Chapter 69 Threat ([-])

Xiuchun knife was pulled out suddenly, and he slashed at the man in the dark, fast and ruthless, with a murderous intent.

The person hiding behind the house staggered and barely escaped.

Before he could react, he saw the knife in Xia Ji's hand slashing at his vitals again and again, so that he could only dodge wastefully, and there was no way to avoid it. Suddenly, it hurt as if it was cracked, and the whole person took several steps back.

Xia Ji didn't give him the slightest chance to stop. After a few moves, he picked up the weapon in his hand, and the Xiuchun knife was firmly placed on his neck, drawing a thin bloodstain.

Yu Xiao quickly ran over with a pair of men and horses, and detained them.

"My lord, I have neglected my duty, and I have never noticed that there are still people hiding in the dark."

"Get up." Xia Ji said lightly: "The opponent's skill is better than yours, it's normal if you don't notice him."

If the other party was not afraid of death and dared to come and investigate, he would not have found him.

Yu Xiao nodded, glanced at the jungle behind him, and asked Xia Ji with narrowed eyes, "Master, do you need to surround this place with humble duties?"

"It's just a few stray cats running away." She was cunning and timid, but she ran quite fast.

Xia Ji snorted coldly, but his eyes were full of danger.

"Yu Xiao, you lead people to keep an eye on Cai Sheng and the teacher's mansion. If you encounter sneaky people, you will take them down immediately." This group of people suffered heavy losses, and they will definitely go to the city to discuss countermeasures with the two brothers and sisters in the teacher's mansion.

Now that His Majesty and the eldest princess were assassinated, the gate of the city was heavily guarded. If they wanted to go in, they would definitely ask Cai Sheng for help.

"Yes." Yu Xiao nodded.

"Then do you need to arrange people to keep an eye on this place so that they don't come back again?"

"No, I will arrange it here."

His Highness's 3000 people have nothing to do recently, let the third party lead them to run a few laps here from time to time with heavy loads.

Jin Yiwei left the village completely under pressure. The few people who escaped did not dare to come back, but pretended to enter the city, but when they reached the gate of the city, they found that they could not enter at all.

The guards at the gate went to check each person one by one, and even checked whether there was any disguise on the person's face. If there was any disguise, they would take it directly and send it to the imperial prison of Beizhen Fusi.

"General, what should we do?" If they couldn't go in, how would they inform His Highness the Princess and Young Master Shi Heng of what happened in advance.

They had heard that the princess had rescued Master Shi Heng from Da Lao in Beizhen Fusi, so they wondered if there was a way to rescue the others.

At least, saving one is one!
What happened this time was because they reacted too slowly. They thought that even if they were caught, they would never confess. What is even more unexpected is that Jin Yiwei's group dug out their base from the traitors in just one day. , They killed more than 200 people in their village, and now there are only three of them left.

How could the general have a way, subconsciously looked at the scholar military division, if it wasn't for him today, they might all have fallen into the hands of Xia Ji's hawks and dogs.

What a pity for that stronghold!

And the stronghold on the mountain was all taken away by Xia Jinasi.

Now he almost itch Xia Jihen's teeth.

Counting the last time, it was the second time they escaped Xia Ji's hands.

Some of them pretended to be rogues to occupy the mountain, and some pretended to be villagers to occupy the village. As for the original villagers and the rogues on the mountain went there, this group of people used all means to achieve their goals, and the fate of those people can be imagined .

The scholar, that is, Liu Pian shook the fan in his hand and reminded them, "Could it be possible that you have forgotten what the princess said in the letter before, Cai Sheng is now working at the gate of this city."

"Almost forgot about him." The person called the general remembered the person he had despised before, and snorted, "Now he's only useful for that."

It's really embarrassing for them to be degraded to be a city guard by that tyrant if a good Yushi Cheng is not good.

But he immediately decided to ask him for help.


Cai Sheng has been working at the gate of the city for more than three months, and since he was demoted by His Majesty, he feels that he is half alive.

Because he no longer has to choose between the court and the princess.

Especially in the recent period, His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess withdrew [-] cents a bucket of snow salt, so that the people who were reluctant to eat salt on weekdays could afford to eat salt, including himself.

Ever since he was degraded to his current position, his salary has run out, and his wife always complains that he is not a good censor, and he wants to disobey His Majesty and slander His Royal Highness, but now he is so good that he can't even afford salt up!

During the few days when he couldn't afford salt, he was almost untenable in defending the city, and he really had no energy.

But he didn't expect that the one who saved him in the end was the eldest princess whom he had despised and even slandered at the time!

At that moment, Cai Sheng regretted it never before, and even swore in his heart that he would never betray the court again.

Then it was yesterday, when he saw the people returning home with their god-seeds smiling all over their faces, and when he heard them chanting "Long Live Your Majesty" and "The Long Lives of the Eldest Princess", his regret struck again.

Especially when he heard from his wife that there were assassins who wanted to assassinate His Majesty and the Eldest Princess, he was really worried, even though those people were his...companions.

He watched batch after batch of Jin Yiwei suppressing the rebels and entering the city. The moment the high-ranking Jin Yiwei commander looked at him with his heavy eyes, he suddenly woke up.

It turns out that Her Royal Highness the eldest princess has always...but she only let herself go!

Cai Sheng came to the dark place with the excuse of going to the toilet, looked at the three people in front of him, and frowned.

"What's the matter with you looking for me? If there's nothing else, I still have work to do."

Liu Pian shook his fan, "Lord Cai, we are here to ask you for help."

Cai Sheng snorted coldly, very coldly, "You have found the wrong person, and I am not an adult now, just an ordinary city guard."

"You don't want to help us anymore?" Rong Sheng, the so-called general, grabbed him by the collar with an irritable expression on his face.

Cai Sheng just looked at him indifferently, reminding them.

"This is the gate of the city, and you are assassins. If you are not afraid of causing trouble again, you can naturally kill me."

There was still some hesitation in his heart, but now looking at them, he was completely disappointed.

Even if they succeed in restoring the country in the end, can they really support the world?

The answer in his heart is no.

Liu Pian pressed Rong Sheng's fist with his hand when he was about to get angry, "General, don't be impatient, just leave it to Xiaosheng."

Only then did Rong Sheng loosen his collar.

Liu Pian is still the personable literati, "Lord Cai, we don't have any other requirements, we just hope that you can help us enter the city. If you help us, nothing will happen. If you don't..."

He put away the fan in his hand with a deep smile.

"Presumably His Majesty will be very happy to know that the upright minister I once valued so much is actually a former courtier."

 There is another chapter to be revised
(End of this chapter)

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