Chapter 67

"Is it really possible to produce ten thousand catties per mu?" Dang even someone couldn't hold back and shouted.

"Think about Xueyan a while ago, when did His Highness the Princess deceive you?" The manager looked confident, and he had incomparable trust in Xia Hanyu in his heart.

Since His Royal Highness the eldest princess said it was ten thousand catties, it must be ten thousand catties!

If not, this land is not up to date!

Xia Hanyu dared to say ten thousand catties, naturally because of the confidence given by the system, because this batch of potatoes was produced by the system, but it may not be the case later, but at least it can reach six to seven thousand catties per mu.

After replying with a smile, the steward first met Xia Hanyu's eyes, nodded slightly, and said loudly again: "I know everyone still has doubts if they just listen to me, so let's see for yourself."

"Come on, dig!"

In an instant, a small group of people ran out not far away, and immediately started digging with hoes, being careful not to hurt the crops inside.

Xia Hanyu discovered that Xia Chengyun was among them.

"Father, look." She pointed to the emperor, and the emperor immediately saw Xia Chengyun in civilian clothes digging potatoes with a hoe.

He nodded in satisfaction, "Yu'er, you are getting better at teaching Chengyun."

In recent days, even the Taifu said that Chengyun is much more well-behaved than before, and he likes to listen carefully in class.

All this is because of his precious girl.

Soon, stacks of lumps of soil were dug out. In one pit, at least four or five lumps could be dug out, and there were even nine or more than ten. Although the sizes were different, most of them had the fists of adult men. size.

The people around were so excited when they saw it, they put their toes on their toes, and wanted to get closer to the lump of dirt so that they could see it clearly.

"See, that's the God Seed!"

"No matter how I look at it, I look like a lump of dirt?"

"It is estimated that the god-species looked like this in the first place."

Until all the potatoes in the four acres of land were dug up, the steward led people to start weighing them. Gradually, the potatoes began to pile up into a hill, and then became bigger and higher.

The person in charge also changed his face from being calm to changing, and he could hardly hide his excitement as he walked up to the emperor, "I would like to inform you, Your Majesty, that this time a total of 540 five catties of potatoes were produced from a total of four acres of potatoes." , the average yield per mu is nearly [-] catties! God bless Daxia! It really is God bless Daxia!"

After speaking, he couldn't help but knelt down in the direction of the potato, and the other tenants also knelt on the ground, almost weeping with joy and tears streaming down their faces.

They finally see hope!
As for the rest of the people in Shangjing, they were stunned, including those assassins who were sneaking around in the dark, they couldn't help but start to doubt.

"Could it be that God is really on Daxia's side?" Otherwise, why didn't the gods appear when their majesty was still there?
Some people began to hesitate in their hearts, whether it was right for them to assassinate the emperor today, the eldest princess who brought snow salt and god seed to the people.

At this time, Xia Hanyu turned slightly sideways, looked at Xia Ji who was not far behind him, and nodded lightly.

Xia Ji lowered his hand, and in the next second, those assassins who had been in the crowd were caught in an instant, which woke up the excited people.

"what happened?"

"Why did you start arresting people all of a sudden?"

Everyone was puzzled, and Jin Yiwei immediately stood up and shouted loudly: "Jin Yiwei arrests the assassins who assassinate His Majesty and the eldest princess, and will not hurt innocent people, so you don't need to be nervous."

In every corner, people from Jinyiwei stood up and explained loudly over and over again, until the assassin was detained, they also retreated.

But Xia Hanyu suddenly stood up.

"Perhaps everyone is very curious about why there are assassins in your midst today to assassinate the same father, Ben Gong, then do you know the reason?"

The scene was silent, and no one dared to speak.

"It seems that you don't know, but you must have guessed in your mind."

At this moment, a scholar-like person stepped forward.

"Returning to Your Highness, but because of today's god-seed? Are they here to snatch the god-seed?"

"Yes and no." Xia Hanyu shook her head, with a smile on her face, but it didn't reach her eyes, "They are afraid."

"Why are you afraid?"

"They are afraid that the court will wash away the original grievances, and that you will be able to eat enough and live a good life, so they are anxious. They first framed my father as a tyrant and spread rumors that are not good to the court. Now they want to kill my father. Kill Ben Gong, because they clearly know that Emperor Father trusts Ben Gong, and Ben Gong is the 'culprit' in this matter!"

Of course, Xia Hanyu knew that there would be assassins appearing, and they would be among the common people, so early on, he let the elite soldiers who were good at observing words and demeanor among the 5000 people be among the crowd.

But ordinary people would be pleasantly surprised to see the god-seeds with a yield of ten thousand catties per mu, but assassins are different, they will only feel panic and complicated, and will never feel happy.

Of course, some assassins were targeted by the elite soldiers of Jinyiwei as early as the first time they sneaked in.

As for why she deliberately took down those assassins in front of all the people, it was to change their subconscious thoughts in their hearts, just like her father was a tyrant.

Xia Hanyu wanted to clear up the title of tyrant for her father, even if it was only a little bit.

Xia Hanyu looked at them, and said loudly: "What about you, do you think that Ben Gong who brought you cheap snow salt and god seeds that can yield tens of thousands of catties per mu is really the culprit? Is it the culprit?" Is His Majesty the salt-fixing tyrant really the rumored tyrant? Don’t you want to go back to the days when you were in dire straits, oppressed by a tyrannical monarch, and life was worse than death!?”

"Of course I don't want to!" The scholar was still the first one to shout out, and he shouted with serious eyes full of resentment: "His Royal Highness is the only noble person in this world who really cares about our people! Do I believe that?" Your Royal Highness the Princess!"

"Everyone said it right?"

"Yes, Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess is a noble person!"

"We no longer want to be ruled by the royal family of the previous dynasty. They will eat human flesh and drink human blood. They don't take us people for granted!"

At this moment, the anger in the hearts of some people who still experienced the horror of the previous dynasty could no longer be concealed. Thinking of the lost parents and relatives, tears streamed down their faces.

They hated and resented at that time, but in the end they were helpless.

But in the end, they were saved by the founding king of Great Xia. Although life was not very good, at least he gave them a chance to live a good life, and now, Her Highness the Eldest Princess appeared.

She brought them snow salt that ordinary people can afford, and now she has brought them a god-seed that can make them full. At this time, there seemed to be a voice in their hearts reminding them, so that they would no longer be depressed. .

"We all believe in the eldest princess and the imperial court. They will definitely allow us to live a better life than now!"

They wanted to trust Da Xia again, because of Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess.

(End of this chapter)

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