters to start troubles, eradicating dissidents, and they didn't pay attention to the life and death of the people at all!
Why are there still so many people who are willing to be loyal to them? Are all those people blind!

Xia Hanyu was so angry that her eyes turned red. She was wronged for her ancestors and her father!
He worked hard for the sake of the country and the people, and he only slept for less than two hours a day, but he was notorious, while those sanctimonious people enjoyed the benefits while devouring her father's achievements, and were not afraid of choking themselves to death. !
Seeing that her eyes were red with anger, Xia Ji was anxious and worried, and couldn't help but take two steps forward, "Don't worry, Your Highness, I will definitely lead them out one by one, and I will never let them hurt Your Highness, endanger the court and His Majesty's life." .”

The next second, the always cold and delicate catkin held his wrist, trembling and full of resentment, held him very hard, and slowly stood up.

"Xia Ji, take me to see Father, don't disturb anyone."

"I'll take your Highness down immediately." Xia Ji curled up his fingers, held her with his backhand, then let go, and turned around, "Your Highness, please change your clothes first."

Xia Hanyu put on her shoes, casually picked up the cloak and wrapped herself tightly, "That's all right, let's go."

Xia Ji turned around, looked at Xia Hanyu who was wrapping him with only a small face, his palms were sweating uncontrollably, and then bent down to hug her.

"Your Highness, I have offended you."

In the next second, she jumped out of the window with her feet, and ran towards the Qianqing Palace.

Xia Hanyu jolted her body, and subconsciously hugged his neck, which made him suffocate, and his feet immediately moved faster.

After a while, they appeared not far from the gate of Qianqing Palace.

Xia Ji put her down.

The lights in Qianqing Palace were still bright, and even the two young eunuchs watching the night at the door were asleep, but her father was still reviewing the mountain of memorials.

Xia Hanyu was really distressed.

She and Xia Ji directly used the token to walk in through the side door, and directly woke up Bai Lai who was resting on the side pillar. Bai Lai rubbed his sleepy eyes and saw that it was him, full of surprise.

"Your Highness, why are you here at this hour?"

"Eunuch Bai, I'm here to find my father, and I have something very important to talk to him about."

At this time, the emperor had already raised his head, and seeing her disheveled, he frowned in surprise, "Yu'er, why did you come out dressed like this?"

Xia Hanyu walked over, "Father, it's the fourth watch, you should rest, and the fifth watch has to go to court early."

"Is it the fourth watch already? I just wanted to finish approving these few memorials first, and the time passed before I knew it."

The emperor smiled wearily, "It's just Yu'er, why are you here so late?"

"My daughter wants to ask your opinion on something very important, and she needs your cooperation."

She then told the emperor everything about today.

"Father, if it were you, what would you do?"

In the past, there was no evidence, but now that the evidence is conclusive, she just wanted to say that the huge country depends on her alone, so there is no way to save it.

"It's just these four people today, but my daughter thinks that there are more than just these few people lurking in the dark. Whether it's the court, the army, or the people, it's really great that they are lurking." So good that I couldn't even notice it.

"If something happened to General Wang that time, it must be their own people who will take over General Wang's position at that time."

The emperor was sitting on a chair, holding a writing brush for approving memorials in his hand. Just sitting like this, the aura of a superior exuded from his body suppressed them for a moment, and they were so frightened that they fell asleep outside the door The little eunuch also opened his eyes and stood up straight, not daring to be lazy.

After a while, she heard the emperor's voice again, with helplessness and coldness.

"Then... kill him."

(End of this chapter)

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