Chapter 61

Xia Hanyu looked at him, couldn't help sighing, stretched out his hand to embrace him, and gently stroked his hair.

"Chengyun, sister is not forcing you, sister just wants you to know right from wrong, good from evil."

Xia Chengyun leaned in her arms, the tip of his nose was filled with the smell of his elder sister, and he couldn't help but put his arms around her.

"Sister, I was wrong."

This is the first time that sister has hugged him, and the first time she has spoken so many words to him.

A part of Xia Chengyun's heart that he had been insisting on collapsed.

The imperial concubine said that sister didn't want him anymore, because he killed the mother who loved sister most, so sister hated him and didn't want to see him; but he liked sister, and every time he saw sister, he wanted to get closer to her, He wanted Sister to look at him more, to be able to see him, but Sister still loathed him more and more.

Xia Chengyun always hides and cries secretly, and laughs secretly at the same time.

Because he talked to Ajie, Ajie's voice is so nice even if she curses.

But today, sister not only didn't scold him, but also talked to him a lot.

He is so happy!

Xia Hanyu looked at Xia Chengyun who was tightly hugging Xia Chengyun who was unwilling to let go, and patted him on the back lightly.

"Okay, okay, stop acting like a baby, sister knows that you are suffering here, but sister is doing this for you, at worst, sister will send you some snacks and fruits from time to time."

"Sister, if you promise, you can't go back on your word."

A muffled voice came from her arms, making her dumbfounded.

"Well, that's for sure."

Xia Hanyu hugged him for a while, knowing that Ban Xia had brought Bai Zhi back, she slowly let go of him, and asked Bai Zhi what he thought.

Bai Zhi never thought that Xia Hanyu not only helped her find her sister, but also planned to reuse her, so she immediately knelt down to thank her.

"Baizhi, thank you for your grace."

"Okay, then from now on you will be a medical officer of the sixth grade. At that time, someone will send the imperial decree and the government to Huangzhuang, and you will be on duty in the palace from the day after tomorrow."

Xia Hanyu believes that with her ingenuity, she will be able to deal with the intrigues in the palace.

After finishing these, Xia Ji escorted Xia Hanyu back to the palace, and stopped by the imperial study.

Early in the morning of the second day, the imperial decree and official uniforms were delivered to Bai Zhi, and Xia Ji, together with Ansan, set out to suppress the bandits with [-] elite soldiers early in the morning.

But not long after they set off, it began to drizzle.

The mountains and forests in front of me are towering, with lush vegetation, covered by clouds and mist under the drizzle, making it look more sinister from a distance, easy to defend but difficult to attack.

"The bandits have chosen a good place." Yang Shi squinted at this place, then turned and walked back to Xia Ji.

"My lord, it's rainy at this time, and the mountain is full of fog. I'm afraid it's not easy to walk on the mountain road, and the terrain is not easy to surround."

Xia Ji took out a topographical map from his pocket, "What about now?"

Yang Shi took a few glances, and his black eyes lit up immediately.

"If there is this, I will definitely take down all the bandits today!"

After speaking, he turned around and began to arrange and attack.

Two hours later, boxes of silver, gold and jewelry were brought down and opened in front of Xia Ji one by one.

An San clicked his tongue twice, "It's not finished yet, and it looks like there are several million taels. If His Highness sees it, he must be happy and angry at the same time."

They were angry that they stole so much silver taels under their noses, and they were happy that they got all of them back, with a lot of interest mixed in.

Although these bandits have never robbed here, but looking at these treasures, most of their treasures must have been transported here.

Thinking of Xia Hanyu, Xia Ji's eyebrows softened a little.

"Now the national treasury is empty, and these funds just make up for it." In this way, His Highness no longer needs to work hard for military supplies.

Sometimes Xia Ji always felt that he was useless, that he couldn't help His Highness in the slightest.

After a while, all the boxes were lifted down, and there were hundreds of them!

Xia Ji just glanced at it and raised his hand.

"Bring them all back to Huangzhuang first, and then let His Highness handle them personally."


The elite soldiers had won a battle, and now they were even more excited, carrying their treasure chests back to the city full of energy.

Xia Ji quickly sent these treasure statistics to Xia Hanyu.

Xia Hanyu looked at the items of money listed above, his eyes filled with excitement.

"This group of people are really gold-swallowing beasts. I'm afraid most of their treasures are in this mountain." No wonder they raised such a group of arrogant, extravagant and lustful people, so they guarded a golden mountain.

But these people are stupid after all, to entrust such an important material to such a group of people to guard, they don't even know how to employ people, and they want to seize the world!

Just a crazy dream!
Xia Hanyu closed the notebook and handed it to Xia Ji, "You go to the Ministry of Household Affairs and ask them to count all these treasures one by one and deposit them in the treasury; for weapons, hand them over to the Ministry of War and let them count them themselves."

This time, he won not only money, but also a lot of good weapons.


Xia Ji took it and put it away, "I'm going now."

For the next few days, everyone in the household department was full of spring breeze, and the smiles on the corners of their mouths almost caught their ears. Even when they were bullied in the court, they responded with smiles, just like in the past when everyone owed them a large debt. It looks completely different.

The people who watched it were amazed, but it became a joke for many people, but the people in the household department didn't care at all.

The Ministry of War is similar, but there is no such thing as the Ministry of Households... the residence and the surface.

A few days later, Fu Ling suddenly ran in from the outside with an angry expression on her face.

"Your Highness, someone just came to tell this servant that someone impeached you early this morning."

"Impeach me?" Xia Hanyu raised her eyes slightly, "I don't remember what big things I did recently."

Then the only thing that can make them impeachment is probably...

"It's about the five thousand elite soldiers. Those acid scholars think that His Majesty loves His Highness too much, saying that the eldest princess's mansion should not have so many elite soldiers. This is against the rules."

The more Fuling talked, the more angry she became, Xia Hanyu hurriedly handed her a glass of water, which she drank in two gulps.

She smiled and asked her, "What kind of reaction did the father have?"

Fu Ling imitated the majestic appearance when she saw the emperor in the past, and said: "Your Majesty scolded them all, saying: the rules are dead, but I am still alive, why, as the emperor, I even pamper myself The daughter's rights are gone? Or should I just give up the position to you and let you be the emperor! Hmm~"

"The group of people were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and dared not get up, and no one dared to say anything."

Xia Hanyu chuckled, "I can probably imagine the scene at that time."

As a tyrant in the eyes of others, she felt that this was the only benefit. She could do whatever she wanted, regardless of what others said.

Fu Ling immediately smiled happily, but after a pause, she seemed to think of something.

"By the way, Your Highness, it's really rare that both the household department and the military department's lords and Xia lords are standing on your side to speak for you this time." This was something that had never happened before.

Xia Hanyu didn't take it seriously.

She sent so much gold and silver into the treasury, it would be strange if the people in the Ministry of Households didn't take the opportunity to express themselves, and the Ministry of War is naturally similar.

The Ministry of Household and the Ministry of War are now considered temporary, and they will become her supporters above the court, and they will always be useful in the future.

In this way, she no longer needs to worry about the next food and disaster relief money for the time being.

 The first round has passed, and now we are entering the second round, do you love me ('`)
(End of this chapter)

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