Chapter 81

The old man pushed Xia Ji vigorously, but Xia Ji was a martial arts practitioner, so how could he be pushed even the slightest by Lao Yang's meager strength.

Xia Ji stretched out his hand to support Lao Yang's head, and let him sit down beside him, "Don't worry, Ah Weng, we came here for this matter."

"What? What's the matter?" Old Yang didn't know that Xia Ji was invited by the old couple.

After the two old men came back to their senses, they hurried forward to explain to him, "Old Yang, we didn't tell you that they weren't actually kind people who dropped us off, they were officials, high officials from the capital!"

"And your grandson's wife is a princess, the daughter of His Majesty today!"

This time, Xia Hanyu's identity as the grandson's wife was completely "true".

This really frightened the crowd around, some fell to their knees immediately in fright, some couldn't help but raise their heads curiously to look at this high and lofty princess carefully, never thinking that Her Royal Highness would also fall into the trap. They are ordinary people's homes.

Even though Xia Ji is an official now, he is the one who went out from here after all.

Xia Hanyu immediately said: "Xia and I... Youyuan came late because of a pothole, now it's not appropriate to reveal your identity, and you don't need to be so polite, get up quickly."

Xia Hanyu felt that the name You Yuan was a mouthful, and it was not as nice as Xia Ji's.

Only then did everyone stand up, and then they heard Xia Hanyu say again.

"Next, if someone comes to ask you about our identities, you will say that we are only here for the second elder."

"Princess, don't worry, we know how to say it. After such a long time, we already know how to deal with those wolves."

The old man who spoke could hardly hide the hatred in his eyes.

"If it weren't for their gang of thieves, how could the white old man die with his eyes open and wait for his son and grandson to come back, and the rest of us are the same. I don't know if we can wait until they buy it back."

Thinking of his child who is still suffering, someone knelt down again.

"His Royal Highness, please, please save us, we really can't live any longer!"

Xia Hanyu quickly reached out to help him up, "Don't worry, I will definitely not spare those thieves."

Old Yang looked at Xia Hanyu with satisfaction, and said with emotion: "Xiao Yuan, you are so amazing that you even married the princess back home."

Xia Ji hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but say, "Ah Weng, you made a mistake..."

"Ah Weng, there is actually something I want to tell you. Xiaoyuan's current name is Xia Ji, which was chosen by my father himself."

Xia Hanyu "timely" interrupted what Xia Ji hadn't had time to say, and walked up to Old Yang with a smile.

Old Yang looked puzzled: "Xia...Xia Ji?" He couldn't help looking at Xia Ji,

"Xiao Yuan, is what she said true?"

"Yeah." Xia Ji nodded, "Your Majesty treats me very well."

If it wasn't for the eldest princess and His Majesty, why would he have the same status now? He would have been trampled into the dust by those nobles in the capital, instead of what he is now. They are all more afraid of him.

Old Yang listened for a long time without speaking, and suddenly seemed to think of something, his face was full of pride, and he grabbed Xia Ji's hand excitedly.

"Okay! Okay! His Majesty personally named you, gave you the surname of the country, and even betrothed the princess to you. You have to do good things for His Majesty in the future. Don't forget His Majesty's great kindness, otherwise Ah Weng will be the first!" I can't get around you."

Xia Ji was not used to being taught and reprimanded so rarely.

But Xia Hanyu was still the one he was most concerned about right now, she interrupted him and called Ah Weng.

Xia Ji really didn't dare to think about other things, but couldn't help being moved.

Until they left Cangshan Village, they were always a little absent-minded along the way.

Xia Hanyu didn't explain, and just let him hold it back. She wanted to see when and where he could hold it back.

The group quickly returned to the inn, and the shopkeeper hurriedly greeted them.

"My lord, just now those people came to the inn to inquire about your identities, so I told them the identities you said at the beginning."

"They wanted to go upstairs to check, but they were beaten out by your guards."

After all, ordinary people are qualified to approach the residences of the eldest princess and the crown prince?

"You did a good job." Xia Hanyu looked at him approvingly, "If they ask again later, you just say the same, and just pretend to be stupid for other questions, and it's enough if you don't know anything."

"Yes." The shopkeeper nodded, then turned and returned to his seat.

There were still not many people in the inn, so he didn't have much to do.


When Xia Hanyu and the others came back, they left two of them in Cangshan Village to protect them secretly. It was inevitable that those people would realize something, jump over the wall in a hurry, and kill people to silence them. Now it seems that this should be the case.

Fu Ling stepped forward at this time.

"Girl, you go up to rest first, and the servant girl and Bai Zhi go to the inn kitchen to make some food for you and your wages."

The food that is too long for the princess and the prince must be very careful.

"Okay." Xia Hanyu nodded, and led Xia Chengyun upstairs first.

Fu Ling went to look for the shopkeeper, "Shopkeeper, it's our girl's first time to go out, and she's used to our cooking. May I borrow the kitchen of your shop?"

"Of course, all the items in the kitchen and the vegetable girl can be used."

Although the shopkeeper doesn't quite understand it, he just thinks that the ladies and gentlemen really can't get used to their rough food.

"Thank you."

Fu Ling nodded and entered the kitchen under the shopkeeper's instructions.

It wasn't because Xia Hanyu couldn't get used to it, it was just that they all pretended to be young ladies from a rich family. It was right to be hypocritical, but it was a deception.

Back upstairs, Xia Hanyu and Xia Chengyun entered the house, Xia Ji followed and closed the door.

His dark eyes were always staring at her for a moment, and he became more and more aggrieved.

Xia Hanyu just ignored it, but she was a little soft-hearted.

She led Xia Chengyun to the side and sat down.

"Chengyun, you've seen a lot during this journey, what conclusion can you draw?"

Xia Chengyun hesitated for a moment, and only said three words.

"The people are suffering."

Xia Hanyu asked him again: "Since you know that the people are suffering, as the prince, what are you going to do?"

"Sister, don't worry. After I return to the palace, I will definitely learn from my uncle, learn how to govern the country from my father, and learn everything from my sister..."

Xia Chengyun admires his elder sister more and more now, and only thinks that elder sister knows everything.

Although I didn’t stop here for a reason, I also took a break in some places, and I can always hear about my sister’s good reputation. Although it is still accompanied by the bad reputation in the past, most people are grateful for what my sister has done. Snow salt, reduce the price of salt, so that all people can afford salt.

It's a pity that the potatoes and the sweet potatoes in the field have not been reported, otherwise the sister's infamy will disappear without a trace.

And he wants to be like Sister, he hopes that he can be a good prince praised by all people, and a good emperor in the future.

He didn't want to be called a tyrant by the people like his father.

Although Xia Chengyun never thought that his father was a tyrant.

"What else?" Xia Hanyu felt that he shouldn't have come to such a conclusion.

Xia Chengyun pursed his lips, and then said again: "Seeing is believing, hearing is believing, everything has to be verified by oneself before conclusions can be drawn, so Chengyun's ears are too far away in the past. Worrying is the carrier's fault."

As he spoke, he stood up and bowed slightly to Xia Hanyu.

Whether it's his elder sister or Mrs. Xia, he has listened to people's words and misunderstood him before, and his ears are soft here; but after getting along now, although Xia Jinas is still very annoying, he is definitely not as tyrannical as outsiders say , The generation who is a minion for a tiger.

(End of this chapter)

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