Chapter 60 They are the closest people in this world
Xia Hanyu thought of Xia Chengyun's expression when facing Xia Ji Shiheng just now, and sneered, "It's just some dirty words to provoke our relationship, don't worry about it."

But why did they slander Xia Ji in front of Chengyun?
This was something Xia Hanyu couldn't figure out for the time being, because there was really no need for it.

Ban Xia nodded, "Then apart from these, everything else is fine."

Xia Hanyu walked to the side and sat down, raised her eyes and asked her, "How is your relationship with your sister recently?"

Thinking of Bai Zhi, Ban Xia also had a smile on her face, "Go back to Your Highness, we are fine." Then he knelt down towards her.

"My servant thanked His Highness, thank you Your Highness for finding my sister for this servant."

Xia Hanyu raised her hand to help her up, "I haven't done anything, it was your sister who found me, not to mention that Fu Ling has done more than me in this regard."

Ban Xia nodded and got up, "The servant also thanked Fu Ling before."

"Ban Xia, I plan to let Bai Zhi enter the imperial hospital as a medical girl in the near future, so that I can work for me by my side, what do you think?"

Xia Hanyu smiled in her phoenix eyes, this was her second purpose for coming here today.

Because the two sisters had just been reunited, she didn't say much at that time.

When Ban Xia heard it, she was pleasantly surprised, "Your Highness, is what you said true?"

"Naturally." Xia Hanyu nodded, "It's just that you have to stay in Huangzhuang for the time being. If your sister enters the imperial hospital, you won't be able to see each other every day like now."

In this way, Ban Xia is really reluctant.

"It's okay, anyway, the servant girl will return to His Highness in the future, and it will be easy for us two sisters to meet."

"I am very pleased that you can think like this."

Xia Hanyu is naturally satisfied.

Ban Xia: "Your Highness, A-Mei is currently seeing the tenants, and the servants are going to call her here." It has been like this for the past few days.

Saying that he blessed the body, he ran out in a hurry.

It seems that the knot in her heart has been untied; yes, Xia Chengyun still has some uses.

Xia Hanyu got up satisfied, and although Xia Ji on the side hadn't made a sound, he supported her quickly, as if he didn't want to let go of this moment of intimacy.

Back in the house, Xia Hanyu saw that Xia Chengyun had stopped eating those snacks, and instead asked Fu Ling to wrap them in a clean handkerchief.

"But are you full?"


Xia Chengyun rubbed his stomach, then looked at the dim sum, his eyes were still full of greed, but Xia Hanyu looked a little confused.

Fu Ling hurriedly explained: "Your Highness, His Highness the Crown Prince wants to keep these snacks and share them with a few of his little friends."

"Little friend?"

Xia Ji lowered his head slightly and approached her and said, "It's a few children from the tenant family here. They helped His Highness with some farm work before, and they have a pretty good relationship with His Highness."


Xia Hanyu raised his eyebrows in surprise, his cold eyes fell on Xia Chengyun's bewildered little face.

"I don't have a talent. I want to keep it for myself. Don't listen to his nonsense; and I'm a prince, how can I be friends with ordinary people."

"Really?" Xia Hanyu looked at his arrogant little appearance with a smile that was not a smile, and clicked twice, "I originally wanted to ask Xia Ji to bring you some snacks, but now it seems that there is no need, lest you If one person can't finish it, it's a waste."

"That won't work."

Xia Chengyun hurriedly got up and looked at her anxiously, "Sister, I have finished eating, you can bring me some more, I will keep it and eat slowly."

In this way, he can give them more, and he actually didn't eat enough himself today.

Xia Hanyu shook her head, "No, dim sum is easy to go bad, if you put it on the next day, it won't taste good."

Seeing that she still refused to agree, Xia Chengyun became anxious, "Then I'll divide... a little bit for them to eat."

"who are they?"

The corners of Xia Hanyu's mouth turned up slightly, and asked him.

Xia Chengyun was so embarrassed that he didn't dare to look at him, "It's just... just a few good friends... friends of mine; they helped me before, and I learned about the favor."

"That's right, I know what kindness is." Satisfied, Xia Hanyu raised her eyes to look at Xia Ji, "Xia Ji, I will have some snacks delivered to the gate of the palace tomorrow morning, and you will bring them to him for me."

"Yes." Xia Ji nodded, but Xia Chengyun refused.

"Sister, can someone else take it?"


Xia Hanyu shouldn't ask back.

Xia Chengyun stepped forward and pulled her away from Xia Ji.

"They told me that Xia Ji, the Commander of Jinyiwei, was cruel and ruthless. He had a lot of people's blood on his hands. They heard that he would eat people and drink blood... Sister, please stay away from him."

This was the first time he was worried about Xia Hanyu, but it was mostly for himself.

"They? They belong to Concubine Shi, right?"

But Xia Hanyu looked at him, pursed her thin lips tightly, and reprimanded him in a cold voice.

"Xia Chengyun, you are the prince and the future emperor. You should have your own judgment. You have to use your eyes and heart to see who is good or bad, not what others say. If you continue to do this , sooner or later, this world will be defeated!"

"But...everyone said that." And he wasn't the only one.

Xia Chengyun looked at her aggrievedly, "Sister, you are my sister, how can you stand beside others!"

"Because I am your sister, I will correct you if you do something wrong. If I only flatter you like everyone else, then I advise you to change to a sister!"

Xia Hanyu knew that it was not easy to change some deep-rooted things in him, but she was always annoyed when she saw that he always believed that woman's words without hesitation.

"Chengyun, you have to remember one thing. Jinyiwei is dedicated to serving the royal family. The blood on their hands is for our royal family and for the common people. Most of the people they kill are the ones who deserve to be killed, because those people are like termites. They are eroding our Daxia royal family, if we don’t kill them as soon as possible, sooner or later, Daxia will be devoured by them until it collapses.”

"At that time, you, me, and Father, have you ever thought about what will happen to us?"

Xia Hanyu didn't want to burden him so quickly, but he had to understand some of the most basic realities.

"Also, don't trust Concubine Shi Gui about everything in the future, and don't tell her everything; you are a prince, you must have your own secret, let alone let others see your depth at a glance, do you understand? "

Xia Chengyun was a little at a loss, because no one had ever told him these things, they just said that he was the prince, and the prince was the future emperor, the person with the greatest power in the world, and he could do whatever he wanted.

But what sister said today is completely different from what they said.

Xia Chengyun no longer knew who he should trust, but there seemed to be a voice in his heart telling him that he should trust sister, because they were the closest people in the world.

 The first round is coming, I want to recommend tickets~~~~

(End of this chapter)

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