Chapter 68
Xia Hanyu looked at the excited people and smiled with satisfaction.

"You guys trust the imperial court so much, I am very moved here." After speaking, he gave them a little blessing, and the people became more enthusiastic immediately. Some people shouted loudly, while others were full of embarrassment.

Because it was the first time that the supposedly high and noble person was so gentle to them, and even returned the gift to them.

Turns out they never gave up on them!
As soon as such thoughts entered the mind, they began to get out of hand.

Xia Hanyu bent over to pick up a potato, and continued to explain to them unhurriedly, "The name of this divine seed in my hand is called a potato, and it can grow dozens of large and small potatoes with just one potato. Different potatoes come out, do you know why?"

Everyone shook their heads subconsciously.

Xia Hanyu immediately asked the tenants to pick up a whole bunch of potatoes and put them in front of them.

"You can see clearly that one potato can be cut into several pieces, and one potato can grow several or even a dozen potatoes of different sizes."

"And the reason why I asked my father to send you here today is because I want you to see it with your own eyes. When I come here, I want to distribute these potatoes to your hands..."

As soon as the words fell, many people were already asking excitedly.

"Is what His Royal Highness said true?"

The corners of Xia Hanyu's mouth curled up, "Of course, I speak well and never disdain to lie."

In the next second, the common people knelt down and kowtowed to the nobles so willingly for the first time.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Eldest Princess, for your kindness!"

Such a god, how could they not be tempted.

Although the people in Shangjing are richer than those in other states, they are only able to eat enough, not to mention not all the people are like this.

There are low-level people everywhere, they live in large courtyards, and even rely on begging for a living. When disasters come, what awaits them is death!

The common people rely on God to eat, and every place has crops that can exist in every place, but potatoes are different. It has tenacious vitality, and it can grow more crops than the owner expects without too much care.

"But." Xia Hanyu's cool and pleasant voice sounded in everyone's ears again. Everyone stood on tiptoe and looked up at her, watching her casually put the potato that made them greedy behind the angry man hands.

"I can indeed hand over the god-seeds to you for free without charging any money, but after you plant the god-seeds, you need to return one catty to me for every ten catties of god-seeds. One hundred catties, can you do it?"

"If you can do it, go to Jin Yiwei at the gate to get the god-seeds and sign the contract. If you violate the contract, then this palace will take back all the god-seeds in your hands, and I won't leave any of them to you."

However, at this moment, the emperor suddenly spoke, his voice was deep and oppressed by the superiors, he looked indifferently at the people kneeling on the ground, and took what Xia Hanyu wanted to say next.

"This is the court's kindness towards you. I hope that you will also not let down the good intentions of the court and the eldest princess, otherwise... my methods will never be as kind as the eldest princess!"

After saying that, Xia Hanyu turned her head and met the emperor's eyes.

The emperor stepped forward and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Yu'er only needs to be the best eldest princess in the world, and leave the bad guys to me."

"Father." Xia Hanyu pursed her lips.

Her father was always like this, because he didn't care about his reputation at all, and he was completely calculated by those rebellious officials and thieves in his last life.

Xia Hanyu sighed inwardly, but said nothing more.

Soon, the people stood up one by one and walked towards the door. Everyone seemed extremely anxious, for fear that if they were late, it would not be their turn.

Soon, there were several long queues in front of the door.

The emperor turned around and looked at the group of officials who were almost unable to stand behind him and waved, "Go if you want, but you are not allowed to jump in line."

"Wei, I will take my leave."

Hundreds of officials soon lined up, walking hurriedly, not the slightest difference from ordinary people.

That's a god seed, who wouldn't want it.

Bai Lai turned his head to look behind him, and stepped forward with some hesitation, "Your Majesty..." He also wanted to go, but he couldn't just leave His Majesty.

Xia Hanyu looked at him with a smile, "Eunuch Bai, don't worry, your part of the Palace has already been installed for you, so there is no need to queue up."

"The old slave will thank the princess."

Although Bai Lai was serving in the palace, he still had family members, but the family members were not from the capital, and they were forced to sell him into the palace as a slave.

Not only came in vain, but she also ordered the tenants to pack up for the people of Jinyiwei, some guards who were in charge of protecting them, and the [-] elite soldiers, and they would send them out after this time was over.

Xia Hanyu turned around and supported the emperor, "Father, I can't go back for a while, why don't you sit inside?"

"En." The emperor nodded, and brought Shi Yan and Jiang Yan into the room who hadn't queued up.

Almost every commoner turned around in front of the gate and knelt down in the direction of Xia Hanyu before taking the potatoes and leaving, before leaving with a smile.

Jiang Yan looked at his sister's daughter with relief, full of emotion.

"Your Highness, you have really done a great thing to benefit the country and the people this time. If the Empress Dowager sees it, she will be pleased to come here for you."

"There is also the prince, I just saw that the prince actually helped to dig the god seed in person, and he didn't complain about being tired at all, it really made me..." It really made him feel a lot of emotion, and he didn't know what to say.

Jiang Yan is not one of those old stubborn people who thinks it is inappropriate for the crown prince to mix with the tenants. On the contrary, he thinks that the crown prince can learn something from them that he could not learn in the palace. His current transformation can explain everything!

It wasn't until the last person left that the emperor and his party got up and went back to the palace. Xia Ji suppressed the group of assassins and went straight back to the imperial prison. He interrogated them all day and night, except those who committed suicide to prove their loyalty.

Early the next morning, before the city gates opened, Xia Ji led Jin Yiwei and five thousand elite soldiers to surround the village.

After a while, one rebel after another was escorted out.

After a little more time, Yu Xiao ran up to Xia Ji from behind with someone, and cupped his hands.

"My lord, my subordinates didn't find the general they were talking about, several lieutenants, military advisers, etc. It seems that they have guessed it a long time ago, and this place has also been abandoned."

So the remaining group of people are probably abandoned.

"Yeah." Xia Jiqi was like a dark night, filled with coolness, coldness, and a sneer, and snorted coldly.

"Take them all back."

"Yes." Yu Xiao responded and turned around, raising his hand, "Squeeze everyone back to the Imperial Prison for interrogation."


Only the people in Jinyiwei suppressed all the decadent people.

Xia Ji stood there for a while before turning around and leaving. He had just walked a few steps when he suddenly rushed towards a direction behind him at an extremely fast speed.

 It will be on the shelves tomorrow, and I will rewind a few chapters of V. I hope that the cuties who haven't read it don't stock up, and they can read it first.

  ps: It’s time to start the PK after the shelves again, I’m tired o(╥﹏╥)o
(End of this chapter)

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