Chapter 46 Xia Ji's Ownership
"His Royal Highness is justified. Salt itself should be a common need of the common people. In the past, they couldn't afford salt and even went directly to dig poisonous salt to eat. As a result, countless deaths and injuries occurred."

It's just because if you don't eat salt, you will be weak and unable to do daily work at all. Now, not only is there non-toxic salt, but His Highness has also set the price so low that the people will flock to it, and I'm afraid they will buy it in a hurry.

The emperor nodded, "I see, you can go down."

Xia Hanyu: "Master Zuo, can you give me the salt in your hand, I may be useful in the future."

Zuo Wenwenyan looked at the small bag of salt in his hand, handed it to her, and then left.

Emperor: "What do you want this salt for? If the small kitchen needs it, just ask them to bring it."

Xia Hanyu shook her head and said, "It's not that the small kitchen needs it, but I want to use this as a reward."

"Father, I originally planned to go to the outskirts of the garrison barracks today to select five thousand soldiers, but you called me back in a hurry; but now it's just right, and I don't need to bother looking for rewards and punishments anymore."

Hearing what she said, the emperor suddenly became interested.

"Oh? Are you going to make a big move?"

Xia Hanyu compared it with her fingers, "It's just a small movement. If it works well, that method may be used in the training of all soldiers in the barracks."

"You mean, that mysterious person gave you something good again? Or is it related to soldiers?"

"That's right." Xia Hanyu chuckled, "So Father, next, you have to lend me Xia Ji for a few days first. If you have nothing to do, just look for him. You have more than just such ministers under your command. If you have something to do, go to them. Tian Tian only knows how to exploit Xia Ji."

"Am I right."

Xia Hanyu turned to look at Xia Ji who was standing like a sculpture.

Xia Ji: "..."

Only then did the emperor notice Xia Ji, wondering, "When did you come, why didn't I see you just now?"

Xia Ji cupped his hands, "Return to Your Majesty, I... have always been there, but Your Highness asked me to restrain my breath before, so Your Majesty didn't notice my existence for a while."

The main reason is that the attention just now was not on him.

"Is that so?" the emperor asked Xia Hanyu.

Xia Hanyu nodded innocently, "At that time, I was just afraid that he would scare the daughter of Shi's family who just came back. She is timid, and she couldn't stand Xia Ji's murderous aura."

"So that's how it is." The emperor was thoughtful, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Yu'er, is that woman really Shi Yan's biological daughter?"

"It's bloody confession, does the father think that his daughter will play tricks on it?" Xia Hanyu hummed, she didn't bother to do that.

The emperor coughed dryly, "Of course I don't mean that, I'm just a little curious about how she knows her identity, it must have something to do with you."

"Not bad." Xia Hanyu's lips curved slightly, with complacency.

"Didn't she just give me and Xia Ji a big gift in the court hall, and this is just a gift in return."

Although she prepared the gift early this time, it was such a coincidence that even God couldn't stand it.

The emperor nodded in satisfaction and smiled proudly, "As expected of my daughter, she has my demeanor."

Not everyone is qualified to bully the sons and daughters of the Tian family!

"Since that's the case, Xia Ji will be yours for the next few days. When you use it up, you can return it."


After being tormented by the emperor, it was already afternoon, and Xia Hanyu didn't bother to go to the barracks again, lest the talent arrive, and it would be dark and the trip would be in vain.

For the time being, we can only wait for tomorrow.

Xia Hanyu returned to the palace and put the bag of snow salt aside.

"Your Highness, what is this?"

Fu Ling hadn't entered the hall at that time, so naturally she didn't know what was in front of her eyes.

Xia Hanyu explained to her: "This is snow salt, which is what the salt officials have refined from the mines of those poisonous salts, so that they will not be poisoned again after eating it, and the price is lower than before, and ordinary people can buy it." worthy of some."

"Fu Ling, if you were an ordinary citizen, would you be willing to buy this snow salt?"

"Of course I want to. This salt looks very good. It's as fine and flawless as snow. No wonder it's called snow salt." Fu Ling couldn't help but pick up a little bit and put it in her mouth, her face suddenly changed because of the salt.

"Huh~ It's so salty."

The palace people on the side laughed at her, "Sister Fuling, salt is naturally salty."

"Your Highness, is such fine fine salt really cheaper than before?" a palace official couldn't help asking her.

Xia Hanyu nodded, "I have already discussed with my father. The snow salt is tentatively set at thirty cents a bucket. When there are more mines in the future, it should be lowered."

"However, these are still secrets for the time being. You are not allowed to spread them out, otherwise I will punish you severely."

"The slaves obey the order."

They never thought that the salt was so "cheap".

"In this way, my parents and the others can afford to buy salt in the future, and when they have the energy to work, they won't be afraid of being hungry again."

Several palace people couldn't help covering their faces and weeping, while others were also full of excitement.

Xia Hanyu didn't expect them to be so touched, but just smiled and said: "I will go to the salt mine to get snow salt later, and I will bring you some back when the time comes, so that you can send them home."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness."

The palace people immediately knelt down, their eyes filled with joy.

Xia Hanyu suddenly became curious, "Are you really not afraid that there is something wrong with the salt?"

A young eunuch slowly raised his head, with a wry smile on his face, "Your Highness, you don't know, we ordinary people have eaten a lot of poisonous salt long ago, and my younger brother died after eating poisonous salt."

"It seems that what Zuo Wen said is true."

Within the palace walls, she really knew too little.

It seems that they need to be urged to promote snow salt to the whole country as soon as possible.


On the second day, as soon as Xia Hanyu left the palace gate, she saw Xia Ji was already waiting there, accompanied by two guards in flying fish suits. Seeing the carriage coming out, the three of them got off the horse and saluted in front of her.

Xia Hanyu lifted the curtain of the carriage, and his eyes fell on the two people beside him.

"It's rare for Master Xia to bring someone by his side today."

Except for official business, Xia Ji usually doesn't have anyone around him.

Xia Ji cupped his hands, "I'm just thinking about His Highness's safety."

The two knelt down when they heard the words, "Jinyiwei Qianhu Yu Xiao (Han Ren) sees His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess, a thousand years old."

Xia Hanyu burst into laughter when she heard the words, "I am not superstitious, so I will avoid those who are not a thousand years old in the future."

She has just passed Jiji now, if she can live a few more years in this life, it will be enough if she doesn't live less than twenty like her previous life.


The two ruthless Jinyiwei Qianhu in the center of his population were rarely at a loss, and looked at their boss with a look of asking for help.

Xia Ji: "What Your Highness says, you do it."

The two nodded in succession.

Immediately, the three of them got on their horses and headed towards the barracks of the garrison outside the city, but before the carriage could leave the city gate, they were stopped by someone directly.

 The second round of PK is over ^_^; now it's the third round, and I don't know if this is the last round.

(End of this chapter)

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