Chapter 70 Xia Ji is Jealous VS Dark Fourteen ([-])
Cai Sheng was shocked, his face turned pale, and the hand that pointed at them trembled like Parkinson's.

"You are really shameless!"

"It's easy to say, easy to say." The scholar frowned and raised the corners of his mouth, not paying any attention to his abuse.

"I just wonder if Master Cai is willing to accept this threat?"

Cai Sheng couldn't help looking up at the light blue sky, closed his eyes, not knowing what was going on in his mind; after a while, he let out a breath slowly.

"Okay, I'll help you, but... only this time, from now on, I have nothing to do with you."

Cai Sheng finally helped them enter the city, but they didn't realize that all this had already fallen into the eyes of others.

Rongsheng and the others hadn't walked in a few steps before they were surrounded by Jinyiwei's people. In the end, only Rongsheng and Liu Pian struggled to break through, and the rest were pushed to Beizhen Fusi.

This matter soon reached Xia Hanyu's ears.

Xia Hanyu leaned lazily on the soft place, put her slender white hands on the table beside her, watching Fu Ling dye her nails carefully with the impatiens.

She looked up at Xia Ji, her voice was clear and cold, "Has everyone caught it?"

"The chief general Rong Sheng and the military advisor Liu Pian are still fleeing, and I will arrest them soon." Xia Ji cupped his hands, lowering his eyes, afraid of seeing the disappointment in her eyes.

But she suddenly smiled, "There is no need to catch Rongsheng anymore."

He raised his head suddenly, his eyes seemed to be asking why?
"Then Liu Pian is a member of my palace, and he managed to get in among them. If they hadn't assassinated me and my father this time, I wouldn't have done anything to them; then you let your people just want to I just want to arrest them and find a chance to let them out of the city."

Xia Hanyu believed that Rong Sheng would definitely take Liu Pian to the next stronghold.


Xia Ji pursed his lips, and said no more, and there was even a slight grievance in his eyes.

His Highness thinks that Liu Pian is... her man!

Xia Hanyu, however, seemed to sense his displeasure, and waved at him. Her eyes were crystal clear, but the corners of her eyes were naturally upturned, so attractive.

"Xia Ji, come over and have a look, is Kodan in this palace pretty?"

Xia Ji walked up to her, looked at her smooth and slender, fat-like catkins, the roots of her ears were slightly hot, and after a while, he said in a hoarse voice.

"Pretty." Her hands are already pretty, so naturally they look good on anything.

"Bengong also thinks it's very pretty. We Fu Ling are really skillful."

Poria blushed from being praised.

Your Highness is really, always complimenting her, she is always embarrassed.

Xia Ji watched Fu Ling's technique carefully, as if he didn't want to miss even the slightest bit, his fingertips moved slightly.

At this moment, a palace official called Fu Ling outside, Fu Ling put down what she was holding and got up.

"Your Highness, the servants will come back as soon as they go."

"Well, let's go." Xia Hanyu said lazily, not caring.

Poria hurriedly ran out.

Xia Hanyu put her hand away, put it to her mouth and blew lightly, but when she looked up, she saw that he was staring at her fingertips, and smiled immediately.

"Xia Ji, is it possible that you also want to paint this? If you really want to, I will ask Fu Ling to make you one that is exactly like this."

"I... don't want to." Xia Ji shook his head, turned his eyes away from her fingertips, and landed on the box of impatiens.

Xia Hanyu inexplicably seemed to understand what he was thinking at this time, and stretched out her hand slowly towards him.

"Why don't you come and paint it for me, okay?"

Xia Ji's fetal eyes suddenly met her clear eyes, which revealed the innocence he had only seen when she was a child, and her voice was full of tenderness.

"How? You don't want to?"


As he said that, he put aside the Xiuchun knife that he always kept in his hand, and held up her catkin with one hand, cherishing it carefully as if it were the most precious treasure in the world.

The calluses on his palm rubbed her palm lightly while moving, with a little itching and numbness. For some reason, her heart also felt a little bit numb.

He imitated Fu Ling's movements just now, he was a little clumsy, but he always made some, and then hurriedly wiped her clean until he became more and more familiar with it.

Xia Hanyu looked at him, "Aside from that matter when you entered the palace today, what else do you want to report?"

"Hmm." He responded shallowly, "I still want to ask, how does His Highness plan to deal with Cai Sheng?"

"Everything is ready, the only thing we owe is Dongfeng; when you Jin Yiwei send Rong Sheng and Liu Pian out, you can deal with him."

Speaking of Liu Pian, Xia Hanyu suddenly tilted his head and looked at Xia Ji, "Ah Ji, do you know who Liu Pian is?"

"How can I know who His Highness is?"

Xia Ji pursed his thin lips again, but he couldn't believe that he had wiped out a little of the juice of the impatiens flower, so he hurriedly wiped it off again carefully.

Xia Hanyu looked at him helplessly, "Did you forget that one of the hidden guards of the palace is proficient in disguise?"

Xia Ji paused immediately, "Your Highness is talking about Dark Fourteen?"

An Shishi is the most powerful disguiser among all the dark guards. If his disguise is not close, even Xia Ji will not be able to recognize him.

"It was him."

Xia Hanyu looked at him with a smile, "Otherwise, why do you think I can clearly know where those assassins are standing and let you arrange the manpower, really relying on observation?"

With so many people, there are only more than 20 assassins, how could she find one right at a time.

In fact, Dark Fourteen had already tampered with their clothes.

"That's why His Highness asked people to pay attention to the red line on their cuffs?" No wonder, she thought it was the hidden guards in the dark who noticed it, but she didn't expect His Highness to send Dark Fourteen early.

"When did His Highness send Dark Fourteen out?"

"Not long after you took over the cottage, I always felt that something was wrong, so I arranged for the hidden guards to investigate. Finally, An Shisi focused on the village and found an opportunity to sneak in."

The two said this while applying Kodan, but no one noticed that Fu Ling had returned.

Seeing that Xia Ji was applying Kodan for Xia Hanyu, Fu Ling naturally wouldn't bother her, so she quietly found a place to watch from afar.

Hmm... People can't get enough of His Highness and Master Xia being together.

Especially now that His Highness seems to be more and more gentle towards Master Xia, and Master Xia is also, every time he is around His Highness, he always laughs.

Not long after, Xia Hanyu's nails were finally painted, and she gently blew them on. Then Fu Ling walked over to help put on the little gemstones that she had prepared earlier.

That night, with Xia Ji's "help", the two of Liu Pian left the city gate and rushed to the next stronghold.

Another day later, Xia Hanyu appeared in front of Cai Sheng on a horse, with obvious indifference in his clear eyes.

"Master Cai, I will take you to a place."

A place that will make you see it forever and regret it forever.

 Simply made a mistake, PK will only start tomorrow, and more will be added then. ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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