Chapter 48

"Xia Ji, do you know who the general in this station is?"

Speaking of which, she didn't seem to have investigated this before she came. When Shi Heng was sick in the previous life, the general here was called Fan Ren. Could it be that he was bought by Shi Heng long ago?Or he is also a former general.

Xia Ji took two steps closer to her, "Return to Your Highness, the current garrison general here is General Zhaowu Cheng Ying. He and Wang Hongde are very good friends. He should know that you rescued General Wang before."

So the attitude will never be bad.

It's not Fan Ren!
In other words, in the previous life, Cheng Ying might have been assassinated by Fan Ren long ago, so the garrison could not enter the palace to rescue him.

"Your Highness?"

Seeing that she hadn't spoken, Xia Ji felt worried, thinking that she just got off the horse and felt unwell.

Xia Hanyu came back to her senses, looked up at him, "I'm fine, I was just thinking..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a burst of hearty laughter coming from inside, and the sound was so loud that no one had arrived.

"Hahahaha, which one is Your Highness the Eldest Princess, the old minister is late to pick you up, and I hope His Highness will forgive me."

After he finished speaking, he also walked up to Xia Hanyu.

He first looked at Xia Ji, then at Xia Hanyu.

"This must be the eldest princess!" After finishing speaking, he knelt down on one knee and bowed to Xia Hanyu, "The old minister Cheng Ying will meet His Royal Highness the eldest princess."

Xia Hanyu quickly reached out to help him, "Old General Cheng doesn't need to do this great gift."

However, he refused to get up, "His Royal Highness, you should ask the old minister to give a proper salute. My good friend Wang Hongde was sent to the guillotine by those treacherous officials before. If it is not for your highness, please help her to intercede, and ask your majesty to ask Jin Yiwei to check it out. , he is already dead, how can there be a chance to fight on the battlefield again!"

"At that time, the old minister wanted to plead for mercy after hearing the news, but unfortunately he was delayed by the incident, so he sent the deputy general to go, but it still didn't help!"

The lieutenant general who went was Fan Ren.

Xia Hanyu shook her head, "General Wang was wronged in the first place. I can't let those courtiers harm him. General Cheng should hurry up. If those little soldiers of yours see it, they will think that I have bullied you."

When Cheng Ying heard this, he snorted heavily, "I'll see who dares!"

However, he obediently stood up and turned sideways.

"Your Highness, please speak inside; since receiving His Majesty's order, the veteran has personally selected elite soldiers, and is just waiting for Your Highness to send some soldiers."

Xia Hanyu nodded, then turned to the soldier guarding the gate and said: "The people under my command are still behind, they will arrive in a while, please bring them in."

Then a group of people walked in and looked all the way. The military discipline in the barracks was strict and meticulous, with five steps, one post, ten steps and one sentry. There were soldiers training everywhere, and there were many killing sounds; One of the people around the camp.

Not for anything else, just because of the weird look the other party put on her.

Not only Xia Hanyu noticed, but Xia Ji also noticed, he quietly blocked the other party's observing gaze for her.

The voice of General Cheng Balabala was still in his ear.

This time, Xia Hanyu understood what Xia Ji said at the beginning.

This old general Cheng is really... old and strong, old and strong!

In fact, this old general Cheng is only 49 years old, and he is only one year away from being considered a veteran.

"Your Highness, in fact, we met once before Wang Hongde left Beijing. He told me that you were the one who raised the money for him this time, and that you didn't have to worry about him. After hearing that, I really didn't know what to say!"

Xia Hanyu smiled and said nothing, she really couldn't bear the enthusiasm of others.

Fortunately, he immediately noticed Xia Ji beside her again.

"Your Highness, this is Jin Yiwei, right?"

Jin Yiwei's flying fish suit was really obvious, standing there in that suit, no one dared to move, no matter loyal or treacherous ministers.

Xia Ji: "Commander of Jin Yiwei, Xia Ji, sees Old General Cheng."

"Hahaha, don't be too polite, Mr. Xia is really young and promising! I haven't thanked you for finding out the truth and saving Wang Hongde."

Xia Ji lowered his eyebrows, his expression still indifferent, "It's all about duty."

"Then I have to thank you too. If it were those sycophants who only knew how to use power for personal gain and harm loyal people, Wang Hongde would have been..."

As soon as he said this, Cheng Ying suddenly paused, as if thinking of something, he coughed twice.

"That... I'm not talking about you, don't worry about it."

Playing power for personal gain and harming Zhongliang, isn't that what Jinyiwei is talking about today!

Xia Ji naturally didn't care about these.

He has long been used to the titles of traitor, sycophant, and traitor, and it doesn't affect him at all.

Cheng Ying quickly brought them to the place where the five thousand elite soldiers were. They were still training at the moment. According to the original method of the barracks, they were all in high spirits, which was really good.

The general in charge of training at the side quickly spotted them and strode over.

"I will see the general at the end."

Cheng Ying hummed, completely lost the casual talk in front of her, and said to him with a serious face: "I will introduce to you, this is Her Royal Highness, the princess, and the only master of 5000 of you from now on."

Since His Majesty said that it is a private soldier, it is naturally His Highness's private use, and all future expenses will be paid by His Highness privately.

With 5000 people missing for dinner, Cheng Ying inexplicably felt that he had a lot more money in his account!

Cough, cough, joke, joke!
Cheng Ying continued: "Your Highness, this is Yang Shi Yang Shoubei, and he is also the person with the highest official position among the five thousand elites."

Xia Hanyu nodded, the other party looked at Xia Hanyu, suddenly took two steps back, raised his hand slightly, then knelt down on one knee, touched the ground with one hand, lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "The last general will see His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess!"

In the next second, the soldiers who were still training turned around and knelt down, and the sound almost resounded through the barracks.

"See Your Royal Highness the Eldest Princess!"

(End of this chapter)

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