Chapter 47

Xia Hanyu frowned slightly, and then heard the person outside slowly say: "Craftsman Zheng Hai, see Your Highness the Eldest Princess, Your Highness"

Fu Ling opened the door curtain of the carriage, and Xia Hanyu saw that the Xiuchun knife in Xia Ji's hand had come out of its sheath and landed on the opponent's neck.

Xia Hanyu stopped him, "Xia Ji, it's okay."

Xia Ji then withdrew the knife from the opponent's neck and stood beside her carriage.

"Boss Zheng came here for the matter of Xueyan, but Boss Zheng's news is quite well-informed. What I only learned about yesterday, you found out so quickly."

Xia Hanyu squinted her eyes, but no emotion could be seen between her brows.

Zheng Hai's heart tensed immediately, "Forgive me, Your Highness, I also accidentally learned of this news, and I couldn't enter the palace. I happened to see Your Highness's carriage at the window, and this is what happened."

The moment Jin Yiwei pointed a knife at his neck just now, he felt for the first time that his head might fall to the ground in a second.

"I see."

Xia Hanyu's reaction was indifferent, but she did not refuse him directly, "I still have important things to do today, so I will wait two days to discuss the matter you mentioned; when I am free, someone will come to you."

After saying this, Xia Hanyu asked Fu Ling to close the car curtain.

"Let's go."

Zheng Hai stood still and watched the carriage gradually move towards the gate of the city, and a young man walked up to him behind him.

"Father, it was too dangerous just now, why did you suddenly stop the eldest princess' car in the street?" If the eldest princess gets angry, their family will die!
Zheng Hai couldn't help but sigh, "You don't understand, the imperial court will make a big move soon, if we can't seize this opportunity, it will definitely be a huge blow to us salt merchants."

A bucket of salt is priced at [-], which has never happened since the founding of the Great Xia, because this is a similar price that was only available in the first prosperous period of the previous dynasty. His instinct told himself that the court's actions were definitely more than that.

Moreover, he has seen snow salt, which is as white and delicate as snow, several times finer than the so-called fine salt in their hands.

As a businessman, he was very worried about the big actions of the court, but as a commoner of Daxia, he was happy about it.

Because the final beneficiaries of this action are countless people!
The reason why he dared to stop the car at this time was because he was confident that the imperial court would never completely deny him a way out, and he believed that he had made the right bet.

On the other side, the carriage had already left the city gate, and Xia Ji rode slowly beside the carriage.

"Xia Ji, leave this matter to you to investigate, and I will know the result before noon tomorrow."

Now that the imperial court is still accumulating strength, someone has dared to spread the situation, she will never tolerate it!

Xia Ji summoned Han Ren to say a few words, and the other party quickly took orders to leave.

The appearance of Zheng Hai changed Xia Hanyu's mind.

Last night, she was thinking about how to sell snow salt in advance without causing confusion, but now she came up with a good idea.

She can really cooperate with Zheng Hai first, and put the trial selling point of Snow Salt in the Noon Salt Store. In this way, those people who try to buy and sell will be the first batch of experimenters. The imperial court is not afraid that no one can prove it.

After leaving the city gate, the road was not very smooth, the wheels rumbled up and down, and Xia Hanyu, who was jolting, almost vomited out the breakfast he had just eaten, and couldn't bear it any longer.


The carriage stopped with a whimper, and Xia Hanyu stepped out of the carriage, jumped down, rushed aside and retched.

Xia Ji quickly got off his horse and ran over, "Your Highness, what's wrong?"

Xia Hanyu waved his hands casually, "It's okay, it's just that the road is too bumpy and I'm a little motion sick."

Xia Ji thought for a while, "How about His Highness's cavalier's horse?"

His horse's name was changed to Zhuifeng, and it was dark all over. It was a famous sweat horse. An existence that no one dares to approach, just like its master.

Xia Hanyu nodded, took a sip of the water that Fu Ling brought over.

He vomited for a long time, but he didn't vomit anything, just made him uncomfortable.

She turned around and walked towards Zhuifeng, reached out to touch it, and saw him flicking his head, just when everyone thought it was about to lose its temper, they saw it suddenly lowered its head and rubbed Xia Hanyu's palm actively, which made the corner of her mouth twitch Laugh, look happy.

Yu Xiao secretly sighed: "Sure enough, even the horse knows who is the lord among the lords here."

Xia Hanyu got on the horse directly, held the rein firmly, bent over and touched the tuft of mane on its back, "What's its name? I like it very much."

Xia Ji glanced expressionlessly at the horse that was directly 'backing the master', and said coldly, "Chasing the wind."

"Zhuifeng, that's a good name."

Xia Hanyu praised it, and the next second, it roared excitedly, and ran out.

Xia Ji's expression changed, and he jumped on Yu Xiao's horse and chased him out.

Yu Xiao: "...that's my horse..."

He rode away, what did he ride?
Fu Ling behind her covered her mouth and smiled, "My lord, if you don't want you to ride in this carriage with me."

Otherwise, you can only walk.

Yu Xiao scratched his head, feeling a little silly, "It seems like this is the only way to go, please trouble girl."

Fu Ling shook her head and blessed him, "My name is Fu Ling, and I am His Highness's personal maid."

"My name is Yu Xiao, Jinyiwei Qianhu."

"I know, you said it when you were at the gate of the palace."

With the support of the coachman, Fu Ling got into the carriage, got into the carriage, opened the curtain and said to him, "Yu Qianhu can sit outside."

Yu Xiao naturally knew that people like him were not qualified to enter the carriage, unless they were adults.


The biting wind whistled past Xia Hanyu's ears, she held the rein tightly, with an incomparably cheerful smile on her lips.

Since she was born again, she has forgotten how long it has been since she laughed so heartily.

Xia Ji was good at riding, and quickly caught up with her, and followed her steadily; he looked at her back, and smiled very lightly with the corners of his mouth that he was always used to pursing.

The two arrived at the garrison barracks as quickly as possible.

"Woo~" Xia Hanyu grabbed the reins.

"Who are you?" Two soldiers guarding the gate stopped them.

"Women are not allowed to approach the important military camp, and leave quickly!"

Xia Hanyu directly took out the token and threw it into the other party's hand, "I am Princess Ding, who came to the barracks to receive five thousand soldiers under the order of my father."

When the other party saw the token, he was terrified immediately, and hurriedly cupped his hands, "Your Highness, please wait a little while, please go and invite the general over immediately."

After speaking, he turned around and ran towards the main camp.

Xia Hanyu got off the horse directly, and just as Xia Ji was about to reach out, the soldier beside him quickly led the horse over.

Xia Ji: "..." With a blank expression on his face, he casually threw the horse rope over.

 The subscript is what ordinary soldiers in ancient times called themselves to the chief.

(End of this chapter)

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