Chapter 82

Xia Chengyun finally understood, this was what Ajie had always wanted him to understand, and now he understood why she was willing to take him out of the palace.

One is to let him understand the sufferings of the people, the other is to let him reflect on his past mistakes, and see the deeply buried wolves, tigers and leopards around him; and the third is to let him understand his identity and responsibility.

He used to make sister sad.

"Sister, I'm sorry, I will only listen to Sister's words in the future."

Xia Chengyun walked over, carefully grabbed Xia Hanyu's hand, and acted coquettishly.

She was afraid that sister would ignore her again in the future.

"For the sake of our Chengyun becoming more and more obedient, sister will forgive you." Xia Hanyu touched his head and said with a smile, "I really hope that Chengyun can grow up earlier." There is no need to tell her everything Do it yourself.

Xia Chengyun immediately became unconvinced, "Sister, Chengyun has grown up, in the future, if there is anything, I can tell Chengyun, and Chengyun can help my sister do it."

He often goes to Huangzhuang to help now, so he naturally knows the hard work of the common people growing food, facing the loess and back to the sky.

"it is good."

Xia Hanyu was a little relieved, her younger brother might never be as bad as she thought, he just needed someone to lead him to the right path, but he was a bit childish, but he was always surrounded by those wolves, tigers and leopards who dragged him down step by step. Into the eternal abyss.

And she also found that Chengyun was very dependent on her, so she naturally didn't mind getting closer to him.

Because he is the closest person to her besides her father and Ah Ji.

The siblings talked, and Xia Ji kept watching. The more he watched, the more wronged he became. He was still expressionless, but Xia Hanyu knew that he was really wronged.

Thinking of this, she felt in a very good mood.

Not long after, Fu Ling and the others prepared lunch.

"Does the girl want to eat downstairs, or does the servant bring the food?"

"If you want to keep it mysterious, let's eat upstairs." Xia Hanyu said after thinking about it.

"Yes." Fu Ling blessed her body, turned around and went downstairs, and soon brought lunch with Bai Zhi.

It's sweet, it's for three people.

"Then girl, eat slowly, I'll come up later to collect the dishes." Although Fu Ling wanted to go in and serve her, she always felt that she was not worthy to stay inside at this time.

Sighing in his heart, he seemed to have taken another step back from his position beside His Highness.

When eating downstairs, Fu Ling couldn't help but sigh.

She cooked the eldest princess' meals, and let Bai Zhi watch the cook in the inn cook the rest of the meals.

Bai Zhi knows medicine, and ordinary people can't prescribe medicine under her nose.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing her depressed appearance, Bai Zhi couldn't help asking her.

Fu Ling sighed again, "Bai Zhi, do you think the person closest to me will not be me in the future?"

"It turns out that you are feeling this."

Bai Zhi smiled helplessly, "Of course, the girl is already old now, I think soon the master will mention her to choose a relative, and her closest person will naturally be the future son-in-law."

"It's true." Fu Ling suddenly became more powerless, "I don't know if my uncle will compete with me for work."

Thinking of the scene in Cangshan Village today, Bai Zhi chuckled, "It's really possible."

If the princess's future son-in-law is Lord Xia in front of her, with Lord Xia's temperament, the princess's personal affairs probably won't be done by others.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Master Xia... Princess Xinyue.

And His Highness seems to have changed towards Master Xia recently, and today he didn't even deny the "husband and wife" relationship between them.

Maybe she had an idea long ago, that's why.

I just don't know if His Majesty will agree with the matter between Lord Xia and His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess, even though Lord Xia is now His Majesty's favorite minister, after her understanding in the palace some time ago.

Her Highness the Eldest Princess is the most cherished treasure in His Majesty's heart. Would he really be willing to marry His Highness to Lord Xia?
Bai Zhi didn't dare to think too much.

Fu Ling didn't know that the sister opposite her had thought about countless pictures, but she hummed unwillingly, "I don't care, if my uncle won't let me, I'll grab it."

No one can stop her from getting close to His Highness.

At this time, Fu Ling didn't think about herself at all, but she had already vacated her position several times.

After eating lunch, Fu Ling took Xia Chengyun to the next room for a lunch break.

Because Xia Hanyu didn't trust the people in the prince's palace, Fuling had been taking care of him these days.

After the two left, Xia Ji was the only one left in the house.

Xia Hanyu got up, closed the door casually, returned to the bed and sat down.

"You have been staring at Bengong all morning, do you really have nothing to say to Bengong?"

She parted her cherry lips lightly, and even winked at him mischievously, her voice was soft and a little lazy.

For some reason, a surge of courage that he had never felt before suddenly surged in his heart.

Xia Ji couldn't help but took a step forward, his face was heavy, but there seemed to be a strong cluster of flames burning in his eyes, he pursed his lips before opening his mouth slowly.

"Your Highness, why didn't you deny that you and I are... husband and wife in front of me today? Why didn't you let me tell Ah Weng the truth?"

He wants to know her thoughts, wants to know the exact answer, instead of worrying about gains and losses like he is now!

He knows that his status is not worthy of her who is superior, but every time he looks at her, his heart can't help but become more greedy. He wants to get closer, even closer, but it's still not enough!
"I thought I was obvious enough." Xia Hanyu got up and walked in front of him, raised her eyes, and looked at him for a moment, "Xia Ji, are you... happy with me?"

It's me, not Bengong.

In fact, she always wondered why he was always different in front of herself and others. In the past, she always said that he was the most loyal dog in front of her. No matter what hurtful words she said, he didn't care. That silently guarded her.

If it's just because she is from the royal family, but he treats Chengyun and everyone else in the royal family equally, except that she is different from her father.

Later she knew his identity and knew that he was the little eunuch she had saved when she was a child, so she thought that was why he was so loyal to her.

Until that time when he suddenly fainted, he anxiously hugged her on the horse, held her tightly with one hand, and grabbed the rein with the other, her fearful breathing and rapid heartbeat could be heard by her ears.

It made her suddenly seem to think of something, but it's a pity that she didn't think about it before muddling through.

Until that day in Fusi, Beizhen, the flying fish suit under the sun seemed to fly into her heart at once.

Although Xia Hanyu didn't dare to say that she liked him, she knew that she really liked his face at that moment.

Now that she knows that she has a crush on him, of course she wants to make him hers!

 Don't look at our Ayu being so straightforward now, it's because she still doesn't understand love, at most she just has a little ignorance; Falling in love with the heart that has only moved for her in the two lives!

  With Ayu's temperament, if he likes it, he will naturally take it all, and hold it in his hand, it's his own!

  She didn't know that this was called... Possessiveness!

(End of this chapter)

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